How Appealing

Sunday, August 7, 2005

“Was innocent man executed? Prosecutor calls for unprecedented investigation in death penalty case.” Cragg Hines has this op-ed today in The Houston Chronicle.

Posted at 11:33 PM by Howard Bashman

“John Roberts Talks to Georgetown Univ. Law Students”: Yesterday’s broadcast of C-SPAN‘s “America & the Courts” consisted of a program described as follows:

Supreme Court nominee Judge John Roberts speaks at the Georgetown University Law Center in 1997. He talks to students about how the Supreme Court works and how cases are decided. Roberts was an attorney with the Washington-based Hogan and Hartson law firm at the time of this event and is currently Pres. Bush’s nominee for the Supreme Court.

You can view the broadcast online, on-demand by clicking here (RealPlayer required).

Posted at 11:28 PM by Howard Bashman

“Roberts’s View About Privacy Is Still Unclear”: Adam Liptak will have this article Monday in The New York Times.

In Monday’s edition of The Wall Street Journal, Jess Bravin will have an article headlined “Judge Roberts’s Rules of Law and Order; While Deputy Solicitor General, the Nominee Saw State Criminal Prosecutions as Priority” (free access). The newspaper has also posted online a commentary from John G. Roberts, Jr. published on May 5, 1993 under the heading “Rule of Law: The New Solicitor General And the Power of the Amicus.”

Monday’s edition of The Washington Post will report that “Conservatives Remain Steady in Support of Roberts; Work on Gay Rights Case Fails To Change Stance on Nomination.”

The Washington Times reports today that “Both sides withholding fire on Roberts.”

And The San Antonio Express-News reports today that “Roberts eyed by Hispanic group.”

In commentary, The New York Times today contains an editorial entitled “Judge Roberts’s Paper Trail.”

The Washington Post today contains an essay by Law Professor David Franklin entitled “Where John Roberts Really Stands.” And Robert F. Bauer has an essay entitled “A Court Too Supreme For Our Good.”

In The Denver Post, columnist Diane Carman has an op-ed entitled “Evangelicals see Roberts’ halo go awry.”

And in The Day of New London, Connecticut, Steven Hill has an op-ed entitled “Why Appoint Judges For Life?

Posted at 10:55 PM by Howard Bashman

“Seeking the ‘Real’ Roberts: Why past trials make the high-court nominee hard to predict.” This article will appear in the August 15, 2005 issue of Newsweek.

Posted at 10:10 AM by Howard Bashman

“Judge warns about stirring fanatics; Identifying threats to bench should be high priority, he says”: The Chicago Tribune today contains an article that begins, “A veteran federal judge in Chicago warned Friday that political attacks on the nation’s judiciary are fueling fanatics with personal grudges against judges.”

Posted at 9:12 AM by Howard Bashman