How Appealing

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

“Alito debate begins today in full Senate; Discussions likely to spotlight partisan rift over court nominee”: USA Today contains this article today, along with an op-ed by Tony Mauro entitled “Will Alito fill conservative void that O’Connor did not?

The Los Angeles Times reports that “Senate Panel Backs Alito on Party-Line Vote; The full chamber will begin debate on the nominee today and its narrow approval could come this week; He could tilt court to right.”

The Chicago Tribune reports that “Senate panel OKs Alito on 10-8 vote; No Democrats join GOP in endorsement.”

The Washington Post contains an article headlined “The Unsmoked Signal of Victory on Alito.”

In The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Michael McGough reports that “Alito nomination moves to full Senate after committee recommendation; Party-line vote follows more partisan rhetoric over court pick.”

The Newark (N.J.) Star-Ledger reports that “Nomination of Alito is passed to full Senate; Judiciary Committee approves Bush’s choice in party-line vote.”

The Boston Globe reports that “Alito wins party-line endorsement; Panel clears the way for Senate approval.”

The Richmond Times-Dispatch reports that “Alito nomination heads to full Senate; 51 senators have publicly committed to court pick, assuring his confirmation.”

The Houston Chronicle reports that “Alito win looks likely as full Senate set to debate; Judiciary panel voted along party lines to approve conservative judge.”

The Deseret Morning News reports that “Floor debate opens on Alito nomination; He’s almost certain to get the top-court post.”

The Washington Times reports that “Judiciary panel OKs Alito.” And Wesley Pruden has an essay entitled “The victory laps for Sam Alito.”

Newsday contains an article headlined “Poised to join Supreme Court; Senate judiciary panel votes along party lines for Alito; Democrats to discuss their options today.”

The San Francisco Chronicle reports that “Full Senate takes up Alito nomination; Judiciary panel approves Bush pick for Supreme Court.”

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that “Alito heads to confirmation vote; Senate committee endorses nominee for U.S. Supreme Court in rare party-line vote.”

The Harrisburg Patriot-News reports that “Casey risks angering base, joins Rendell in backing Alito.”

The Philadelphia Inquirer reports that “Casey supports Alito confirmation; The Democrat, a Senate candidate, said the judge is qualified for the high court, despite disagreements over some rulings.”

The Des Moines Register reports that “Grassley says nominee will be ‘superb.’

The Journal News of Westchester, New York reports that “Schumer votes against Alito for high court.”

The Hartford Courant contains an article headlined “Criticizing Alito’s Judicial Views, Dodd Says He’ll Vote ‘No.’

The Island Packet of Hilton Head, South Carolina reports that “Graham’s question spurs speculation.”

The Daily Princetonian provides a news update headlined “Alito receives committee backing; Supreme Court nominee’s confirmation virtually assured.”

And The Yale Daily News reports that “Alito moves closer to vote; Law students, faculty advocate debating nominee on credentials instead of politics.”

Posted at 7:00 AM by Howard Bashman

“Top Enron Figures Head to Court; The conspiracy and fraud trial of the former chairman and CEO is set to begin next week”: The Los Angeles Times contains this article today.

Posted at 6:50 AM by Howard Bashman

“A Threat to the Campaign Law”: The New York Times today contains an editorial that begins, “Just when the American public – outraged by the growing lobbying scandals – is calling for more regulation of money in politics, the Supreme Court has opened the door for a move in the other direction.”

Posted at 6:42 AM by Howard Bashman