How Appealing

Monday, April 30, 2012

“Originalist Sin: A brilliant article shows that the Founding Fathers not only supported mandates, they passed laws imposing them; Take that, Scalia!” Eliot Spitzer has this essay online at Slate.

Posted at 12:14 PM by Howard Bashman

“Appeals court nominee from Oklahoma still awaiting U.S. Sen. Tom Coburn’s consent for hearing”: This article appears today in The Oklahoman.

Posted at 12:08 PM by Howard Bashman

“Carter Phillips to Lead Sidley Austin”: At “The BLT: The Blog of Legal Times,” Tony Mauro has a post that begins, “Veteran Supreme Court advocate Carter Phillips will become chair of Sidley Austin’s worldwide executive committee in 2013, the firm announced Sunday.”

Posted at 10:27 AM by Howard Bashman