“Ground zero on abortion; Four decades ago, Colorado became first state in the nation to liberalize law”: This article appears today in The Rocky Mountain News.
The New York Times reports today that “Breast Cancer Not Linked to Abortion, Study Says.”
The Los Angeles Times reports today that “Abortion doesn’t boost breast cancer risk, large study finds; The research lasted a decade and involved more than 100,000 women.”
And The Chicago Tribune contains an article headlined “Study: No abortion, breast cancer link.”
You can access a summary of the study’s results at this link.
“Court allows reneged bargain; Prosecutors changed deal with Jamal T. Norris after they decided it was too lenient”: The Kansas City Star contains this article today.
My earlier coverage of yesterday’s en banc Eighth Circuit ruling appears at this link.
“Use of Wiccan Symbol on Veterans’ Headstones Is Approved”: This article appears today in The New York Times.
The Washington Post reports today that “Administration Yields on Wiccan Symbol; Pentacle to Be Permitted on Tombstones in U.S. Military Burial Grounds.”
In The New York Sun, Josh Gerstein reports that “Feds Okay Pentagrams for Veterans’ Graves.”
And The Washington Times reports that “U.S. to allow Wiccan symbols on military graves.”
“‘Issue Ads’ Case May Set Limits of Public Discourse in 2008”: Today in The New York Sun, Joseph Goldstein has an article that begins, “Congress’s effort to curtail the rights of private organizations to pay for political advertisements near Election Day will come under challenge tomorrow before the U.S. Supreme Court in a case that may set the boundaries for public participation in the 2008 electoral cycle.”
“Pair admit to sex in courthouse; Judge, prosecutor face discipline up to disbarment”: This article appears today in The Rocky Mountain News.