How Appealing

Saturday, May 13, 2017

“Indiana Supreme Court to be all white for first time since 1999”: Madeline Buckley of The Indianapolis Star has an article that begins, “The Indiana Supreme Court is poised to have an all-white court for the first time since 1999, raising concern in Indiana’s minority community and questions about whether the state’s legal system does enough to foster a pipeline of diverse lawyers and judges.”

Posted at 11:05 PM by Howard Bashman

“Do evangelicals lack ‘intellectual heft’ for the Supreme Court?” Richard Mouw has this essay online at Religion News Service.

Posted at 10:55 PM by Howard Bashman

15 years of “How Appealing” — reader mail: Today’s email is from attorney and longtime reader Alan R. Kabat:

Amazing — you’ve persevered in providing a balanced feed of interesting items, and am sure I’m not the only one who appreciates your even-handed blogging.

The one thing from your blog that obviously most sticks in my mind is the Second Circuit’s Higazy v. Templeton decision — had not realized that was 10 years ago (time flies). If the CA2 had left everything alone and pretended that nothing happened, the decision would probably have only created a few waves in limited circles for its disclosures, but the attempt to recall the decision ended up generating far more public interest and media coverage of what was redacted.

Thanks, Alan, for that kind email and for bringing various items to my attention over the years for possible mention on the blog. Also, thanks for remembering the Higazy matter (see here and here for the details), which certainly did garner some attention at the time. I will post another reader email tomorrow.

Posted at 2:03 PM by Howard Bashman