How Appealing

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

“Mukasey Shows Independent Streak; Big Test Awaits Attorney General When He Testifies Before Senate Panel”: This article appears today in The Wall Street Journal.

Posted at 8:05 AM by Howard Bashman

“Ode to Howard Bashman”: Attorney Scott H. Greenfield has this post today at his blog, “Simple Justice: A New York Criminal Defense Blog.” Thanks for the kind words, Scott!

Posted at 7:48 AM by Howard Bashman

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

“Nichols trial may face new delay; Appeal to state Supreme Court allowed”: The Atlanta Journal-Constitution on Wednesday will contain an article that begins, “The death penalty trial of Brian Nichols, suspect in the Fulton County Courthouse shootings, was supposed to be back on track, but could face another delay.”

Posted at 10:52 PM by Howard Bashman

“Judge disbands grand jury behind Medina indictment”: The Houston Chronicle provides a news update that begins, “A judge criticized the Harris County District Attorney’s Office today for not standing behind a grand jury’s decision to indict a Texas Supreme Court Justice and his wife in connection the 2007 fire that destroyed the couple’s Spring home.”

The newspaper has also posted online this statement from the District Attorney’s Office.

And The Associated Press reports that “Case of Supreme Court justice’s house fire takes bizarre turn.”

Posted at 9:52 PM by Howard Bashman

“In Padilla case, no life sentence; The judge cited harsh military detention to justify a lighter term of 17 years in prison”: Warren Richey will have this article Wednesday in The Christian Science Monitor.

Posted at 9:07 PM by Howard Bashman

“Attorneys probe deepens”: The Hill today contains an article that begins, “The federal investigation into the firing of nine U.S. attorneys could jolt the political landscape ahead of the November elections, according to several people close to the inquiry.”

Posted at 9:05 PM by Howard Bashman

“Suit against bankers tied to Enron debacle is tossed; In dismissing the appeal by the University of California, nation’s high court appears to have doomed other big cases against former energy trader’s bankers”: David G. Savage of The Los Angeles Times provides this news update.

And The Houston Chronicle provides a news update headlined “Court declines to hear Enron investors’ case.”

Posted at 9:03 PM by Howard Bashman

En banc Ninth Circuit addresses whether state judge violated clearly established law by requiring a criminal defendant who invoked the right of self-representation to appear through advisory counsel at a chambers conference to discuss how to respond to a query from the deliberating jury: You can access today’s ruling, in favor of the habeas petitioner, at this link. And don’t miss Chief Judge Alex Kozinski‘s snarky concurring opinion, in which he takes to task the six judges (including a former Kozinski law clerk!) who concurred in only part of the majority opinion.

Posted at 3:45 PM by Howard Bashman

“The constitutionality of the City of Portland’s policy on the use of deadly force by its police officers is squarely presented by this appeal from grant of summary judgment by the decedent’s estate.” So begins the majority opinion that a partially divided three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit issued today. Even the judge who dissented in part praises the majority opinion for bringing “a degree of clarity to the law of deadly force.”

Posted at 3:28 PM by Howard Bashman

“Padilla gets 17 years, 4 months”: The Miami Herald provides this news update.

The South Florida Sun-Sentinel provides a news update headlined “Convicted terror conspirator Padilla gets 17 years in prison.”

The New York Times provides a news update headlined “Padilla Sentenced to More Than 17 Years in Prison.”

The Washington Post provides a news update headlined “Jose Padilla Sentenced to 17 Years in Prison; Justice Dept. Pushed for Life Sentence for Alleged Dirty Bomb Plotter.”

And the “Southern District of Florida Blog” provides a post titled “Jose Padilla sentenced.”

Posted at 3:00 PM by Howard Bashman

“Commas, Clauses and Missing Butter at the Supreme Court”: Tony Mauro has this post today at “The BLT: The Blog of Legal Times.”

Posted at 2:35 PM by Howard Bashman

“Court bars new look at Enron case”: Lyle Denniston has this post at “SCOTUSblog.”

And The Associated Press reports that “Court Refuses to Hear Enron Case.”

You can access today’s Order List at this link. The Court today also requested the views of the Solicitor General in two cases.

The Court today issued one opinion in an argued case, a 5-4 ruling in favor of the federal respondents in Ali v. Federal Bureau of Prisons, No. 06-9130. You can access the opinion at this link and the oral argument transcript at this link. How the Justices lined-up in deciding this dispute over statutory meaning is unusual. Justice Clarence Thomas wrote the majority opinion, in which the Chief Justice and Justices Antonin Scalia, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and Samuel A. Alito, Jr. joined. Justice Anthony M. Kennedy wrote the lead dissenting opinion, in which Justices John Paul Stevens, David H. Souter, and Stephen G. Breyer joined.

Posted at 10:08 AM by Howard Bashman

“Misfire at Justice”: The Wall Street Journal today contains an editorial that begins, “The Second Amendment’s right to bear arms has rarely been considered by the Supreme Court, but this year the Court is hearing a case that could become a Constitutional landmark. So it is nothing short of astonishing, and dispiriting, that the Bush Justice Department has now weighed in with an amicus brief that is far too clever by half.”

You can view the amicus brief at this link.

Posted at 9:00 AM by Howard Bashman

“Starcher stepped down from ’96 case; Motion cited campaign contributions; high court debate to resume Thursday”: This article appears today in The Charleston (W. Va.) Gazette.

Posted at 8:54 AM by Howard Bashman

“Antiabortion cause stirs new generation; Born into a time after Roe vs. Wade, many young adults are eager to reverse it; And veteran activists are happy to enlist their help”: The Los Angeles Times contains this article today.

The newspaper also contains an editorial entitled “Roe, 35 years later: The landmark abortion ruling is established law; Overturning it would cause severe upheaval.” And Frances Kissling and Kate Michelman have an op-ed entitled “Abortion’s battle of messages: It’s not 1973; Pro-choice forces must adjust to regain the moral high ground.”

Posted at 8:24 AM by Howard Bashman