“No justice at Guantanamo: Congress should change rules it wrote that deprive detainees of legal rights.” This editorial appears today in Newsday.
The St. Petersburg Times today contains an editorial entitled “Gates is right: Shut this prison.”
And The Boston Globe contains an editorial entitled “Fundamental rights.”
“Justices shift with society, but will justice?” Today in The Contra Costa Times, Shahid Buttar has an op-ed that begins, “Among the defining elements of the Supreme Court under the leadership of Chief Justice John Roberts is the willingness of its justices to speak their minds in the court of public opinion.”
Available at the blog “Eminent Domain”: A post titled “Seventh Circuit Judicial Conference” notes that I’ll be one of the speakers at next month’s program in Milwaukee. In reviewing the list of other speakers, it quickly becomes clear that the program would be quite worth attending even if I wasn’t participating.
And a post titled “Greenburg on Bush v Gore and Justice Thomas” provides access to Jan Crawford Greenburg on video via YouTube, from Jan’s recent book tour. Need I say more?
“En banc review sought on 2d Amendment case”: Lyle Denniston has this post at “SCOTUSblog.” The post reports that the District of Columbia will file a petition for rehearing en banc on Monday asking the full D.C. Circuit to rehear a divided three-judge panel’s recent decision invalidating a D.C. gun control law under the Second Amendment.
My initial coverage of that ruling can be accessed here. More recently, an installment of my “On Appeal” column for law.com was headlined “State of the Second Amendment: Does It Apply in the District of Columbia?”
“What the Hecht? Texas Supreme Court justice should recuse himself when a litigant helped pay the jurist’s legal bills.” This editorial appears today in The Houston Chronicle.
“Harvard Re-Examines Dred Scott Decision”: The Associated Press provides this report.
“Court rules Imperial Valley canal to be lined; The project will decrease seepage of Colorado River water flowing to San Diego County”: This article appears today in The Los Angeles Times reporting on a decision that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit issued yesterday.
And Reuters reports that “Court backs canal expansion in U.S-Mexico dispute.”
“Laptops vs. Learning”: Law Professor David Cole has this op-ed today in The Washington Post explaining why he has banned laptops from his classroom.
“U.S. Citizen Sentenced to Death in Iraq Loses Appeal”: The Washington Post today contains an article that begins, “A federal appeals court in Washington ruled yesterday that U.S. courts do not have jurisdiction to intervene in the case of a U.S. citizen who was convicted of kidnapping and sentenced to death in an Iraqi criminal court, deciding that prior case law prevents the judges from hearing a petition challenging his detention.”
My earlier coverage of yesterday’s D.C. Circuit ruling appears at this link.
“Justice Kennedy Casts Deciding Votes”: The Associated Press provides this report.
“A Chance to Be Heard”: The New York Times today contains an editorial that begins, “Jack Cline, an Alabama industrial chemist, was exposed to benzene on the job and developed leukemia. When Mr. Cline tried to sue, he ran into a surreal glitch in Alabama law: any time he filed his lawsuit would have been either too early or too late. Mr. Cline’s widow, Martha Jane Cline, is asking the United States Supreme Court to review the case. The court should grant review, and rule that Alabama’s laws violate the Constitution.”
The U.S. Supreme Court‘s docket entries in the case can be viewed at this link.
Thursday’s issue of The Anniston Star reported that “Palmer asks Supreme Court to hear appeal in toxins case.”
The Mobile Press-Register reports today that “Lawyers for Alabama man, who blamed chemical for leukemia that caused his death, take case to U.S. Supreme Court.”
In January 2007, The Associated Press reported that “Man dies after long court fight over chemical contamination.”
And The Decatur Daily, in January 2007, published an editorial entitled “Ill chemist died without having his day in court.”
Finally, the “Jere Beasley Report” provides a post titled “A Terrible Opinion from the Alabama Supreme Court.”
“Counselor To Gonzales Announces Resignation; Goodling Had Refused to Testify on Prosecutor Firings”: This front page article appears today in The Washington Post.
The New York Times reports today that “A Top Aide to Gonzales Resigns, Becoming Latest Fallout Casualty.”
And The Los Angeles Times reports that “Another key Gonzales advisor resigns; Monica Goodling, senior counsel to the attorney general, had declined to testify about the firings of 8 federal prosecutors.”
“Roberts and U.K. judge will visit; The U.S. chief justice and his British counterpart plan to stop by Jamestown for a ceremony next week”: The Daily Press of Hampton Roads, Virginia contains this article today.
“Alito visits Duquesne”: This article appeared Wednesday in The Beaver County (Pa.) Times.
“Built to Last: A new book on the Supreme Court underscores the lasting importance of the Roberts and Alito appointments in shifting the Court rightward.” Online at The American Prospect, Scott Lemieux has this review of Jan Crawford Greenburg’s book, “Supreme Conflict: The Inside Story of the Struggle for Control of the United States Supreme Court.”
“Color-blind at Beverly Hills High: What Beverly Hills High School’s program can teach the justices of the U.S. Supreme Court.” This editorial appears today in The Los Angeles Times.
“Castille releases letter assailing critic of Pa. court”: The Philadelphia Inquirer on Thursday published an article that begins, “State Supreme Court Justice Ronald D. Castille has released a letter he wrote last month lambasting a vocal critic of his court, and says he may yet pursue disciplinary action against that critic.” And a related editorial also published that day was headlined “Mr. Justice: Remember free speech.”
You can view the letter at this link.
“Justice Thomas low-profile in visit; Member of U.S. Supreme Court chats with U. students, faculty”: This article appeared Thursday in The Salt Lake Tribune.
Thursday’s edition of The Deseret Morning News reported that “Thomas speaks of his ‘overcoming.’”
And Thursday’s issue of The Daily Utah Chronicle reported that “Justice Thomas visits campus; Law school keeps events low-profile, bars public.”
“Fast track to making mistakes”: Columnist Ellen Goodman had this op-ed yesterday in The Boston Globe. Therein, Goodman writes, “A few weeks ago, a Supreme Court reporter noticed that Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg took an unusually long time getting on her feet after a hearing.”
“Political elite turn out for dedication; Dick Thornburgh, his room draw senator, justice to Pitt”: This article appeared yesterday in The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.
And yesterday’s issue of The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review reported that “Ex-governor presides over Pitt library dedication.”
“The Drifters: U.S. Supreme Court Justices may come to the bench with an ideological point of view, but it changes.” Reynolds Holding has this essay in the April 16, 2007 issue of Time magazine.
“Who’s the Boss?: How Pat Robertson’s law school is changing America.” Dahlia Lithwick has this jurisprudence essay online at Slate.