How Appealing

Monday, January 22, 2007

“No Doubting Justice Thomas: The Independent Path of the Court’s Most Conservative Justice.” Jan Crawford Greenburg and Howard L. Rosenberg have this written report online at The report is related to Jan’s forthcoming appearance tonight on “Nightline.” And Jan tonight has this related post at her brand new blog, “Legalities”

Posted at 10:55 PM by Howard Bashman

“The Political Future of Abortion Rights”: Law Professor Jack M. Balkin has this post today at his blog, “Balkinization.”

Posted at 9:05 PM by Howard Bashman

Reply brief filed in support of’s motion to dismiss a Pittsburgh attorney’s lawsuit against that web site: You can access the reply brief by clicking here. I previously collected at this link the other briefs filed in support of and in opposition to the motion to dismiss. The motion will be argued tomorrow in the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.

Posted at 8:55 PM by Howard Bashman

“Prosecutors Want Padilla Leak Punished”: The Associated Press provides a report that begins, “Prosecutors on Monday asked the judge in the Jose Padilla terrorism-support case to punish a defense attorney who leaked transcripts of Padilla’s intercepted phone conversations, saying the leak violated a court order and could jeopardize selection of an impartial jury.”

Posted at 8:07 PM by Howard Bashman

“The Press and the Watada Trial”: In the February 5, 2007 issue of The Nation, Marc Cooper will have an essay that begins, “When Army Lieut. Ehren Watada’s court-martial opens on February 5, more than Watada’s refusal to deploy to Iraq may be put on trial. Also at stake is the independence of the press, especially some of its more vulnerable members.”

Posted at 5:35 PM by Howard Bashman

“Death Row Dean Wins Temporary Reprieve”: The Associated Press provides a report that begins, “Texas’ longest-serving condemned prisoner, who had been set to die this week after more than 31 years on death row, won a reprieve Monday from the U.S. Supreme Court.”

Posted at 5:28 PM by Howard Bashman

The Eleventh Circuit delivers even worse news to some guy who claims to have invented EPCOT: Back on November 2, 2006, a unanimous three-judge panel ruled against the supposed EPCOT inventor on the merits but set aside some $120,000 in costs taxed against him in the district court. My earlier coverage of that ruling appears at this link.

Today, following sua sponte panel reconsideration, the same three-judge panel has issued a revised opinion upholding the district court’s entire original award of costs.

Posted at 5:23 PM by Howard Bashman

“We must decide whether a prospective commercial airline passenger, who presented no identification at check-in, and who voluntarily walked through a metal detector without setting off an alarm, can then prevent a government-ordered secondary screening search by stating he has decided not to fly and wants to leave the terminal.” So began an opinion that a unanimous three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit issued on March 17, 2006. The panel ruled that the prospective passenger could not avoid the secondary screening search by declaring that he no longer wished to fly but instead wanted to leave the terminal. My earlier coverage of that ruling appeared in a post titled “Don’t meth with airport security.”

Today, the Ninth Circuit entered an order granting rehearing en banc in the case. Stay tuned for further developments.

Posted at 5:09 PM by Howard Bashman

“The View from the Trenches: A Report on the Breakout Sessions at the 2005 National Conference on Appellate Justice.” Law Professor Arthur D. Hellman has just posted this paper (abstract with link for download) online at SSRN.

Posted at 3:02 PM by Howard Bashman

U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit affirms rejection of lawsuit challenging change in the copyright system of the United States from an opt-in system to an opt-out system: You can access today’s ruling in Kahle v. Gonzales at this link.

Additional background on the case is available here from Stanford Law School’s Center for Internet and Society and here from “lessig blog.”

Posted at 1:44 PM by Howard Bashman

In today’s mail: Law Professor Jeffrey Rosen‘s new book, “The Supreme Court: The Personalities and Rivalries That Defined America.”

The book is a companion to the four-hour PBS series “The Supreme Court,” which will debut on January 31, 2007 and conclude on February 7, 2007. A web site devoted to that forthcoming PBS series can be accessed at this link.

