“Justices Consider Religious Displays”: Linda Greenhouse will have this article Thursday in The New York Times.
In Thursday’s edition of The Washington Post, Charles Lane will report that “Division of Church, State At High Court; Ten Commandments Displays On Government Land at Issue.”
David G. Savage of The Los Angeles Times has a news update headlined “Supreme Court Wrestles With Ten Commandments Issue.”
In Thursday’s edition of The Dallas Morning News, Allen Pusey will report that “High court hears arguments in Texas Commandments case.” That newspaper on Thursday will also report that “Many Commandments monuments started out as movie promotion.”
Fans of Jan Crawford Greenburg can read her article headlined “Court hears arguments on Ten Commandments displays” from Thursday’s issue of The Chicago Tribune and can listen to her interview (RealPlayer required) about the case from this evening’s broadcast of the PBS program “The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer.”
Finally for now, The Fort Worth Star-Telegram on Thursday will report that “Texas looks to keep Commandments display on Capitol grounds.”
“Civil rights groups mobilize against judicial nominee”: Stephen Henderson and Tim Funk of Knight Ridder Newspapers have an article that begins, “National civil rights groups have taken an unusual lead role in an effort to keep Federal District Judge Terrence Boyle off the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond, Va., saying his elevation would be ‘devastating’ to racial progress.”
And Thursday’s edition of The Washington Post will report that “Judges May Be Vetted for Mainstream Values; Confirmation Expected to Be Difficult as Legislators Clash Over Expectations.”
“Is Justice Done in 2 Versions? The state Supreme Court reviews two juries’ death penalty verdicts after the deputy D.A. gives differing accounts of a brutal murder.” Thursday’s edition of The Los Angeles Times will contain this front page article by Maura Dolan.
“White Supremacist’s Relatives Are Questioned in Killings”: This article will appear Thursday in The New York Times.
Thursday’s edition of The Washington Post will report that “Supremacists Suspected in Killings at Judge’s Home.”
CNN.com reports that “Chicago police release sketches; Men sought for interviews after slayings of judge’s relatives.”
And Thursday’s edition of The Chicago Tribune will contain articles headlined “Killings draw attention to protection of judges“; “Hale’s parents certain son wasn’t involved in killings“; and “Killings were ‘unthinkable,’ judge says.”
Available online from law.com: Tony Mauro reports that “Supremes Wrestle With Constitutionality of Commandments Displays.”
In other news, “Federal Circuit Grants Microsoft New Patent Trial.”
An article headlined “9th Circuit KO’s Arbitration Rules; Feds beat state court to punch, say ethics rules are pre-empted” reports on this decision that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit issued yesterday.
And in news from Florida, “Federal Appeals Court Overturns $55 Million Torture Verdict.”
“Judge fears murders tied to her job”: The Chicago Sun-Times provides this news update.
And The Chicago Tribune offers news updates headlined “‘It’s so unthinkable’” and “Police release sketches.”
He’ll fit in ever so nicely at the U.S. Supreme Court: A three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit today issued a decision in which Circuit Judge J. Michael Luttig‘s opinion concurring in the judgment consists of the following:
I am sufficiently unclear as to the reasons for the majority’s holding, and therefore the implications of the court’s decision, that I simply concur in the judgment reached by the court.
Thanks to Steve Minor at the “SW Virginia law blog” for the pointer.
Available online from National Public Radio: This evening’s broadcast of “All Things Considered” contained segments entitled “High Court Mulls Ten Commandments Displays” (featuring Nina Totenberg) and “Chicago Judge Was Target of Antipathy from White Supremacists.”
And today’s broadcast of “Talk of the Nation” contained segments entitled “Supreme Court Weighs Commandments” and “Ensuring Federal Judges’ Safety.”
RealPlayer is required to launch these audio segments.
“Take Two Tablets: The Supreme Court picks through the rubble of its Ten Commandments jurisprudence.” Slate has just posted online this Supreme Court dispatch by Dahlia Lithwick. She spoke about the case on today’s broadcast of NPR‘s “Day to Day” in a segment entitled “Slate’s Supreme Court Dispatches: Ten Commandments” (RealPlayer required).
“Supreme Court hears arguments on Ten Commandments displays”: Stephen Henderson of Knight Ridder Newspapers provides this report.
Available online from cbs2chicago.com: The television station’s web site provides reports headlined “Evidence Revealed In Judge’s Family Murders” and “Durbin Offers Sympathies To Joan Lefkow.” The page that results from clicking on the first of those two links also provides numerous links along the right-hand column to videotaped reports relating to this matter that the television station has broadcasted today.
