“Rove Guided Career of Judicial Nominee in Filibuster Fight”: Neil A. Lewis will have this article Monday in The New York Times.
Monday’s edition of The Minneapolis Star Tribune will report that “The filibuster is the talk of the Senate.”
Monday’s issue of Financial Times reports that “Frist’s push to confirm two judges sets scene for conflict.”
And FOXNews.com has posted online from today’s broadcast of Fox News Sunday “Transcript: Senate Whips on ‘FNS.’”
In Monday’s edition of The Washington Post: Tomorrow’s newspaper will contain articles headlined “Gonzales Earns Praise, Despite Lack of Policy Change; Openness, Listening Win Friends as He Holds Ashcroft Line” and “Md. Sniper Trial Could Spotlight Politicians; Duncan, Gansler Exposure Predicted.”
Available online from C-SPAN: Yesterday’s broadcast of “America & the Courts” included segments from this past Thursday’s executive business meeting of the Senate Judiciary Committee, which considered William H. Pryor, Jr.‘s nomination to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit. You can view the program by clicking here.
And by clicking here, you can view a segment from today’s broadcast of “Washington Journal” described as follows: “Susan Low Bloch, Professor, Georgetown University Law Center, describes what U.S. circuits courts of appeals do and how they function.”
RealPlayer is required to launch these video segments.
In Monday’s edition of USA Today: The newspaper will contain an editorial entitled “Qualified conservatives or judicial fanatics?”
And Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, M.D. (R-TN) will have an op-ed entitled “It’s time for up-or-down vote.”
“Texan known in D.C. for one thing”: The San Antonio Express-News today contains a lengthy article that begins:
Graduation was months away. College seemed a sure thing. The classroom clock was ticking toward the carefree time students call senior spring.
Then the birth-control pills failed.
What happened next shaped the future of a 17-year-old girl and may now do the same to one of the Texas Supreme Court justices who heard the teenager’s request for an abortion without telling her parents.
The 2000 ruling known as “In re Jane Doe” made it easier for the girl to pursue her professional goals. Five years later, the case might hinder Justice Priscilla Owen’s own career.
More than any other decision, “Doe” has dominated the argument that, after rumbling for years, is expected to erupt this week when U.S. senators consider Owen’s nomination for an influential federal judgeship.
And The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette today contains an article headlined “Pryor, Lincoln critique jurists; Arkansas’ senators wary of Bush picks for appellate courts.”
“Both Sides Predict Win in Filibuster Fight”: The Associated Press provides this report.
Thomas Ferraro of Reuters reports that “Deal sought in showdown over Bush’s judges.”
Financial Times on Monday will report that “Decision to push for US judges raises pressure on Frist.”
And Monday’s edition of The Australian contains an article headlined “Now or never for Bush judges.”
Philadelphia Phillies 4, Cincinnati Reds 3: I had the pleasure of attending today’s Phillies game with my son, and we saw quite a good game. Summaries are available here and here, and the box score is here.
“Profane note posted as Lefkow dines out”: This article appears today in The Chicago Tribune.
And The Chicago Sun-Times reports today that “Man tapes up profane note as Lefkow dines.”
“Courts are ensnared in a thicket of politics; The rhetoric is hotter than any time since the nation’s early days”: Michael Hill has this lengthy essay today in The Baltimore Sun.
“‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ Harms the Constitution, but So Does This Cure”: Law Professor Tobias Barrington Wolff has this op-ed today in The Los Angeles Times.
The Daily Pennsylvanian on Friday contained an article headlined “High court to review ruling on military recruitment; Penn group says they will proceed forward with similar suit.”
On Wednesday, The Daily Bruin of UCLA contained articles headlined “Universities could face tough legal battle; Law Schools’ claim that 1996 amendment violates free speech may be hard to prove“; “Law students push for recruiter presence; Removal would hurt military, say UCLAW Veterans Society members“; and “Controversy provokes debate on gay rights; For UCLA LGBT communities, military’s presence represents discrimination.”
And last Monday, The Harvard Crimson published a letter to the editor under the heading “Military Not the Only HLS Recruiter That Discriminates.”
“Dick Cheney’s Right to Conceal”: The New York Times contains this editorial today.
“Senate on verge of meltdown; GOP leaders coming close to pulling the trigger on ‘nuclear option’ to keep Democrats from filibustering president’s judicial picks”: This article appears today in Newsday.
The May 23, 2005 issue of Newsweek will contain an article headlined “Ready to Blow: As the Senate prepares for a showdown over judicial nominees, a few moderates hope for middle ground.”
In The Baltimore Sun, Gail Gibson reports today that “Senate split on stalling tactics; Both parties have used procedural maneuvers to block judicial nominees; GOP targeting filibusters.”
The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports that “Senate set for judicial showdown; Frist clears calendar to bring up nominee.”
The Kansas City Star reports that “Roberts a key to filibuster decision.”
The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette reports that “Judge fight brings new intensity to old split.”
The News & Observer of Raleigh, North Carolina contains an article headlined “Why the filibuster lost luster.”
And The Huntsville Item reports that “Cornyn backs plan to beat Senate filibuster.”
In commentary, The Knoxville News Sentinel contains an editorial entitled “Judicial crisis is Frist’s biggest challenge.”
The Union Leader of Manchester, New Hampshire contains an editorial entitled “Big lie on filibuster: Democrats are subverting Senate role.”
The Washington Times contains an editorial entitled “Time to vote on Justice Owen” and a “Forum” item entitled “Hispanic solons: End filibuster.”
In The Detroit News, Thomas Bray has an essay entitled “Keeping filibuster may help Republicans unseat Stabenow.”
In The Salt Lake Tribune, John J. Flynn has an op-ed entitled “Hatch is wrong about history of judicial appointments.”
In The Oregonian, columnist David Reinhard has an op-ed entitled “‘Dirty Harry’ Reid: The art of the smear.”
In The San Francisco Chronicle, Tony Quinn has an op-ed entitled “Dems’ filibustering of judicial nominations is just politics.”
And in The Baltimore Sun, Sean Roche has an op-ed entitled “Senate must seek common ground in filibuster battle.”