If you won’t be in Tuscaloosa, Alabama on Tuesday, February 13, 2007 to watch Justice Samuel A. Alito, Jr. deliver the eighth Albritton Lecture at the University of Alabama School of Law, perhaps you can be in Philadelphia to attend an event entitled “The Supreme Court Revealed with Jeffrey Rosen and Jan Crawford Greenburg” at the National Constitution Center. I’ve already reserved a ticket for the event.

P.S. The copy of the book that I received from its publisher also includes a DVD providing an advance look at both parts of the PBS program. Once I get a chance to view the DVD, I’ll let you know whether the PBS broadcast is worth a look.

Posted at 12:03 PM by Howard Bashman

The “Sentencing Law and Policy” blog offers extensive commentary on today’s U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Cunningham v. California: I’m particularly looking forward to Law Professor Douglas A. Berman‘s take on what insight today’s ruling provides into how the Court’s two newest Justices — Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr. and Associate Justice Samuel A. Alito, Jr. — view the Court’s precedents in Apprendi, Blakely, and Booker. In that regard, it appears noteworthy at first glance that Justice Alito did not join in Justice Anthony M. Kennedy’s dissenting opinion, where Justice Kennedy writes: “In my view the Apprendi line of cases remains incorrect.”

Posted at 11:50 AM by Howard Bashman

“Court strikes down California sentencing”: Lyle Denniston has this post at “SCOTUSblog.” The U.S. Supreme Court heard oral argument in Cunningham v. California, No. 05-6551, on October 11, 2006. You can access the oral argument transcript at this link. [Update:You can access today’s opinions via this post at “SCOTUSblog.” The dissenting Justices in Cunningham were Justices Anthony M. Kennedy, Stephen G. Breyer, and Samuel A. Alito, Jr.]

In early coverage, The Associated Press reports that “High Court Rejects Calif. Sentencing Law.”

Meanwhile, back on October 12, 2006, Brent Kendall of The Daily Journal of California covered the Cunningham oral argument in an article headlined “State’s Scheme for Sentencing Perplexes Court; Justices Try to See Regime in Context of Federal Guides.”

Denniston also reports that the Court today issued its ruling in Osborn v. Haley, No. 05-593, addressing whether a particular lawsuit against a federal employee was properly removed from state court to federal court on the certification of the Attorney General of the United States. Oral argument in this case occurred on October 30, 2006, and you can access the transcript at this link.

And the Court’s third and final opinion in an argued case issued in Jones v. Bock, No. 05-7058, addressing what is necessary for a prisoner to administratively exhaust a claim under the Prison Litigation Reform Act. This case was also argued on October 30, 2006, and you can access the transcript at this link.

You can access today’s Order List at this link.

In news coverage relating to the Order List, The Associated Press reports that “Supreme Court Passes in Corruption Case.”

Posted at 10:07 AM by Howard Bashman

“Monument’s removal adds twist to Bible display appeal; County attorney will tell federal court that case is moot; plaintiff questions timing”: The Houston Chronicle today contains an article that begins, “Days before a major appeals court hearing on a Bible display at a Harris County courthouse, the county has removed a monument that once contained the Bible. County officials say the move Friday was part of the renovation of the old Civil Courts Building, and was unrelated to the hearing scheduled for Tuesday in New Orleans before the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. But County Attorney Mike Stafford will tell the court Tuesday that the temporary storage of the monument makes the case moot, in addition to arguing the county’s position that a lower court was wrong in ruling that the Bible display was unconstitutional.”

I wrote about this case in the September 5, 2006 installment of my “On Appeal” column for, headlined “Monument at Houston Courthouse Tests the Limits of Ten Commandments Rulings.”

Posted at 9:20 AM by Howard Bashman

“Did 9th Circuit Judges Go AWOL From Oral Argument? One way ‘death is different’ in the 9th Circuit.” This week’s installment of my “On Appeal” column for can be accessed here.

Posted at 8:33 AM by Howard Bashman