How Appealing

Monday, October 24, 2011

“Court halts release of Prop. 8 video recordings”: Maura Dolan of The Los Angeles Times has a blog post that begins, “A federal appeals court Monday put a temporary hold on a decision to make public the video recordings of the Proposition 8 trial and decided to rule on the matter expeditiously.”

You can access today’s order of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit at this link.

Posted at 2:17 PM by Howard Bashman

“Office space: Judge Richard Posner — Longtime member of U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit gives a tour of his office.” Kristin Samuelson has this article today in The Chicago Tribune.

Posted at 12:16 PM by Howard Bashman

“Secret reports: With security spotty, many had access to anthrax.” McClatchy Newspapers and ProPublica have this report today.

Posted at 10:20 AM by Howard Bashman

“‘Inherently Improper’ Searches and Seizures: The Sixth Circuit’s Puzzling New Decision in United States v. Sease.” Orin Kerr has this post at “The Volokh Conspiracy.”

Posted at 10:08 AM by Howard Bashman

“Case to test California’s meat law; The U.S. Supreme Court will decide if California’s law banning ‘downer’ livestock is the right way to protect the meat supply”: This article appears today in The Press-Enterprise of Riverside, California.

Posted at 7:30 AM by Howard Bashman