“Will the Supreme Court Make an 11th-Hour Intervention in Georgia? A mentally retarded man is scheduled to be executed next Monday, and he has an appeal pending to the Supreme Court, which is not in session.” Andrew Cohen has this essay online at The Atlantic.
“The Myth of a Pro-Business SCOTUS: Commentators inaccurately condemn the five conservative justices as corporate shills.” Law professor Richard A. Epstein has this essay online at the Defining Ideas site of the Hoover Institution.
“High Court Gives Ninth Circuit a Habeas Head-Scratcher”: Scott Graham of The Recorder has this report.
My earlier coverage of last Wednesday’s Ninth Circuit ruling appears at this link.
“State Supreme Court overturns $375K award for lost ocean view”: MaryAnn Spoto of The Star-Ledger of Newark, New Jersey has this news update.
The Associated Press reports that “NJ court overturns award for view lost to dune.”
And Bloomberg News reports that “New Jersey Court Rules Against Homeowners in Dune Dispute.”
You can access today’s ruling of the Supreme Court of New Jersey at this link.
“BP, plaintiffs’ lawyers argue before 5th Circuit on challenge over oil spill payments”: The Times-Picayune of New Orleans has this news update.
Bloomberg News reports that “BP to Urges Court to Reject Costly View of Oil Spill Deal.”
And The Associated Press reports that “Appeals court hears BP challenge on spill claims.”
You can access via this link (20.2 MB Windows Media audio file) the audio of today’s oral argument before a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit.
“Some ‘disappointed’ by Supreme Court’s ruling on Indian adoptions”: Cronkite News has this report.
“Meet The Chief Justice Of America’s Secret Supreme Court: Judge Reggie Walton believes while ‘we have an obligation to vigorously prosecute people, we don’t do it at all costs’; But the ‘fair but harsh’ judge has overseen a breathtaking expansion of domestic surveillance in the United States.” John Stanton has this article online at BuzzFeed.
“‘As singular a failure as I’ve seen in the history of the Supreme Court’? McGinnis on Windsor, not Shelby County.” Today at his “walshslaw” blog, law professor Kevin C. Walsh has a post that begins, “Even Totenberg nods.”
“The Supreme Writer on the Court: The Case for Roberts.” Ross Guberman has this guest blog post today at “The Volokh Conspiracy.”