“Rape victim studying science of memory after man dies serving wrongful sentence”: The Dallas Morning News today contains an article that begins, “Michele Mallin said she was ‘100 percent sure’ when she identified Timothy Brian Cole as the man who raped her. Her resolve never wavered, Ms. Mallin said, until she learned last May that DNA testing had invalidated her 1985 identification. The revelation came nearly nine years after Mr. Cole died at 39 in a Texas prison from an asthma attack.”
The newspaper also contains related articles headlined “Faulty eyewitness convictions date to early 1900s“; “Eyewitnesses still play key roles in cases where DNA, other evidence is lacking“; “18 Dallas County cases overturned by DNA relied on heavily eyewitness testimony“; “Police have a history of violating photo lineup best practices“; “DNA exoneree was mistakenly identified twice in one day“; and “DNA exoneree fell victim to ‘drive-by’ identification.”
“Gableman’s calls from DA office under investigation; Justice says calls to fund-raisers were not political”: Today’s edition of The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel contains an article that begins, “Already facing possible discipline from a Judicial Commission complaint, state Supreme Court Justice Michael Gableman also is now under investigation by the Office of Lawyer Regulation for long-distance calls to campaign fund-raisers and donors from his office when he was a district attorney.”
And The Wisconsin State Journal reports today that “Wisconsin Supreme Court campaigns will change, observers say.”
“Others seek to take over chief judge’s 5-to-9 job”: The Associated Press provides this report from New York State.
“‘One Dollar for Every West Virginian’: The crazy judicial corruption case that the Supreme Court should hear.” Law Professor Amanda Frost has this jurisprudence essay online at Slate.
“Sentencing Panel Mulls Alternatives to Prison”: The Washington Post today contains an article that begins, “As the nation’s inmate population climbs toward 2.5 million, the U.S. Sentencing Commission is considering alternatives to prison for some offenders, including treatment programs for nonviolent drug users and employment training for minor parole violators.”
“Draft signup rules unfair to men? A lawsuit against the federal government is raising the argument that the Selective Service System has violated the U.S. Constitution by discriminating against men.” The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette today contains this lengthy article, the first in a three-part series.
And a related article is headlined “No draft, but boards are poised and ready.”
“Guantanamo prosecutor who quit had ‘grave misgivings’ about fairness; Convinced that key evidence was being withheld from the defense, Lt. Col. Darrel J. Vandeveld went from being a ‘true believer to someone who felt truly deceived’ by the tribunals”: This front page article appears today in The Los Angeles Times.
And the newspaper also contains an editorial entitled “The shadow of Gitmo: The next president must act to help America reclaim its principles.”