How Appealing

Thursday, June 16, 2005

“Justice was blind, and a little sleepy; A juror who noticed a colleague dozing during a murder trial says she hopes the defendant gets a new trial”: This article appears today in The St. Petersburg Times.

Posted at 7:15 AM by Howard Bashman

“Schiavo Autopsy Says Brain Was Untreatable”: The New York Times contains this article today. The newspaper also contains an editorial entitled “Autopsy on the Schiavo Tragedy.”

The Washington Post today contains a front page article headlined “Schiavo Autopsy Released; Brain Damage ‘Was Irreversible.’

The Los Angeles Times reports that “Schiavo Was Beyond Saving, Autopsy Finds; A medical examiner says no treatment could have reversed the woman’s persistent vegetative state in her final days, despite contrary claims.”

USA Today contains articles headlined “Schiavo autopsy confirms diagnosis; Brain damage was ‘irreversible,’ examiner finds” and “Schiavo autopsy results reach a divided Congress; Fla. senator says he’s not so sure now about action.”

The St. Petersburg Times contains articles headlined “She never would have recovered; Massive brain damage had left her blind and unresponsive; The autopsy reveals no evidence of abuse; But what caused her heart to stop beating 15 years ago remains a mystery“; “Amid emotion is heard science’s voice“; and “Autopsy report synopsis.”

The Tampa Tribune reports that “Schiavo Autopsy Shows Irreversible Brain Damage” and “Examiner Focused On Thoroughness.”

And The Miami Herald contains articles headlined “Autopsy: Schiavo damage ‘massive’; Terri Schiavo was blind, had massive, irreversible brain damage, and showed no signs of abuse, an autopsy report concluded” and “We’d do it all again, Republicans say; Undaunted by the autopsy report, some Republicans who sought to intervene in the case of Terri Schiavo say they would take action again.” The newspaper also contains an op-ed by Jim DeFede entitled “Schiavo autopsy vindicates husband, courts.”

Posted at 7:04 AM by Howard Bashman

“Critics seek judge’s removal; Embattled Broward Circuit Judge Eileen O’Connor says she has always been truthful, despite allegations that she lied on her judicial application; Critics are calling for her removal”: This article appears today in The Miami Herald.

Posted at 6:54 AM by Howard Bashman