“Shaping the judiciary”: The San Francisco Chronicle on Sunday will contain a front page article that begins, “By the time President Bush’s term expires in 2009, about 1 in 3 federal judges will be his selection.”
Lyle Denniston is reporting at “SCOTUSblog”: Yesterday, he had posts titled “Commentary on the last of the Tribe treatise” and “The first Booker sequel?”
In connection with the first of those two posts, yesterday evening “SCOTUSblog” posted online an admittedly blurry PDF of Law Professor Laurence H. Tribe‘s letters explaining his decision. Those who subscribe to The Green Bag will receive less blurry copies of those letters, together with extraordinarily valuable bobblehead dolls of U.S. Supreme Court Justices.
And in connection with the second of those two posts, interested readers should also see the post titled “SG is seeking cert. on plain error!” at the “Sentencing Law and Policy” blog.
“At the Brink: The GOP readies its nukes; Can a plucky band of moderates really save the day?” The May 30, 2005 issue of U.S. News & World Report will contain this article.
In Sunday’s edition of The Philadelphia Inquirer, Dick Polman will have an article headlined “Both parties feverishly spinning in battle over judicial nominees.”
Sunday’s edition of The Chicago Tribune will report that “Hitler, Darth Vader invade Senate in bitter fight on judges.”
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution on Sunday will contain an article headlined “Lowery: Filibuster ‘the bedrock of the republic.’”
The Boston Herald on Sunday will contain an article headlined “Frank: No nukes on Hill! Reverses ’93 filibuster stand.”
The Minneapolis Star Tribune on Sunday will contain an editorial entitled “Senate showdown: Protect the filibuster,” while Norman J. Ornstein will have an op-ed entitled “The great divide.”
In The New York Times, columnist David Brooks on Sunday will have an op-ed entitled “The Senate’s Quavering Middle.”
Yesterday’s broadcast of the PBS program “NOW” was all about judicial filibusters.
And yesterday’s broadcast of PBS’s “The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer” contained a segment entitled “Nuclear Option Looms in the Senate” (transcript with link to audio).
“Governor vote trial set to begin; Republicans will seek to prove Gregoire owes win to illegal votes”: This article appears today in The Seattle Post-Intelligencer.
And The Seattle Times today contains articles headlined “GOP wants judge to reconsider ruling” and “Manager aware of flawed ballot report.”
“Senators to defend filibuster”: The Honolulu Advertiser today contains an article that begins, “Hawai’i’s two Democratic senators say they’ll stand with their party next week against a Republican ban on filibusters for judicial nominees.”
The Times-Picayune of New Orleans reports that “Texas jurist at crux of long dispute; Priscilla Owen’s foes fault abortion finding.”
And The Associated Press offers a report headlined “Newsview: Senate Torn Over Loyalties.”
“The Case of Theresa Schiavo”: Joan Didion has this lengthy article in the June 9, 2005 issue of The New York Review of Books.
In Sunday’s edition of The New York Times: Tomorrow’s newspaper will contain an article headlined “First Victim in Judicial Fight: Congress’s Image.”
And Law Professor Jeffrey Rosen will have a Week in Review essay entitled “The Senate Nears the Point of No Return.”
“Senate Republicans Move to Cut Off Debate on Nomination to Appeals Court”: This article appears today in The New York Times.
The Washington Post today contains articles headlined “Stage Set for Senate Showdown Tuesday” and “Gonzales Says He Supports Nominee Owen Despite Texas Case.”
The Los Angeles Times contains articles headlined “GOP Senators File Motion to End Debate Over Jurist; The action begins the countdown to the ‘nuclear option’ on judicial filibusters” and “Rancor of the House Seeps Into the Senate.”
The Washington Times contains articles headlined “Republicans start countdown to ‘nuclear option’” and “Republicans use ads to rip Reid back home in Nevada.”
The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette reports that “Senators taking direct approach in judges battle; D.C. staffs dealt out of loop; Pryor hopeful of reaching deal.”
The Cleveland Plain Dealer contains articles headlined “DeWine looks to heal contentious Senate; Ohioan brokering deal over Bush nominees” and “Think-tank attorneys debate Senate battle over filibusters.”
In The Oakland Tribune, Josh Richman reports that “Boxer jeers GOP hubris on nominee; Democrat says Justice Brown unfit for federal post, calls attempt to ban filibusters ‘a power grab.’”
The Allentown Morning Call reports that “Filibuster fight turns up hear on Specter, Santorum; It’s a touchy topic for both Pennsylvania senators, for very different reasons.”
The Knoxville News-Sentinel reports that “Frist act to end debate will hurt image, Dem says.”
The New Haven Register reports that “Dodd, Lieberman join fray over filibusters.”
The Lincoln (Neb.) Journal Star reports that “National GOP puts Nelson in bull’s-eye.”
And yesterday evening’s broadcast of NPR‘s “All Things Considered” contained a segment entitled “Is America Really Concerned About How Judges are Confirmed?” (RealPlayer required).
In commentary, The New York Times today contains an editorial entitled “On the ‘Nuclear’ Brink.”
The Denver Post contains an editorial entitled “Keep up efforts to avoid nuclear option; We continue to hope cooler heads will prevail and the Senate can find a way to preserve parliamentary rules and give judicial nominees a fair look.”
The Day of New London, Connecticut contains an editorial entitled “Not The Nuclear Option: GOP’s attempt to change long-standing Senate rules ignores lessons of history.”
The Ledger of Lakeland, Florida contains an editorial entitled “Partisanship Goes to Extremes.”
The Gwinnett Daily Post contains an editorial entitled “The majority should rule on judge votes.”
In The Rocky Mountain News, columnist Mike Littwin has an op-ed entitled “Senate heats up; Salazar cools off.”
In The Kansas City Star, Vicki Palatas has an op-ed entitled “Democrats skewer Constitution and Republicans.”
And in Thursday’s edition of The Philadelphia Daily News, columnist John Baer had an essay entitled “Congress is out of touch; Debate over Senate procedure a bust.”