“Abortion becoming a state-by-state fight”: The St. Louis Post-Dispatch today contains an article that begins, “Missouri and Illinois underscore the changing dynamics of the nation’s struggle over the abortion issue since the Roe v. Wade decision 33 years ago.”
“Assisted-Suicide Ruling May Affect Painkiller Cases”: This article will appear Sunday in The Washington Post.
“Acceptable Use: How Bork got the last laugh; For years after Bork’s defeat, Republican nominees refused to echo his judicial philosophy before the Senate; Then came John Roberts and Samuel Alito.” Law Professor Cass R. Sunstein has this essay (pass-through link) online today at The New Republic.
“States of Confusion”: Sunday in The New York Times, William Baude of “Crescat Sententia” will have an op-ed that begins, “It’s no longer just anti-abortion advocates who oppose Roe v. Wade. These days, Roe’s traditional critics are joined by a surprising and increasing number of people who are pro-choice but willing – in fact, eager – to have the ruling overturned.”
Relatedly, tomorrow’s newspaper will also contain an op-ed by William Saletan entitled “Three Decades After Roe, a War We Can All Support.”
“The Last Post of Juan Non-Volokh”: This post appears this evening at “The Volokh Conspiracy.”
“Hatch: Life after victory is ‘complicated’; On the witness stand, Richard Hatch says CBS would not return his calls, his investment fund was pillaged and the weeks immediately after his Survivor victory were fraught with child-abuse allegations and media coverage.” The Providence (R.I.) Journal today contains an article that begins, “Richard Hatch starred again yesterday, but this time, instead of appearing in front of 55 million TV viewers on the reality-show Survivor, he was testifying before a panel of jurors in his federal tax-evasion trial.”
And that newspaper’s television critic, Andy Smith, today has an article headlined “Survivor’s Hatch poised before real jury.”
“Worries about Alito, abortion”: This article appears today in The New Britain (Conn.) Herald.
“Truthiness 101: From Frey to Alito.” Columnist Frank Rich will have this op-ed (TimesSelect subscription required) Sunday in The New York Times.
Bloomberg News columnist Ann Woolner has an op-ed entitled “Roberts Rules, Alito Waits, Bush Reaches for Power.”
At The San Francisco Chronicle’s web site, columnist Mark Morford has an essay entitled “Sam Alito On Brokeback Mountain: What do the bitter neocon nominee and the amazing Oscar-bound film have in common?”
Today in The Houston Chronicle, Marianne Means has an op-ed entitled “Frightening to see Roberts agreeing with Scalia, et al.”
In The Washington Times, William Murchison has an op-ed entitled “As Roe turns 33.”
The South Florida Sun-Sentinel contains an editorial entitled “Supreme Court: Senate prepares to vote on nominee.” The editorial concludes, “Judge Samuel Alito has earned a seat on the high court and should be confirmed.”
In The Decatur Daily, James L. Evans has an essay entitled “If or when the church, state wall comes down.”
Yesterday’s edition of The Rutland (Vt.) Herald contained an editorial entitled “No to Alito.”
Yesterday in The Chicago Sun-Times, columnist Neil Steinberg had an op-ed entitled “Alito’s America presents frightening image for Dems.”
Yesterday in The Charlotte Observer, Ferrell Blount had an op-ed entitled “The real Samuel Alito: Judge is most qualified Supreme Court nominee in seven decades.”
And yesterday’s edition of The Harvard Crimson contained an editorial entitled “Kennedy Doesn’t Give a Hoot: Senator’s decision to cut ties with the Owl was right, though he was not wrong to join.”
Available online from National Public Radio: Yesterday’s broadcast of “All Things Considered” contained segments entitled “Maryland Judge Rejects Ban on Same-Sex Unions“; “Google Fights Request to Turn Over Search Records“; “Search Engines Records and How They Can Be Used“; and “Privacy in Cyberspace: Is It Possible?”
And yesterday’s broadcast of “Day to Day” contained a segment entitled “Bush Administration Seeks Google Search Records.”
RealPlayer is required to launch these audio segments.
“Yohalem ’02 will clerk for Justice Kennedy”: The Dartmouth recently published this article.
“Gay marriage ban falls; Judge rules law unconstitutional; decision is stayed as state appeals”: This article appears today in The Baltimore Sun.
The Washington Post today contains a front page article headlined “Judge Strikes Down Md. Ban on Gay Marriage; Ruling Is Stayed as Constitutional Fight Ignites.”
And The Washington Times reports that “Gay ‘marriage’ ban struck.”
My earlier coverage, which links to the ruling, is here.
“Fellow Judges Testify in Support of Alito Nomination”: The Republican Policy Committee of the U.S. Senate issued this document yesterday.
“Pickering book details battle for bench”: The Hattiesburg American earlier this week contained an article that begins, “Retired federal appeals court Judge Charles Pickering is in New York City this week promoting his just-released book on the judicial confirmation process that cost him a lifetime appointment to the federal bench.” You can learn more about the book here.
“Alito: ‘Inappropriate’ for me to comment on Roe; He puts Miranda and libel decisions in a class above abortion ruling”: This article appears today in The Newark (N.J.) Star-Ledger.
Today in The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Michael McGough reports that “Alito ties O’Connor to his ’85 abortion opinion; Responses revealed in questions from Senate panelists.” I have posted at this link a copy of the written responses that the nominee issued yesterday.
The Salem (Ore.) Statesman Journal reports that “Wyden will vote against Alito; Oregon Democrat says nominee will let his beliefs steer his decisions as justice.”
The Washington Times reports that “Judicial misconduct complaint against Alito called a stunt.”
The Chicago Tribune reports that “Reagan’s legacy at crossroads; 25 years after oath, his agenda endures; But is the GOP adrift?”
The Bloomington (Ill.) Pantagraph reports that “Senator opposes Alito for Court.”
And law.com’s T.R. Goldman has an article headlined “Did Democrats Seal Their Defeat in Alito Hearings?”
“Appeals court asbestos ruling hurts St. Paul insurer”: The St. Paul Pioneer Press contains this article today. The article reports that “Appeals Court Judge Samuel Alito, who has been nominated to be a U.S. Supreme Court Justice, wrote the opinion on the case, which is one of the nation’s largest asbestos cases.” You can access the opinion at this link.
“Storm over, Schiavo to remarry; Ten months after the controversial death of his wife, Michael Schiavo has applied for a marriage license”: This article appears today in The St. Petersburg Times.
“Abortion foes finally see hope for their cause”: The Miami Herald contains this article today.
“Smith steps back from ‘painful’ suicide issue; The senator, whose son killed himself, makes a politically rare decision that could protect Oregon’s law”: This article appears today in The Oregonian.
Bob Egelko is reporting: Today in The San Francisco Chronicle, he has articles headlined “Appeals court rules for crime victims” and “Judge recovering from surgery; Chin’s headaches result of bleeding under his skull.”
“Technology’s Seamier Side; Fates of Pornography and Internet Businesses Are Often Intertwined”: This article appears today in The Washington Post. And Leslie Walker has an essay entitled “Forgot What You Searched For? Google Didn’t.”
The New York Times, meanwhile, today contains an editorial entitled “Fishing in Cyberspace.”