“Supreme Panic: Bush Ponders the First of What Will Be Many High-court Nominees.” This article will appear in the July 8, 2005 issue of LA Weekly.
Posted at 11:24 PM by Howard Bashman
Wednesday, July 6, 2005
“Supreme Panic: Bush Ponders the First of What Will Be Many High-court Nominees.” This article will appear in the July 8, 2005 issue of LA Weekly. Posted at 11:24 PM by Howard BashmanIn Thursday’s edition of The Washington Post: The newspaper will contain front page articles headlined “Bush Answers Gonzales Critics; President Decries Attacks From Right, Says Character Will Guide Nomination” and “In President’s Strategy, Two Prongs Collide.” And Charles Lane will have an article headlined “Divisive Issue Is Decisive for Some; Abortion Drives Wedge Between Conservatives and Gonzales.” In other news, a front page article will report that “N.Y. Times Reporter Jailed; Miller Refused to Testify About Source in CIA Leak Case.” In related coverage, Howard Kurtz will have a news analysis headlined “A Case Most Clearly Defined By Its Shadows.” And an editorial will bear the title “A Journalist Jailed.” Posted at 11:18 PM by Howard Bashman“Bush Tries to Set Tempo for Nomination to Court”: This article will appear Thursday in The New York Times. And tomorrow’s NYTimes will also report that “Democrats Adopt O’Connor as Model for Bush Court Pick.” Posted at 10:10 PM by Howard Bashman“Justice O’Connor Retirment”: This past Saturday’s broadcast of C-SPAN‘s “America & the Courts” can be viewed online by clicking here (RealPlayer required). Posted at 10:08 PM by Howard Bashman“No hurry to select Supreme Court nominee, White House says”: This article will appear Thursday in The Chicago Tribune. Posted at 10:04 PM by Howard Bashman“All the president’s men: With O’Connor’s retirement from the US supreme court, the Republican counter-revolution sees the chance of a lifetime.” Sidney Blumenthal has this essay Thursday in The Guardian (UK). Posted at 10:02 PM by Howard Bashman“When it comes to judges, not all conservatives think alike; Bush says he’ll look at records, not labels to make high court pick”: David Jackson and Allen Pusey will have this article Thursday in The Dallas Morning News. Posted at 10:00 PM by Howard BashmanAvailable online from law.com: Tony Mauro has an article headlined “How ‘Winning’ Cases Took a Wrong Turn at the High Court.” In other news, “Fla. Justice Gets Backing for U.S. Supreme Court Seat; Push is on to nominate state Supreme Court judge in wake of O’Connor retirement.” And in news from New York, “U.S. Asks Panel to Remove Judge in Terror Case.” Posted at 9:55 PM by Howard BashmanEditor & Publisher is reporting: Now available online are articles headlined “Judith Miller’s New Home in Alexandria Known as a ‘New Generation’ Jail” and “Jason Epstein, Judith Miller’s Husband, Says She Was ‘Not Dragged Off in Chains.’” Posted at 9:30 PM by Howard BashmanOn this evening’s broadcast of the PBS program “The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer“: The broadcast contained segments entitled “Senators Preview Supreme Court Battle” and “Reporter Jailed for Not Divulging Source in Leak Probe” (transcripts with links to audio). Posted at 9:05 PM by Howard BashmanThe Associated Press is reporting: Jesse J. Holland reports that “Dems Want Talks With Bush on Nominees.” And in related news, “Sweeney fires unexpected salvo over Supreme Court.” Posted at 9:02 PM by Howard Bashman“O’Connor and the Parameters of Possibility”: Bruce Shapiro has this interesting essay online at The Nation. Posted at 9:00 PM by Howard Bashman“Judith Miller goes to jail”: Lyle Denniston provides this interesting analysis at “SCOTUSblog.” Posted at 8:58 PM by Howard Bashman“A Different Shortlist: How about an old-style conservative Supreme Court nominee?” Emily Bazelon and David Newman have this essay online at Slate. Posted at 8:50 PM by Howard BashmanTomorrow in history: Twenty-four years ago tomorrow, as The Associated Press notes here, “President Reagan announced he was nominating Arizona Judge Sandra Day O’Connor to become the first female justice on the U.S. Supreme Court.” Posted at 8:34 PM by Howard BashmanNotorious M.I.S.T.R.I.A.L. The Los Angeles Times provides a news update headlined “Mistrial Declared In B.I.G. Case.” Posted at 8:32 PM by Howard Bashman“The Judge Wars: Borking didn’t start with Bork.” David Greenberg has this “history lesson” online at Slate. Posted at 8:30 PM by Howard BashmanAvailable online from National Public Radio: A written report is headlined “A History of Conflict in High Court Appointments.” And this evening’s broadcast of “All Things Considered” contained segments entitled “Battle Expected over Supreme Court Nominee“; “GOP Downplays Conservative Critique of Gonzales“; “Reporter