How Appealing

Wednesday, November 2, 2005

“Alito’s Ratings Similar to Miers’, Lower Than Roberts’; Majority says Supreme Court nominee should be rejected if opposed to Roe v. Wade“: Gallup News Service provides this report today.

Posted at 6:45 AM by Howard Bashman

“Supreme Court Could Hear an Alito Case”: Linda Greenhouse has this article today in The New York Times.

In The Los Angeles Times, David G. Savage and Henry Weinstein report that “Nominee Has Some Unexpected Supporters; Liberals who have worked with Samuel A. Alito Jr. say he is fair, not a rigid ideologue.” And in related coverage, “Alito Strategy Depends on Selected Democrats; The high court nominee woos moderate senators from GOP-leaning states in an effort to prevent a filibuster; But the tactic may not prevent a fight.”

The Chicago Tribune reports that “Jury out on Alito in Senate; But moderates see no reason thus far to filibuster against court nominee.”

The San Francisco Chronicle contains an article headlined “Rosy glow from Senate as Alito makes rounds; Early reactions indicate there probably won’t be a filibuster.” And Bob Egelko has an article headlined “Alito’s telling dissent in machine gun case; He sought to limit reach of Congress.”

In USA Today, Joan Biskupic reports that “Contrast obvious between O’Connor, would-be successor.” And in related coverage, “Friends say Alito ‘down to earth’ despite success” and “NAACP chief’s ‘antenna up’ over choice of Alito.”

The Wall Street Journal reports that “Democrats Try to Use Alito Row To Tip Scales in Midterm Election” (free access).

The Washington Times contains articles headlined “Alito nomination to test ‘Gang of 14’” and “NAACP holding fire on nominee despite concerns.”

The Salt Lake Tribune contains an article headlined “Hatch warns Demos not to filibuster Alito; Calls judge a ‘legal genius’: The Utah senator says Republicans are ready to use the ‘constitutional option.’

The Denver Post reports that “‘Gang of 14’ senators to gird for possible Alito fight.”

Newsday contains an article headlined “Early sign of resistance against Alito.”

In The Boston Globe, Charlie Savage reports that “Alito’s colleagues said he ignored precedent; Tone of rebukes unusually strong.” And in related coverage, “Ad campaigns prepared for, and against, choice” and “Alito writing backed privacy, gay rights.”

The Houston Chronicle contains articles headlined “Key Republican warns against Dem filibuster; Majority might change the rules if Alito vote blocked” and “Battle begins over Alito record; His rulings on guns, abortion and crime are praised, rebuked.”

The Newark (N.J.) Star-Ledger contains articles headlined “Alito nomination a triumph for Reagan team“; “Opinions vary, but Alito’s stance remains constant; Rulings built his pro-business reputation“; and “Key Democrat questions Alito deadline.”

Patti Waldmeir of Financial Times reports that “Alito track record in judging cases encourages US business.”

The Philadelphia Inquirer contains an article headlined “Upholding executions, but not in every case.”

The New York Sun contains an article headlined “Ironic Twist Emerges in Court Makeup.”

The Montgomery Advertiser reports that “Sessions aligns behind Alito.”

The Dayton Daily News reports that “DeWine endorses Alito; Ohio senator doesn’t anticipate filibuster.”

And The Minneapolis Star Tribune reports that “Minnesotan found Alito bright, fair; Judge Alito struck one Minnesotan who’s recently worked with him as bright, reasonable and funny.”

Posted at 6:30 AM by Howard Bashman