“Same-sex marriage bill stalls in political wrangle”: This article appears today in The Toronto Globe and Mail.
And that newspaper today also contains an op-ed by John Ibbitson entitled “Conservatives keep winning battles in their war on same-sex marriage.”
“Sen. Smith sits above filibuster fray; Despite growing reputation as a moderate, lawmaker seeks up-or-down votes”: The Associated Press has this article today in The Salem (Ore.) Statesman Journal.
The Dayton Daily News today contains an article headlined “DeWine, Voinovich: Men of moderation; Ohio’s senators explain pivotal roles.”
The Louisville Courier-Journal’s Editorial Notebook asks “Where have the senators of yore gone?”
The Washington Times contains an op-ed by Tod Lindberg entitled “No need for GOP outrage” and an op-ed by Barry Casselman entitled “What really happened on the Hill?”
In The Chicago Sun-Times, Jesse Jackson has an op-ed entitled “Senate’s judicial deal is no victory.”
In The Naples (Fla.) Daily News, Dan K. Thomasson has an op-ed entitled “Frist’s bumbling performance.”
And online at OpinionJournal, Brendan Miniter has an essay entitled “The McCain Myth: The moderation that makes him a Senate powerhouse will keep him out of the White House.”
“More Montana voters say federal courts too liberal”: The Billings Gazette contains this article today.
In today’s edition of The Los Angeles Times: An article reports that “Math Doesn’t Add Up for a Democrat-Run Senate; The party needs to win seats in Bush territory for any realistic chance to retake the chamber.”
And in other news, a front page article is headlined “A Late Decision, a Lasting Anguish; A Kansas doctor is under investigation for performing abortions others won’t; His clients say outsiders can’t grasp their pain or gratitude.”