“Chicago murders spotlight risks to judges; Was Lefkow’s family targeted by white supremacists?” This article will appear Thursday in The Christian Science Monitor.
And Reuters reports that “Slaying of Chicago Judge’s Family Raises Security Concern.”
“Court Considers Government Displays of Ten Commandments”: Linda Greenhouse of The New York Times provides this news update.
And online at “SCOTUSblog,” Lyle Denniston asks, “Ten Commandments — a split verdict?”
Have you lost your enthusiasm for auctions of U.S. Supreme Court Justice bobblehead dolls? Reuters reports from Florida that “Stripper Selling Infamous Breast Implant on eBay.” According to the article, the current bid on the item is less than what’s been paid at auction for bobblehead Justices.
“Sears is Georgia’s first female chief justice”: The Associated Press provides this report on the first African-American woman to serve as the Chief Justice of Georgia’s Supreme Court.
“The Amazing Case of the Disappearing Reversals: Senate committee scheduled to explore court nominee Boyle’s bogus claims about extraordinarily high reversal rate in hearing tomorrow.” The organization People For the American Way has issued this press release today in advance of tomorrow afternoon’s judicial confirmation hearing in the Senate Judiciary Committee. PFAW’s report on Fourth Circuit nominee Terrence W. Boyle, which I first linked to here, can be viewed at this link.
“Judicial Jeopardy: Questions for Nominees.” The Nation has today posted online this essay by Garrett Epps.
“White Supremacist Groups Draw Scrutiny”: The Associated Press provides this report from Chicago.
Reuters is reporting: James Vicini reports that “Supreme Court Considers Ten Commandments Displays.” And in other news, “Court overturns $521 mln ruling against Microsoft.”
“More Security for Judges, Families Sought”: The Associated Press provides this report from Chicago.
“Kennedy pivotal in Ten Commandments debate; Justice chides ‘obsessive concern’ about religious displays”: Tom Curry, national affairs writer for MSNBC, provides this report.
And yesterday afternoon, Tom had a report headlined “Can Specter help Senate avoid nominee meltdown? Judiciary chairman tries to overcome filibusters.”
“Justices Hear Ten Commandments Arguments”: David G. Savage of The Los Angeles Times provides this news update.
Meanwhile, from The Associated Press, Hope Yen reports that “High Court Hears Debate Over Commandments.” And in related coverage, “Commandments Debate Prompts Demonstrations.”
“Ten Commandments Get Some Support at U.S. High Court”: Bloomberg News provides this report.
“The Blue State Court: The Justices continue their liberal social activism.” This editorial appears today in The Wall Street Journal.
“Assassins and other killers”: The Chicago Tribune today contains an editorial that begins, “For judges, prosecutors and witnesses, bringing criminals to justice can provoke reasonable fears and carry terrible costs.”
“Rehnquist Still Working Mostly From Home”: The Associated Press provides this report.
“Rough Justice: Scalia exposes a flip-flop on the competence of minors.” Overnight, Slate posted online this essay by William Saletan.
Update: Law Professor Orin Kerr responds, “Justice Scalia isn’t exactly a model of jurisprudential consistency, but those trying to play ‘gotcha’ with him have to do much better than this piece by William Saletan in Slate.”
“Courting the Public”: Dirk Olin has this op-ed today in The New York Times arguing that the federal method of judicial selection is better than electing judges as many States still do. On the other hand, running for elective judicial office at least assures an up-or-down vote.
“Appeals Court Orders New Trial in $500 Million Microsoft-Eolas Web Browser Case”: “Patently-O: Patent Law Blog” offers this report on a ruling that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit issued today.
I’m sure that the overturning of this judgment against Microsoft Corporation will be received as welcome news by that company, because from Microsoft’s perspective, $500 million here, $500 million there, and soon you’re talkin’ real money.
“State joins town’s appeal on prayer”: The Greenville News yesterday published an article that begins, “South Carolina has weighed in on an issue before the U.S. Supreme Court as to whether town officials should be allowed to mention Jesus Christ in prayers before council meetings, the state attorney general said Monday.”
“High Court Hears Debate Over Commandments”: Hope Yen of The Associated Press provides this early report on this morning’s oral argument.
“Filibuster Ban Test Site”: RJ Matson has this cartoon today in Roll Call.
“Price of Progress: For liberals, yesterday’s Supreme Court decision was a step forward on the death penalty; And maybe a step backward on abortion.” Dana Mulhauser has this essay online today at The New Republic.
“Going Gentle: Oregon’s suicide law faces its final hurdle.” Julian Sanchez has this essay online at Reason.
“Sixth-Circuit Shenanigans: The troubling history behind McCreary.” Kay R. Daly has this essay today at National Review Online.