“Keller resigns from Supreme Court”: The Lexington Herald-Leader provides a news update that begins, “Kentucky Supreme Court Justice James E. Keller of Lexington, known for his work in establishing drug courts in the state, will step down from the bench, effective May 31.”
“Colorado Court Bars Execution Because Jurors Consulted Bible”: This article will appear Tuesday in The New York Times.
In Tuesday’s edition of The Washington Post: Charles Lane will have an article headlined “Justices Consider Rights of Foreigners; Power of International Court at Issue.”
A profile of former Fourth Circuit nominee Claude A. Allen will bear the headline “Bush’s Domestic Adviser Is ‘a Jack of All Trades.’”
And in other news, “Where Age And Power Go Together: Washington Accepts Elderly Leaders.”
“High court hears Houston death case; Justices grapple with foreigners’ rights, constitutional issues”: Allen Pusey will have this article Tuesday in The Dallas Morning News.
“Bush Decision to Comply With World Court Complicates Case of Mexican on Death Row”: Linda Greenhouse will have this article Tuesday in The New York Times.
“Supreme Court Won’t Rule on ‘Neutral Reporting Privilege'”: David G. Savage of The Los Angeles Times provides this news update.
The Associated Press is reporting: In news pertaining to the U.S. Supreme Court, “Court hears housing dispute between San Francisco, historic hotel” and “Supreme Court declines to hear appeal in child porn case against former Calif. judge.”
And in other news, “Judge: Moussaoui Trial Date to Be Set Soon.” Today’s order of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia can be accessed here.
On this date in “How Appealing” history: One year ago today, I had a post titled “Tonight’s broadcast of ’60 Minutes’ will contain an interview with Fifth Circuit recess appointee Judge Charles W. Pickering, Sr.” A transcript of that “60 Minutes” segment remains available online at this link, while Judge Pickering himself no longer remains on the Fifth Circuit because his recess appointment expired last December.
Also one year ago today, I linked here to an article published that day in The Detroit News headlined “Bush likely to opt for court nominee with Federalist ties; Right-wing legal society grows in political clout since 1982 inception.” The concluding sentence of that article states, “Court watchers consider [Jeffrey S.] Sutton, who now serves on the Cincinnati-based 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, as Supreme Court material.”
“KC man sentenced for threats to federal judge”: The Associated Press provides this report from Kansas City, Missouri.
And online at The Village Voice today, James Ridgeway has an essay entitled “Schiavo Judge Has Reason to Fear: Armed guards, dead flowers, and not very Christian-sounding e-mail.”
Playing the role of Dahlia Lithwick in this evening’s performance is Emily Bazelon: Online at Slate this evening, Emily Bazelon has a Supreme Court dispatch headlined “You Picked a Fine Time To Leave Me: President Bush ditches Texas in front of the Supreme Court” that begins, “Let’s start with the obvious: I’m not Dahlia Lithwick. To Dahlia’s devotees–and you are legion–who are thinking of me as Kirstie Alley on Cheers, or the subbed-in Luke on the Dukes of Hazzard, well, sorry about that. But think about it this way: It’s not as if Slate has killed Dahlia off. She’d just rather not give birth to her new baby in court. So, until she comes back, skinnier if not well-rested, I’ll be keeping an eye on her nine other babies.”
“Court hears arguments on foreigners’ rights in death-penalty cases”: The Fort Worth Star-Telegram provides this news update.
Available online from National Public Radio: This evening’s broadcast of “All Things Considered” contained a segment entitled “Supreme Court to Hear Arguments on File Sharing.”
And today’s broadcast of “Day to Day” included segments entitled “Echoes of Earlier Right-to-Die Battle in Schiavo Case” and “Mass Injury Diagnosis in Personal-Injury Lawsuits.”
RealPlayer is required to launch these audio segments.
“Chief Justice Rehnquist Returns to Bench”: The Associated Press reports here that “Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist, ailing with thyroid cancer, went to the hospital over the weekend after experiencing breathing problems but returned to the bench Monday.”
“Online Music Case Outcome Rests on VCR Technology”: Reuters provides this report.
“High court shows Pryor restraint”: The Birmingham News today contains an editorial that begins, “Even the U.S. Supreme Court won’t consider removing former Alabama Attorney General Bill Pryor from the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. Why doesn’t the U.S. Senate simply carry out its responsibility and vote Pryor’s nomination up or down?”
