How Appealing

Sunday, April 8, 2007

“Locking Up the Crucial Evidence and Crippling the Defense”: Monday’s edition of The New York Times will contain the brand new installment (TimesSelect temporary pass-through link) of Adam Liptak‘s “Sidebar” column. It begins, “David L. Knellinger will go to trial this month in Virginia because the government says his computer’s hard drive contains pornographic pictures of children.”

I previously reported on that case in a post that you can access here.

Posted at 11:17 PM by Howard Bashman

“Naked Protest Leads To Full Frontal Fee Fight; Protest Case to Set Guidelines For Fee Recovery in Lawsuits”: The April 9, 2007 installment of Tony Mauro’s “Court Watch” column from can be accessed here.

Posted at 4:15 PM by Howard Bashman

“A reheated ERA shouldn’t be in the Constitution; If supporters want to revive the debate, they shouldn’t try to do an end-run around our constitutional traditions”: Law Professor Jonathan Turley has this op-ed today in The Los Angeles Times. In addition, the newspaper contains an op-ed by Phyllis Schlafly entitled “‘Equal rights’ for women: wrong then, wrong now; Just like last time, when Americans see the cynicism of a revived Equal Rights Amendment, they’ll reject it.”

And today in The Chicago Tribune, columnist Steve Chapman has an op-ed entitled “Is the ERA making a comeback?

Posted at 4:11 PM by Howard Bashman

“Resistance to death penalty growing; Questions about justice, expense undermining political support for capital punishment”: The Chicago Tribune contains this article today.

Posted at 3:57 PM by Howard Bashman

“Fight Against Ban Grew Out of Fear, Frustration”: This profile of Shelly Parker, one of six D.C. residents who sued under the Second Amendment to invalidate the District of Columbia’s gun ban, appears today in The Washington Post.

Posted at 3:30 PM by Howard Bashman

“Scandal puts spotlight on Christian law school; Grads influential in Justice Dept.” Charlie Savage has this article today in The Boston Globe.

Posted at 3:20 PM by Howard Bashman

“Hunger Strike Breaks Out at Guantanamo”: The New York Times provides a news update that begins, “A new, long-term hunger strike has broken out at the American detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, with more than a dozen detainees subjecting themselves to daily force-feeding to protest their treatment, military officials and lawyers for the detainees said.”

Posted at 3:12 PM by Howard Bashman

“Gonzales Crams for a Senate Grilling”: Michael Isikoff will have this Periscope item in the April 16, 2007 issue of Newsweek.

Today’s broadcast of NPR’s “Weekend Edition Sunday” contained an audio segment entitled “Senate to Seek More Info on Attorney Firings” (RealPlayer required).

The New York Times reports today that “Attorney Inquiry Touches a Pillar of New Mexico.”

And in the April 16, 2007 issue of U.S. News & World Report, Harold Evans will have an essay entitled “How Gonzales Failed Us.”

Posted at 3:10 PM by Howard Bashman

“Justice on the Cheap”: The New York Times today contains an editorial that begins, “The pittance that Americans pay their judges has become such a scandal that Chief Justice John Roberts has called it a constitutional crisis.”

Posted at 10:40 AM by Howard Bashman