Today marks the 100th anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court‘s decision in Lochner v. New York: You can access the court’s ruling here and here.
Although Law Professor Jeffrey Rosen‘s cover story today in The New York Times Magazine makes mention of the Lochner case, the article doesn’t note that today is the decision’s 100th birthday.
Tuesday will mark the tenth anniversary of the bomb blast that destroyed the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City: The St. Louis Post-Dispatch today contains articles headlined “When terror hit the heartland” and “City found renewal in aftermath of disaster.” The web site of the Oklahoma City National Memorial can be accessed at this link.
“Court considers whether Delta can be sued as in-flight bar”: The Associated Press provides this report.
“Grandparents’ visits: not always a right”: This article will appear Monday in The Christian Science Monitor. This earlier post of mine provides links to the briefs filed in the challenge to Pennsylvania’s grandparent visitation law that I’ll be arguing next month before the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania.
“Rules on innovation come under a legal microscope”: In Monday’s edition of Financial Times, Patti Waldmeir will have an article that begins, “The US Supreme Court could be about to rewrite the rules of innovation in America. A drug patent case this week could profoundly affect not only those who take or make American drugs but also the vitality of the innovation economy.”
“Supreme Court averse to risk, professor says”: The Toronto Globe and Mail yesterday contained an article that begins, “The Supreme Court of Canada has become a ‘play-it-safe’ court whose colourless judgments reflect very little spirited debate, a leading constitutional scholar told a Toronto legal conference yesterday.”
“No-contest plea will get dentist out of jail”: Yesterday’s edition of The St. Louis Post-Dispatch contained an article that begins, “After being behind bars for nearly eight years without a trial, Creve Coeur dentist Charles ‘Tom’ Sell on Friday ended his battle and pleaded no contest to federal charges of fraud and conspiracy to kill a witness and an FBI agent. Sell’s case achieved national attention when his refusal to be forcibly medicated went all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. His case resulted in tougher standards being established for federal prosecutors who want to medicate defendants to make them mentally fit for trial.”
“Humble beginning, supreme end; Judge’s journey started in Flint, led to chief seat on high court”: This article appears today in The Flint Journal.
“Comparing church and state”: On Friday, Michael Kirkland, UPI legal affairs correspondent, had this essay.
“Kos makes the most of blogging, daily”: This article appears today in The Contra Costa Times.
“Judges deserve praise, gratitude, not angry threats”: The Gainesville (Ga.) Times contains this editorial today.
“Campaign against Specter helped GOP, Toomey claims”: This article appears today in The Harrisburg Patriot-News.
“Prayer tradition safe, for now; Finally, a voice of reason regarding separation of church and state; What a welcome relief”: The Progress-Index of Petersburg, Virginia today contains an editorial that begins, “On Thursday, three-judge panel of the 4th U.S. District Court of Appeals reversed a lower court ruling that would have allowed a Wiccan priest to pray the invocation at Chesterfield County Board of Supervisors meetings.”
And today in The Richmond Times-Dispatch, columnist Mark Holmberg has an essay entitled “Bewitched by inside tale of case.” A related editorial cartoon by Gary Brookins, also published today, can be accessed here.
“Case Tests Military Abortion Insurance Policy”: This segment (RealPlayer required) appeared on today’s broadcast of NPR‘s “Weekend Edition – Sunday.”
Previously, in a post that you can access here, I linked to the audio of the recent oral argument in this case before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.
In the April 25, 2005 issue of Newsweek: Debra Rosenberg will have an article headlined “The War On Judges: The rhetoric is heated; The political will is strong; Inside the right’s campaign to rein in judicial clout.”
And Howard Fineman will have an article headlined “Torn Between Faith & Science: He’s a doctor and a pol, the Senate leader and a White House wanna-be; It’s not always easy being Bill Frist.”
“Judges Battle Transcends Numbers; Republicans already rule most federal courts; The issue is how far right the GOP can take them”: David G. Savage has this front page article today in The Los Angeles Times.
The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette reports today that “Senators picking sides for filibuster war; Tactic of endless debate to prevent vote wearing thin among Bush supporters.”
The Clarion-Ledger of Jackson, Mississippi reports that “Cochran targets judicial filibusters.”
The Washington Post contains an article headlined “It’s in the Formers’ Almanac: Rules Change Brings Deluge.” An editorial is entitled “Beyond the Pale.” Wade Henderson and Stephen Moore have an op-ed entitled “Don’t Alter The Filibuster.” And U.S. Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA) has an op-ed entitled “Majority Vote Should Trump Minority Rule.”
“Even the power brokers seek appointed judges; Pa.’s judicial elections take cash and cachet; Two lawmakers want change”: This front page article appears today in The Philadelphia Inquirer.