How Appealing

Friday, July 13, 2012

“Veteran convicted under Stolen Valor Act doesn’t want his record cleared”: The Fort Worth Star-Telegram has this report.

Posted at 9:30 PM by Howard Bashman

“‘Stolen Valor’ Decision Not Sitting Well With Bybee”: This post appears today at the “Legal Pad” blog of The Recorder.

Posted at 7:20 PM by Howard Bashman

“Chief Justice Roberts and Legitimacy Versus Popularity”: Orin Kerr has this post at “The Volokh Conspiracy.”

Posted at 3:32 PM by Howard Bashman

“Questions Of Qualifications, Ethics in Texas Court Race”: The Texas Tribune today has an article that begins, “A race for the Texas Supreme Court has an eight-year incumbent with the backing of the Republican establishment battling an anti-abortion activist and frequent political candidate known for his fight to keep the Ten Commandments displayed in his Houston courtroom.”

Posted at 1:07 PM by Howard Bashman

“Appellate Practice Tips from the Ninth Circuit”: Rebecca A. Copeland has this post today at her “Record on Appeal” blog.

Posted at 1:06 PM by Howard Bashman