“Cody Wilson, 3-D Gun Proponent, Arrested in Taiwan on Sexual Assault Charge”: Tiffany Hsu and Chris Horton of The New York Times have an article that begins, “Cody Wilson, a leading proponent of 3-D printed guns, has been arrested in Taiwan after being charged in Texas with sexually assaulting a 16-year old girl there, Taiwanese officials said on Friday.”
“I helped write a speech defending a vote for Clarence Thomas. I regret it still.” Stephen Rodrick has this essay online at The Washington Post.
“Poll: Brett Kavanaugh faces unprecedented opposition to Supreme Court confirmation.” Susan Page of USA Today has an article that begins, “More Americans oppose than support the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, a new USA TODAY/Ipsos Public Affairs Poll finds, an unprecedented level of disapproval for a nominee to the nation’s high court.”
“A new twist in the Kavanaugh saga raises some very unpleasant questions”: Greg Sargent has this entry at “The Plum Line” blog of The Washington Post.
Kevin Breuninger of CNBC reports that “Kavanaugh ally’s bizarre mistaken identity theory about sexual assault accusation blows up in his face.”
Jane Coaston of Vox reports that “Conservative activist Ed Whelan apologizes for insinuating a Kavanaugh doppelgänger assaulted Ford.”
And online at Esquire, Charles P. Pierce has a post titled “Ed Whelan’s Batshit Theory Has Been Kicking Around in Right-Wing Circles for a While Now; Senate Republicans can’t get out of their own way on this matter.”
“Trump Questions Kavanaugh Accuser’s Account as Senators Continue Negotiations; President’s tweet takes confrontational tone toward Christine Blasey Ford; Senate GOP hoping to reach agreement with Dr. Ford about testifying next week”: Natalie Andrews and Kristina Peterson of The Wall Street Journal have this report.
“Kavanaugh Backer Presents Bonkers Theory: Christine Ford Was Assaulted by Judge’s Doppelgänger.” Margaret Hartmann has this post at the “Daily Intelligencer” blog of New York magazine.
Jeet Heer of The New Republic has a post titled “A bizarre doppelgänger theory testifies to the desperation of some Brett Kavanaugh supporters.”
At Mother Jones, Kevin Drum has a post titled “The Kavanaugh Affair Careened Off a Cliff Today.”
And at The Daily Beast, Jay Michaelson has a post titled “Ed Whelan, Judge Kavanaugh’s Defender, Just Committed Defamation; But unless Whelan’s target — also a Kavanaugh backer — sues, he’s unlikely to face any consequences.”