How Appealing

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

“After Hobby Lobby Comes Judge Pryor: An Eleventh Circuit judge, citing Hobby Lobby, rules in favor of a Catholic TV network.” Quin Hillyer has this essay today at National Review Online.

Posted at 9:12 PM by Howard Bashman

“Groups want emails from reprimanded Montana judge”: The Associated Press has a report that begins, “A group of American Indians wants a court to preserve and eventually release an investigative file containing inappropriate emails sent by a federal judge, including a racist message involving President Barack Obama.”

Posted at 3:14 PM by Howard Bashman

“U.S.: Don’t expand Hobby Lobby exemption.” Lyle Denniston has this post today at “SCOTUSblog.”

Mark Sherman of The Associated Press has a report headlined “Gov’t: Ruling backs nonprofits’ birth control plan.”

And Jess Bravin of The Wall Street Journal has a news update headlined “Administration Points to Hobby Lobby Ruling in Wheaton College Case; Government Uses Supreme Court’s Ruling to Back Its Birth-Control Alternative for Religious Nonprofits.”

Posted at 2:05 PM by Howard Bashman

“Obama’s Disappointing Year at the Supreme Court: From recess appointments to warrantless cellphone searches to Obamacare, the White House lost big this term at SCOTUS.” Damon Root has this essay online at Reason.

Posted at 2:03 PM by Howard Bashman

“Hobby Lobby Discounts Outweigh Dismay Over Court Ruling”: Bloomberg News has an article that begins, “While Hobby Lobby Stores Inc.’s customers may disagree with the retailer’s stance on contraception, they aren’t changing their shopping habits or seeking their craft supplies elsewhere.”

Bloomberg News also reports that “Hobby Lobby Ruling Complicates Obamacare Birth Control.”

Posted at 11:35 AM by Howard Bashman

“For these Supreme Court justices, unanimous doesn’t mean unity”: Robert Barnes has this front page article in today’s edition of The Washington Post.

In today’s edition of The Wall Street Journal, Jess Bravin has a front page article headlined “Chief Justice Roberts’s Maneuvering Draws in Court’s Liberal Bloc; Supreme Court’s Leader Joined Liberal Colleagues to Achieve Some Major Decisions This Term.”

Richard Wolf of USA Today reports that “Supreme Court ruled modestly in major cases.”

And Greg Stohr of Bloomberg News reports that “Record Unanimity on Votes Masks U.S. High Court Divisions.”

Posted at 11:04 AM by Howard Bashman