How Appealing

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

“Appeals Court Warms to EPA’s Revised ‘Hot Spot’ Rule”: Lawrence Hurley of Greenwire has this report (via The New York Times).

Posted at 10:20 PM by Howard Bashman

“Protect Our Right to Anonymity”: In today’s edition of The New York Times, law professor Jeffrey Rosen has an op-ed that begins, “In November, the Supreme Court will hear arguments in a case that could redefine the scope of privacy in an age of increasingly ubiquitous surveillance technologies like GPS devices and face-recognition software.”

Posted at 8:10 PM by Howard Bashman

“Supreme Court is asked about jails’ blanket strip-search policies”: Robert Barnes has this article today in The Washington Post.

Posted at 4:30 PM by Howard Bashman

“Obama increases number of female, minority judges”: Jesse J. Holland of The Associated Press has a report that begins, “President Barack Obama is moving at a historic pace to try to diversify the nation’s federal judiciary: Nearly three of every four people he has gotten confirmed to the federal bench are women or minorities. He is the first president who hasn’t selected a majority of white males for lifetime judgeships.”

Posted at 4:08 PM by Howard Bashman