“Battle Over Benches Spills Across Pews; Evangelical leaders use a simulcast to churches around the country to support conservative judges; Other groups fear a ‘religious war'”: This article appears today in The Los Angeles Times.
The Chicago Tribune reports that “Christians square off over battle for judiciary.”
The Boston Globe reports that “Partisan showdown looms on filibusters; Frist calls GOP justified in changing Senate rules.”
The Washington Times contains articles headlined “Frist takes filibuster fight to Christians” and “GOP has votes for ‘nuclear option,’ McConnell says.”
Newsday contains a lengthy article headlined “fil-i-bus-ter n: The use of extremem dilatory tactics in an attempt to delay or prevent action, especially in a legislative assembly.”
The St. Petersburg Times reports that “Senate’s change isn’t just one rule; If Republicans make it easier to end filibusters over judicial nominees, they may affect all of politics.”
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports that “Frist hangs tough on judges.”
In The New York Sun, Luiza Ch. Savage has an article headlined “Frist to Conservatives: Respect Independence of Judiciary.”
The Louisville Courier-Journal contains articles headlined “Judicial filibusters under fire; Speakers urge action on confirmation of U.S. judges“; “Pickering says judicial confirmation process ‘badly needs to be fixed’“; “Few will comment following the event; Some say they were asked not to speak“; and “Foes attack event as intolerant; Rallies’ speakers see threats to freedom.”
The Lexington Herald-Leader reports that “Religion, politics intersect in ‘Justice Sunday’; Louisville church hosts rally against filibuster.”
The Stamford Advocate reports that “Red Mass breakfast visited by filibuster controversy.”
The San Antonio Express-News reports that “Christians step into filibuster fray.”
The Rocky Mountain News reports that “Pulpit, politics mix; Conservatives rally to back elimination of Senate filibusters.”
The Philadelphia Inquirer reports that “‘Justice Sunday’ raises pressure on the GOP.”
And CNN.com reports that “Frist speaks to Christian anti-filibuster rally; Other religious leaders call rally a false union of faith, politics.”
In commentary, The Portland (Me.) Press Herald contains an editorial entitled “GOP has the right to do business with 51 votes” and an op-ed by Scott Sehon entitled “Filibuster tactic smacks of hypocrisy.”
The Intelligencer of Wheeling, West Virginia contains an editorial entitled “Call Liberals’ Bluff On Use of Filibuster.”
In The Boston Globe, Cathy Young has an op-ed entitled “An ugly new chapter in the religious wars.”
And in The Daily Herald of Provo, Utah, Steven Hall has an op-ed entitled “Beware acts of injustice masked as religion.”
Posted at 6:55 AM by Howard Bashman