How Appealing

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

“White House interviews candidates for Rehnquist post, official says”: In Wednesday’s edition of The Chicago Tribune, Jan Crawford Greenburg will have an article that begins, “Stepping up preparations for the possible retirement of Chief Justice William Rehnquist – perhaps as early as next week – the White House has narrowed its list to a handful of federal appeals court judges and has conducted interviews with leading contenders, a senior administration official said Tuesday.”

If it is not obvious already, this article is a must-read for many reasons.

Posted at 11:00 PM by Howard Bashman

The Associated Press is reporting: An article reports that “Group to Launch Supreme Court Ad Campaign.”

And in other news, an article headlined “Jury Recommends Death in Iowa Drug Slay” begins, “A federal jury on Tuesday recommended the death penalty for a woman convicted of helping her boyfriend kill five people in 1993 in an attempt to thwart a drug investigation. If sentenced to death, Angela Johnson could become the first woman executed by the U.S. government since 1953, U.S. Attorney C.J. Williams said.” The Federal Death Penalty Act, which the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit construed in this recent ruling, would appear to make the jury’s recommendation of death binding on the trial judge.

Posted at 10:33 PM by Howard Bashman

“What Became of Federalism? The Bush White House has been favoring Washington over the states.” Law Professor John Yoo has this op-ed today in The Los Angeles Times.

Posted at 9:12 PM by Howard Bashman

“Will Rehnquist step down or not? Chief justice may be frail, but his retirement is far from certain.” provides this report.

Posted at 9:00 PM by Howard Bashman

“Seattle public schools urge race as admissions factor”: David Kravets of The Associated Press provides this report on a case argued today before an eleven-judge en banc panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. The identities of the eleven judges assigned to hear and decide this case en banc are revealed here.

Once the Ninth Circuit makes the audio of this en banc oral argument available online for download, I will post the link.

Posted at 6:44 PM by Howard Bashman

“Zaoui’s fate up to politicians, claims lawyer”: Wednesday’s edition of The New Zealand Herald contains an article that begins, “The fate of Algerian refugee Ahmed Zaoui may end up in the hands of politicians and ‘refugees don’t buy votes’, says his lawyer Deborah Manning. Ms Manning was commenting on the Supreme Court decision released yesterday which supported the Crown’s view that the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security, Paul Neazor, did not have to take into account Mr Zaoui’s human rights when he reviewed his alleged security threat.”

You can access today’s ruling of the Supreme Court of New Zealand both here and here. The court has also issued a helpful press summary of its ruling.

Posted at 6:40 PM by Howard Bashman

“Federal judge upholds private Commandments display in city park”: The Associated Press provides this report from Maryland. reports that “Maryland Court Rules Ten Commandments Display Constitutional.”

And the American Center for Law and Justice has issued a press release entitled “With Supreme Court Poised to Rule on Ten Commandments, ACLJ Gets Federal Court Victory on Commandments Display in MD.”

You can access today’s ruling of the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland at this link.

Posted at 6:22 PM by Howard Bashman

“Either Pay Staff or Pay Rent; Caught in Financial Bind, Federal Courts Ask Congress for Relief”: The Administrative Office of U.S. Courts issued this news release today. Related witness testimony delivered to Congress today can be accessed here and here.

Posted at 5:12 PM by Howard Bashman

“Would a Rehnquist Retirement Make A Difference? Yes, in Some Important Areas.” Law Professor Rick Hasen provides this post at his “Election Law” blog.

Posted at 2:55 PM by Howard Bashman

“Attorney Gen. Urges Sentencing Guidelines”: The Associated Press reports here that “Attorney General Alberto Gonzales called Tuesday for requiring federal judges to adhere to guidelines that set mandatory minimum prison sentences, saying there is evidence of growing disparity in jail terms since a landmark Supreme Court ruling.”

Posted at 11:40 AM by Howard Bashman

“State’s banking data law in doubt; An appeals court has invalidated some limits on sharing, saying that U.S. statutes pre-empt them”: This article appears today in The Sacramento Bee.

Posted at 11:30 AM by Howard Bashman

“Courtney’s sentence affirmed; U.S. Supreme Court had ordered a review at the appeals level”: The Kansas City Star today contains an article that begins, “A federal appeals court panel on Monday upheld a 30-year sentence given to former Kansas City pharmacist Robert R. Courtney for diluting chemotherapy drugs.”

And The Associated Press reports that “Appeal of Ex-Pharmacist Sentence Rejected.”

You can access yesterday’s per curiam ruling of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit at this link.

Posted at 11:25 AM by Howard Bashman

“‘They showed her no mercy’; Defense admission has judge, prosecutor asking point of trial”: The Rutland Herald today contains an article that begins, “Donald R. Fell’s attorney didn’t waste much time admitting to the jury that his client played a role in killing a North Clarendon woman in a case that could send him to death row. In Vermont’s first death penalty case in nearly 50 years, federal public defender Alexander Bunin told the jury Monday in U.S. District Court that his client ‘accepted responsibility’ for the death of Tressa King, 53, of North Clarendon on Nov. 27, 2000.”

The newspaper also contains a related editorial entitled “Breaking the cycle.”

Posted at 10:10 AM by Howard Bashman

“College paper lawsuit fails; Federal court backs Governors State dean”: The Chicago Tribune today contains an article that begins, “In a case with wider implications for college newspapers and their inevitable struggles with the administrations they cover, a full panel of the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals dismissed a lawsuit against Governors State University filed by two student journalists who were sharply critical of the school’s president and a dean.”

And Inside Higher Ed reports that “Colleges Can Censor, Too.”

Posted at 8:40 AM by Howard Bashman

“Fort Trumbull Residents, City Officials Still Holding Their Breath; Supreme Court’s Ruling On Eminent Domain Is Anxiously Awaited”: This article appears today in The Day of New London, Connecticut.

Posted at 7:20 AM by Howard Bashman

“Controversial federal prosecutor loses job; Jeffrey Del Fuoco testified in a case against a Hillsborough circuit judge”: This article appears today in The St. Petersburg Times.

Posted at 7:15 AM by Howard Bashman

“Are Accounts of Consensual Sex a Violation of Privacy Rights? The Lawsuit Against the Blogger ‘Washingtonienne.'” FindLaw commentator Julie Hilden has this essay today.

Posted at 7:12 AM by Howard Bashman

“Specter: Chief justice doing fine; William Rehnquist doesn’t look like he’s ready to retire just yet, Pa.’s senior senator said.” This article appears today in The Philadelphia Inquirer.

Posted at 7:10 AM by Howard Bashman