Miller Goes to Jail; Cooper Will Testify“; and “Attacks on Cooper, Miller are Attacks on Press.” Posted at 8:15 PM by Howard Bashman“Bush Urges Civility in Debate Over Supreme Court Vacancy”: The New York Times provides this news update. Posted at 8:10 PM by Howard Bashman“N.Y. Times Reporter Jailed for Refusing to Reveal Source; Time Magazine’s Cooper Agrees to Testify, Saying Source Freed Him From Promise ‘In Somewhat Dramatic Fashion'”: The Washington Post provides this news update. And the Knight Ridder Newspapers report that “Judge sends reporter to jail for refusal to testify in CIA leak case.” Posted at 8:07 PM by Howard Bashman“Georgia gets distinct, and controversial, voice as chief justice”: This article will appear Thursday in The Christian Science Monitor. Posted at 5:25 PM by Howard BashmanOn today’s broadcast of NPR‘s “Talk of the Nation“: The broadcast contained segments entitled “Seeking Common Ground in the Abortion Debate” and “Update on Cooper, Miller Case” (RealPlayer required). Posted at 5:14 PM by Howard Bashman“New York Times Reporter Miller is Ordered to Jail; Time Inc. reporter agrees to testify in Plame case”: The Los Angeles Times provides this news update. Posted at 4:05 PM by Howard Bashman“New York Times Reporter Is Jailed for Keeping Source Secret”: Adam Liptak and Maria Newman provide a news update that begins, “A federal judge today ordered Judith Miller of The New York Times to be jailed immediately after she again refused to cooperate with a grand jury investigating the disclosure of the identity of a covert C.I.A. operative.” And The Associated Press reports that “Judge Orders Jail for N.Y. Times Reporter.” Posted at 3:38 PM by Howard Bashman“Collectively, they erected a myrioramic array of exhibits, some of which (such as a nativity scene) were overtly religious.” First Circuit Judge Bruce M. Selya is the author of this opinion issued today, on behalf of a unanimous three-judge panel, reversing an order enjoining Cranston, Rhode Island’s policy that allowed private parties to erect holiday displays on a prime piece of public property, subject to certain administrative requirements and the approval of the mayor. Posted at 2:50 PM by Howard Bashman“Bush: Stop knocking Gonzales; At G-8 summit president also defends climate change policies.” The Knight Ridder Newspapers provide this report. The Associated Press provides a report headlined “Reid: Gonzales Qualified for High Court.” c|net News.Com reports that “Supreme Court vacancy fight goes online.” And Thursday’s edition of The Christian Science Monitor will contain an article headlined “Court nominees will trigger rapid response; In an acceleration of past nomination battles, interest groups now send missives to millions – instantly.” Posted at 2:30 PM by Howard Bashman“Bush says won’t base court decision on abortion”: Reuters provides this updated report. Posted at 2:15 PM by Howard Bashman“Ex-Sen. Thompson to Oversee Court Nominee”: The Associated Press reports here that “President Bush has named former Tennessee Sen. Fred Thompson to help shepherd his yet-to-be named Supreme Court nominee through the Senate, White House spokesman Scott McClellan said Wednesday.” Posted at 11:44 AM by Howard Bashman“Bush Denounces Early Frenzy Over Court Vacancy”: The Los Angeles Times provides this news update. Posted at 11:42 AM by Howard Bashman“All politics, all the time”: Lyle Denniston of “SCOTUSblog” provides this commentary about mainstream news media’s coverage of who will replace Justice Sandra Day O’Connor. Posted at 11:40 AM by Howard Bashman“President Prepares For Supreme Court Battle”: This segment (transcript with link to audio) appeared on yesterday evening’s broadcast of the PBS program “The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer.” Posted at 11:22 AM by Howard BashmanAvailable online at The American Prospect: Law Professor Kermit Roosevelt has an essay entitled “The Centrist Cannot Hold: Sandra Day O’Connor reigned supreme while on the Court, but she won’t leave behind much of a legacy.” And Law Professor Michael C. Dorf has an essay entitled “Roe Reversal: Raich minus Roe could equal a national abortion ban.” Posted at 11:10 AM by Howard Bashman“Big Corporations Finance the War on Bush’s Judges; Why are they contributing to People for the American Way?” Byron York has this essay today at National Review Online. Posted at 11:04 AM by Howard Bashman“Advice and Consent: Attorney General Alberto Gonzales should take his name off the list for the Supreme Court.” Terry Eastland has this essay online today at The Weekly Standard. Posted at 11:00 AM by Howard Bashman“Court nomination fight may stall GOP agenda”: This article appears today in The Sacramento Bee. Posted at 10:08 AM by Howard Bashman |