How Appealing

Monday, July 13, 2015

“Colorado renewable energy standard constitutional, judge rules; Washington institute claimed in lawsuit state’s mandate limits out-of-state coal plants”: The Denver Post has this report.

And The Associated Press reports that “Appeals court upholds Colorado’s renewable energy mandate in interstate commerce challenge.”

Circuit Judge Neil M. Gorsuch‘s opinion today on behalf of a unanimous three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit begins, “Can Colorado’s renewable energy mandate survive an encounter with the most dormant doctrine in dormant commerce clause jurisprudence?”

Posted at 10:06 PM by Howard Bashman

“For Court’s Conservatives, Worst Term Ever”: Kenneth Jost had this post yesterday at his blog, “Jost On Justice.”

Posted at 1:14 PM by Howard Bashman

“Justice Ginsburg’s Spin on a Supreme Opera, ‘Scalia/Ginsburg'”: Jess Bravin has this post today at’s “Washington Wire” blog.

Mark Swed of The Los Angeles Times has a review headlined “‘Scalia/Ginsburg’ opera underscores how opposites can be in harmony.”

On last Friday’s broadcast of NPR’s “All Things Considered,” Nina Totenberg had an audio segment titled “Judicial Differences Take Center Stage In ‘Scalia v. Ginsburg.’

And msnbc has posted online a video segment titled “Comedic opera based on SCOTUS debuts.”

Posted at 1:11 PM by Howard Bashman

“Battles over religious freedom are sure to follow same-sex marriage ruling”: David G. Savage has this article in today’s edition of The Los Angeles Times.

Posted at 1:05 PM by Howard Bashman