How Appealing

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

“Al Franken Overrules Antonin Scalia”: John Nichols has this post at his blog “The Online Beat,” hosted by The Nation.

Posted at 9:58 AM by Howard Bashman

“Pa. Supreme Court expenses reviewed; But tighter rules on justices’ spending may not save money”: This article appears today in The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.

Posted at 7:30 AM by Howard Bashman

“Justices Reject F.B.I. Translator’s Appeal on Termination”: Linda Greenhouse has this article today in The New York Times, along with an article headlined “Justices Agree to Consider EBay Appeal in Patent Case.”

The Washington Post reports today that “Supreme Court Will Hear eBay Appeal.”

The Toledo Blade reports that “Richey death sentence is reinstated; U.S. Supreme Court sides with Ohio in 1986 arson murder case.”

The Lima News reports that “Supreme Court reinstates death penalty against Richey.”

And The Wilmington News Journal reports that “Supreme Court to rule on gas pier; Del. says N.J. plant would be on its turf.”

Posted at 7:25 AM by Howard Bashman

“Offering Abortion, Rebirth: Yes, an Arkansas doctor says, he destroys life; But he believes the thousands of women who have relied on him have been ‘born again.'” This lengthy front page article appears today in The Los Angeles Times.

Posted at 7:12 AM by Howard Bashman

“Alito Sided With Federal Authorities; The high court nominee, in 1986 memos, said the FBI could investigate government employees and the IRS could secretly record talks”: David G. Savage has this article today in The Los Angeles Times.

The New York Times reports today that “Alito Memos Supported Expanding Police Powers.”

The Boston Globe reports that “Alito, in ’80s, had an expansive view of police powers; Voiced stance under Reagan.”

The Chicago Tribune contains an article headlined “Should Alito’s philosophy be fair game? Foes agree nominee is `bright, capable,’ but not acceptable.”

The Newark (N.J.) Star-Ledger reports that “Alito said FBI reach trumped 2 courts; Justice Dept. releases his opinions from ’80s.”

And The New York Sun reports that “The City Council Eyes Resolution Opposing Alito.”

In commentary, The St. Petersburg Times contains an editorial entitled “Follow the leader: Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito has shown conspicuous deference to lower courts and a reluctance to recognize racial discrimination.”

In The Washington Times, John R. Lott Jr. has an op-ed entitled “Biden’s risky business.”

And in The Philadelphia Daily News, columnist John Baer has an op-ed entitled “Arlen sticks to the points, etc.

Posted at 7:00 AM by Howard Bashman