How Appealing

Sunday, September 25, 2005

“Court test is near for ‘intelligent design'”: The Philadelphia Inquirer today contains an article that begins, “America’s culture war moves tomorrow to a federal courtroom in Harrisburg, where religion, science and law will collide in a closely watched trial over the teaching of evolution in public schools.”

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports today that “‘Intelligent design’ supporters to state their case in court.”

The York (Pa.) Daily Record today contains articles headlined “Dover’s battle: What’s at stake during trial? Opening arguments to begin Monday in Kitzmiller vs. Dover“; “Plaintiffs say they’re ready for trial, its end; Some have gotten only positive feedback since filing the lawsuit“; and “Reporters face First Amendment dilemma; Freelance writers must decide if they’ll answer questions.” The newspaper also contains an editorial entitled “Dover on trial: The intelligent design trial puts county in a bad light,” while columnist Mike Argento has an op-ed entitled “All the monkey business starts tomorrow.”

And Newhouse News Service reports that “In Pennsylvania, challenge to evolution in public schools gets day in court.”

Posted at 6:00 PM by Howard Bashman

With a little more than seven hours until the auction ends, the high bid on a Justice Antonin Scalia bobblehead doll being auctioned at eBay is $257.00: You can view the listing here and keep track of the bidding here.

My quest for a secure and reliable way in which to redeem remotely my Justice Scalia bobblehead doll certificate has ended favorably, as a member of the mainstream media who covers the U.S. Supreme Court has kindly offered to redeem my certificate at the same time that the correspondent redeems his/her own certificate.

Meanwhile, another reader emails:

I just used D.C. Courier to have my Scalia bobblehead doll picked up and shipped via FedEx to Los Angeles. Their fee was under $30.00 and it cost another $15 to have it shipped to me (I got it the next day). Their service was 1st-rate and I highly recommend them to your readers. I just mailed them the certificate and they did everything else.

Some may recall that I was willing to pay up to $50 to have my Justice Scalia bobblehead doll retrieved and shipped to me before someone whom I have befriended through this blog offered to take care of it free of charge.

Posted at 4:35 PM by Howard Bashman

Meth mother’s-milk murder conviction misbegotten, appellate court says: The Los Angeles Times on Thursday reported that “Meth Murder Verdict Voided; On appeal, the Riverside County conviction of a mother is blamed on judge’s error.”

The Press-Enterprise of Riverside, California reported that “Appellate court reverses murder conviction; Judges say a mom whose breast milk killed her baby didn’t deserve the charge.”

And The North County Times reported that “Appellate court overturns baby-death conviction.”

You can access this past Wednesday’s ruling of the California Court of Appeal for the Fourth District, Division Two, at this link.

Posted at 12:20 PM by Howard Bashman

“Democrats and John Roberts”: This editorial appears today in The Chicago Tribune.

The Washington Times contains an editorial entitled “Thoughts on associate justices.”

The St. Petersburg Times today contains an editorial entitled “Judge Roberts, meet Jose Padilla.”

Newsday contains an editorial entitled “What are the Democrats afraid of?

The South Florida Sun-Sentinel contains this editorial supporting the confirmation of John G. Roberts, Jr. for Chief Justice of the United States.

The Sentinel of Carlisle, Pennsylvania contains an editorial entitled “Calm confirmation appreciated.”

In The Chicago Sun-Times, Robert Novak has an op-ed entitled “Leahy’s vote for Roberts part of Democrats’ strategy.” Mark Steyn has an op-ed entitled “Politicians not giving us much of a choice.” And Carol Marin has an op-ed entitled “Obama dissent gets thumbs up.”

In The Ventura County Star, Stanislaus Pulle has an op-ed entitled “Agendas erode Constitution.” And Susan Goodkin has an op-ed entitled “Court contender takes judicial-activism prize.”

In The San Francisco Chronicle, Steven Hill has an op-ed entitled “The case for limits on terms of justices; Forced retirement is one possibility.”

And in The Press-Enterprise of Riverside, California, Dan Bernstein has an op-ed entitled “Try this at home” that begins, “There’s no doubt that John Roberts will be the next chief justice, because nobody knows what he’ll do when he gets to the Supreme Court.”

Posted at 11:55 AM by Howard Bashman

“Party of choice? How pro-choice groups are hurting the Democrats — and their own cause.” The Ideas section of today’s edition of The Boston Globe contains this article.

Posted at 11:45 AM by Howard Bashman