“Supreme Showdown for P2P’s Future”: Wired News provides this report.
“Imagine Terri Were a Toaster… An economist considers the Schiavo case.” Steven E. Landsburg today has this everyday economics essay online at Slate.
What I have yet to see — perhaps because I’m not looking in the right places — is anyone who has remarked on all the good that could have been accomplished had the money and resources consumed by the U.S. Congress and President Bush in passing and signing the federal law applicable to Terri Schiavo’s case — a law that proved to be of no help to those seeking to keep Ms. Schiavo alive — been used instead to assist those in need whose lives that money could have saved or improved substantially for the better. What was the price tag for the Schiavo law, and how might that money been used instead actually to save or improve the lives of others in need? Enquiring minds want to know.
“Justices Find Medellin Case a Muddle”: law.com’s Tony Mauro provides this news update.
Corante launches “Between Lawyers” blog: You may recognize many of the contributors to this new blog.
“The war over downloading: The debate over Internet piracy has raged for years; Now the Supreme Court is about to weigh in.” CNN/Money provides this report.
“Bible Reading Thwarts Colo. Murder Case”: The Associated Press reports here that “The Colorado Supreme Court threw out the death sentence Monday of a man convicted of raping and killing a cocktail waitress because jurors consulted the Bible during deliberations.” You can access today’s 3-2 ruling of the Supreme Court of Colorado at this link.
“Barely Legal: The hottest trend in file sharing.” Dana Mulhauser today has this jurisprudence essay online at Slate.
“Supreme Court May Not Decide Case of Death-Row Mexican”: James Vicini of Reuters provides this report.
“Judge Orders U.S. PS2 Sales Halted; Sony Appealing”: Reuters provides this report. And The Associated Press reports that “Sony Ordered to Pay in PlayStation Case.”
Law Professor Jeffrey Rosen — here, there, and everywhere: Yesterday, Professor Rosen had an op-ed in The Washington Post entitled “It’s The Law, Not the Judge; But These Days the Bench Is the Hot Seat.” Today, The Washington Post hosted Professor Rosen’s online chat on the subject of that op-ed.
Professor Rosen also appeared on this past Saturday’s broadcast (RealPlayer required) of C-SPAN‘s “America & the Courts,” where he discussed his article “Rehnquist the Great? Even liberals may come to regard William Rehnquist as one of the century’s most successful chief justices” (subscription required), which appears in the April 2005 issue of The Atlantic Monthly.
“Auman conviction reversed”: The Denver Post provides this news update. When the case was argued last September in the Supreme Court of Colorado, The Denver Post published an article headlined “‘Felony murder’ weighed” and an essay by columnist Diane Carman entitled “Auman case hangs from a split hair.”
“Rights of Foreigners on Death Row Examined”: Hope Yen of The Associated Press has this report on one of the oral arguments that the Supreme Court of the United States heard this morning. And at “SCOTUSblog,” Lyle Denniston reports on the oral argument in a post titled “Medellin case: the Court hesitates.”
“Daniel Benitez, key plaintiff in Mariel boatlift case, dead at 49”: The Associated Press reports here that “One of two Mariel Cubans whose cases against the U.S. government led to the Supreme Court decision barring the indefinite detention of illegal migrants died Monday, his attorney said.” The U.S. Supreme Court issued the ruling in question on January 12, 2005.
“Spokesman says Terri Schiavo reacted to a friend’s visit”: The Miami Herald provides this news update.
“Justice’s family to back BWI renaming; Thurgood Marshall’s wife, son to urge legislators to honor civil rights pioneer; Bill passed House, sits in Senate”: This article appears today in The Baltimore Sun.
“Culture War’s Latest Chapter: Schiavo Case.” The Associated Press provides this report.
“Both sides find ammo in Pryor’s record; Whether his federal judgeship should be permanent debated”: This article appears today in The Birmingham News.
“Parents Appeal to Fla. Governor to Help Schiavo”: Reuters provides this report.
Hope Yen of The Associated Press is reporting: This morning, she has articles headlined “High Court Lets Stand Defamation Ruling” and “Court Declines to Review Abortion Law.”
“Colorado Supreme Court overturns Auman conviction”: The Associated Press provides this report on a ruling that the Supreme Court of Colorado issued today.
“TalkLeft” offers these thoughts on today’s ruling.