How Appealing

Thursday, July 14, 2005

BREAKING NEWS — “Rehnquist Says He’ll Stay on Supreme Court”: The Associated Press provides a report that begins, “Squelching rumors of his retirement, Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist said Thursday he will continue heading the court as long his health permits. ‘I’m not about to announce my retirement,’ he said in a statement obtained by The Associated Press.” The text of the Chief Justice’s statement can be viewed at this link.

And Friday’s issue of The New York Times will contain an article headlined “Rehnquist Denies Rumor of Retirement.”

Posted at 9:49 PM by Howard Bashman

“Rehnquist Released From Hospital; Return home may bring an end to the latest round of speculation and anxiety about his possible retirement”:’s Tony Mauro provides this report.

Posted at 5:00 PM by Howard Bashman

U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit issues its ruling in In re: WTC Disaster Site. The Second Circuit’s opinion begins:

The present appeals raise questions as to federal-court jurisdiction over claims relating to respiratory injuries suffered by rescue and clean-up workers as a result of exposure to toxins and other contaminants in the aftermath of terrorists’ hijacking of two airplanes and using them to cause the destruction of the New York City World Trade Center’s twin 110-story towers on September 11, 2001.

You can access the complete ruling at this link.

Posted at 4:55 PM by Howard Bashman

“Bright Spotlight Comes with Court Opening”: Today in The Recorder of San Francisco, California, Mike McKee has an article that begins, “Steven Perren had a curious response when Gov. Gray Davis’ people called him out of the blue four years ago and told him he was on a short list for a seat on the California Supreme Court.”

Posted at 3:30 PM by Howard Bashman

“Over 100 Legal Scholars Join Senator Charles E. Schumer in Urging Senate to Question Nominees on Judicial Philosophy” The Center for American Progress issued this press release today. The proposed questions can be accessed here (PDF).

Posted at 3:20 PM by Howard Bashman

“It is too bad that the Ninth Circuit’s prior precedents on searches for child pornography impose a more rigorous test for probable cause than that called for by common sense and common experience”: Such was the lament that Circuit Judge Ronald M. Gould expressed when concurring in the Ninth Circuit‘s decision in United States v. Gourde. Judge Gould does not appear to be alone in that view, as today the Ninth Circuit entered an order granting rehearing en banc in the case.

On the day the three-judge panel issued its ruling last September, I had this post about the case.

Posted at 2:44 PM by Howard Bashman

“Photos Develop Into Court Case; Theft and forgery trial involving sexy shots of Cameron Diaz starts amid L.A. crackdown on paparazzi tactics”: This article appears today in The Los Angeles Times.

Posted at 12:25 PM by Howard Bashman

“White House Weighs Recusal Issue In Considering Gonzales for Court”: John D. McKinnon and Jess Bravin have this article (free access provided) today in The Wall Street Journal.

Posted at 11:00 AM by Howard Bashman

“The Fever: Bush’s Supreme Court pick will speak volumes about the state of American conservatism–such as it is.” This editorial will appear in the July 25, 2005 issue of The New Republic.

Posted at 10:10 AM by Howard Bashman

“Keep court centered, GOP moderates urge”: Jan Crawford Greenburg has this article today in The Chicago Tribune.

The Washington Post today contains articles headlined “Views Mixed On Nominee To High Court Being Female; Many Activists Express Sentiment That Philosophy Is Most Pertinent Issue” and “Conservative Caucus’s Choice for Top Court Is Cast in Stone.”

The Denver Post contains an editorial entitled “Go West, Supreme Court?

The St. Petersburg Times contains an editorial entitled “Bush’s bipartisan gesture.”

In The New York Times, columnist David Brooks has an op-ed entitled “Mr. Bush, Pick a Genius.”

And FindLaw commentator Marci Hamilton has an essay entitled “The Remarkable Legacy of Justice Sandra Day O’Connor.”

Posted at 7:50 AM by Howard Bashman

“Chief Justice, Fighting Cancer, Hospitalized With a Fever”: David G. Savage has this article today in The Los Angeles Times.

In The Baltimore Sun, Gail Gibson reports that “Rehnquist hospitalized, fueling talk of retirement; Chief justice had fever, remained yesterday for observation and tests.”

In The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Michael McGough reports that “Chief justice is hospitalized; Ailing Rehnquist developed a fever.”

The Washington Times reports that “Rehnquist hospitalized with fever.”

Newsday reports that “Rehnquist hospitalized with fever.”

And The Arizona Republic reports that “Rehnquist’s hospital stay fuels debate.”

Posted at 7:45 AM by Howard Bashman

“The Hands-Off Rehnquist Court: The Supremes have left key corporate matters, such as antitrust law, largely unaddressed, adding up to a mixed legacy.” This news analysis appears online today at BusinessWeek.

Posted at 7:40 AM by Howard Bashman

“Clinton: Court Was ‘Wrong’ on Eminent Domain.” Today in The New York Sun, Josh Gerstein has an article that begins, “President Clinton yesterday added his voice to a growing chorus of Americans of various political persuasions who disagree with a recent Supreme Court ruling that upheld the government’s use of eminent domain powers to take private property from one owner and give it to another.”

Posted at 7:30 AM by Howard Bashman