“A Deal for the Public: If You Win, You Lose.” That’s the headline of tomorrow’s installment (TimesSelect temporary pass-through link) of Adam Liptak‘s “Sidebar” column in The New York Times. The article discusses the practice of some state attorneys general to hire outside lawyers on a contingent fee basis to pursue claims for damages.
“Justice Secures His Place as a Critic of Integration”: In Monday’s edition of The New York Times, Neil A. Lewis will have an article that begins, “When Justice Clarence Thomas provided a pivotal vote last month as the Supreme Court struck down school integration plans in Louisville, Ky., and Seattle, he suggested the concept of integration was inherently demeaning to black children because it implied they needed to mix with whites to achieve excellence.”
“Mysteries, Legal and Sartorial, at Padilla Trial”: This article appears today in The New York Times.
“Time to act on 4th Circuit slots”: The Briston (Va.) Herald Courier contains this editorial today.
“UVa professor completes Supreme Court trifecta”: The Daily Progress of Charlottesville, Virginia today contains an article that begins, “Some lawyers think Ken Elzinga has managed the antitrust equivalent of a hat trick.”
“On the Wrong Side of 5 to 4, Liberals Talk Tactics”: Linda Greenhouse has this article today in the Week in Review section of The New York Times.
“Taking a New Course in Class: Income, rather than race, could be the new path to diversity.” This article will appear in the July 16, 2007 issue of U.S. News & World Report.
“Friends in High Places: Inside Bush’s decision to give Scooter Libby a pass.” Michael Isikoff will have this article in the July 16, 2007 issue of Newsweek.
“The Power Broker: In an exclusive interview, Justice Kennedy discusses life, center stage.” Stuart Taylor Jr. and Evan Thomas will have this article in the July 16, 2007 issue of Newsweek.
“Guantanamo Hits the Courts Again”: Reynolds Holding will have this article in the July 16, 2007 issue of Time magazine.
“White House Will Deny New Request In Attorneys Probe; Bush to Defy Congress, Sources Say”: The Washington Post contains this article today.
“Justice and Gitmo: The high court’s decision to weigh habeas corpus for detainees is a step toward restoring trampled freedoms.” This editorial appears today in The Los Angeles Times.