How Appealing

Saturday, April 16, 2005

“The Unregulated Offensive: Imagine that the interpretation of the Constitution was frozen in 1937; Imagine a country in which Social Security, job-safety laws and environmental protections were unconstitutional; Imagine judges longing for that; Imagine one of them as the next Supreme Court nominee.” Law Professor Jeffrey Rosen has this lengthy cover story about the so-called “Constitution in Exile” in tomorrow’s issue of The New York Times Magazine. To see the magazine’s cover image, depicting the U.S. Constitution frozen in time (or at least in a block of ice), click here.

This is not the first time that Rosen has written about this topic. See, for example, his essay entitled “Supreme Mistake: Activists say this election will determine the future of the Supreme Court; And it will; But not in the way they think” in the November 8, 2004 issue of The New Republic.

The “Constitution in Exile” was also the subject of Adam Cohen’s Editorial Observer column entitled “What’s New in the Legal World? A Growing Campaign to Undo the New Deal” published in The New York Times on December 14, 2004. And the topic also received multiple mentions in Law Professor Bruce Ackerman‘s essay entitled “The Art of Stealth” published in the February 17, 2005 issue of the London Review of Books.

Posted at 9:07 PM by Howard Bashman

“Cheney says he’d break tie to curtail use of filibusters; Democrats denounced for blocking judicial picks”: The Baltimore Sun contains this article today.

The Washington Times reports today that “McCain irks Republicans over anti-filibuster option.”

The Louisville Courier-Journal reports that “Judicial fight heads to church; Event at Highview to target filibusters.”

The Lexington Herald-Leader reports that “Church to be TV forum for Bush backers; Prominent speakers’ aim is to avert filibusters over judicial nominees.”

The Gazette of Colorado Springs reports that “Focus ads target ‘judicial tyranny’ of senators.”

The Cox News Service reports that “Filibuster fight getting personal.”

The New York Times today contains an editorial entitled “Bill Frist’s Religious War.”

The Boston Globe contains an editorial entitled “Frist’s intolerance.”

The Berkshire Eagle contains an editorial entitled “Faith and justice.”

And The Ventura County Star contains an editorial entitled “The Senate talk show.”

Posted at 8:15 AM by Howard Bashman