“Some thoughts on John Roberts”: Law Professor Brad Joondeph has this interesting post at Think Progress’s “Supreme Court Extra” blog about his former summer associate mentor at the Hogan & Hartson law firm.
Posted at 9:00 PM by Howard Bashman
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![]() Wednesday, July 20, 2005
“Some thoughts on John Roberts”: Law Professor Brad Joondeph has this interesting post at Think Progress’s “Supreme Court Extra” blog about his former summer associate mentor at the Hogan & Hartson law firm. Posted at 9:00 PM by Howard Bashman“U.S. a Battlefield, Solicitor General Tells Judges; Case of Man Held 3 Years Without Trial Focuses Attention on Administration’s Anti-Terror Policies”: The Washington Post today contains an article that begins, “A top government attorney declared Tuesday that, in the war on terror, the United States is a battlefield, and therefore President Bush has the authority to detain enemy combatants indefinitely in this country.” The Richmond Times-Dispatch reports today that “‘Dirty bomb’ case in court; Lawyers argue here over detention of man as enemy combatant.” And in The New York Sun, Josh Gerstein reports that “Judges Weigh Detention of Suspected U.S. Al Qaeda Member; Appeals Panel Considers Case of Padilla, Who Has Not Been Charged.” Posted at 8:55 PM by Howard Bashman“Nominee’s Son Shows Family’s Playful Side”: The Associated Press provides this report. And see my related post from earlier today. Posted at 8:40 PM by Howard Bashman“Bush’s Supreme Court Choice Is a Judge Anchored in Modern Law”: Linda Greenhouse has this news analysis today in The New York Times. Adam Liptak has an article headlined “A Career Largely on One Side of the Bench and Involving a Wide Variety of Issues.” In related coverage, “Groups Gird for the Battle Over What Can Be Asked.” And this upcoming Sunday’s Magazine section will contain an essay by Law Professor Jeffrey Rosen entitled “Supreme Modesty.” The Washington Post today contains an article headlined “At the Capitol, Democrats Wait To Fill in the Blank.” And Howard Kurtz’s “Media Notes” column today is headlined “Edith Someone, Michael and John: A Media Name Game; Divining Bush’s Nominee Became a Supreme Struggle.” The Los Angeles Times provides a news update headlined “Senate Democrats Withhold Judgment on Roberts.” Stephen Henderson of Knight Ridder Newspapers reports that “Roberts is well liked, but his judicial record isn’t clear.” Also available are articles headlined “Roberts meets with Senate leaders” and “Bush’s nominee for Supreme Court will likely set off a fight.” Posted at 8:20 PM by Howard Bashman“Court-nominee Roberts makes rounds in Congress”: Thomas Ferraro of Reuters provides this report. And via the Courting Influence web site, you can access online here Judge John G. Roberts, Jr.‘s financial disclosure report for 2003 and here Roberts’s answers to the Senate Judiciary Committee‘s questionnaire in connection with his D.C. Circuit nomination. Posted at 6:00 PM by Howard Bashman“The Right Stuff: John Roberts should be a quick confirm.” Ted Cruz, the Solicitor General of Texas, has this essay at National Review Online. Posted at 5:55 PM by Howard BashmanAgnostic uncertain whether existence of courthouse Ten Commandments plaque will cause him to initiate suit in federal court: This article appeared yesterday in The Express-Times of Easton, Pennsylvania. Posted at 5:30 PM by Howard BashmanIn news from Mississippi: The Clarion-Ledger provides a news update headlined “Judge dismisses extortion charge in Diaz trial” that begins, “A federal judge today threw out one count of extortion against state Supreme Court Justice Oliver Diaz Jr., saying the government’s reasoning for including it in the indictment was ‘simply too tenuous.'” And The Biloxi Sun Herald provides a news update headlined “Judge dismisses charge against Diaz.” Posted at 5:28 PM by Howard BashmanAvailable online from National Public Radio: This evening’s broadcast of “All Things Considered” contained segments entitled “High Court Nominee Roberts Visits Capitol Hill“; “Partisans Gear Up for Confirmation“; and “John Roberts: A Roommate’s View.” And today’s broadcast of “Day to Day” contained segments entitled “Slate’s Jurisprudence: What’s Ahead for Roberts” (featuring Emily Bazelon); “Advocacy Groups React to Roberts High Court Nod“; and “Hawaiians Seek Same Rights as American Indians.” RealPlayer is required to launch these audio segments. Posted at 5:20 PM by Howard Bashman“Recall drive against judge is called off; Organizers were unable to get enough signatures opposing a jurist who upheld partners law”: The Sacramento Bee today contains an article that begins, “The recall drive to unseat Sacramento Superior Court Judge Loren E. McMaster for upholding a same-sex domestic partners law was abandoned Tuesday because not enough signatures were gathered.” Posted at 5:14 PM by Howard Bashman“Preliminary Report on the Nomination of D.C. Circuit Judge John G. Roberts to the United States Supreme Court”: The Alliance for Justice has issued this preliminary report. Posted at 4:15 PM by Howard BashmanGun-toting juror causes Fifth Circuit to set aside Texas death sentence on habeas review: It wasn’t that the juror was so pro-death that he was hoping to impose the sentence himself. Rather, the juror was arrested for unlawful possession of a gun while the penalty phase of the capital trial was underway and faced being prosecuted by the same office that was prosecuting the death penalty case. You can access today’s “implied bias” ruling at this link. Posted at 4:08 PM by Howard Bashman“Five Questions For Roberts”: Online at National Journal, Stuart Taylor Jr. has this essay. Not to be outdone, Matt Welch online at Reason offers “7 Questions for John Roberts: What I’d like the Senate to ask the Supreme Court nominee.” Online at The New Republic, Ryan Lizza has an essay entitled “Unnatural Selection: By choosing Roberts, Bush broke with most of his known habits.” Online at The Nation, Bruce Shapiro has an essay entitled “The Stakes in Roberts’ Nomination.” Online at The American Prospect, Adele M. Stan has an essay entitled “Meet John Roberts: A first-class lawyer with a sense of humor; Too bad he’s a threat to women’s rights — and the Constitution.” Online at Salon.com, Peter Rubin has an essay entitled “What does John Roberts believe? Bush’s selection looks like a political masterstroke; But if Judge Roberts proves to be an ideologue in the Scalia/Thomas mold, he and the president may run into a Democratic buzz saw.” Katharine Mieszkowski has an essay entitled “The John Roberts dossier: Everything you need to know about Bush’s nominee, before the battle begins.” And Salon also offers an item headlined “‘Sterling’ judge or ‘extreme rightist’? Activists and scholars size up Bush’s Supreme Court nominee.” Finally, at WorldNetDaily, Ann Coulter has an essay entitled “Souter in Roberts’ clothing.” Posted at 3:30 PM by Howard BashmanThe wire services are reporting: The Associated Press offers reports headlined “CBS’s John Roberts Anchors Roberts Report“; “O’Connor Praises Supreme Court Nominee“; “Lugar Among Roberts’ Donation Recipients“; “Roberts Has Backed Administration Policies“; and “Feds: Media Shield Bill Bad Public Policy.” Reuters, meanwhile, offers reports headlined “Bush urges Senate to back his Supreme Court pick“; “Democrats unlikely to block Bush court nominee-analysts“; “Bush administration opposes shield for journalists“; and “Trial appeals by Ebbers, others, seen as longshots.” Posted at 3:10 PM by Howard Bashman“Metro French Fry Case: In D.C., Roberts Got Taste of National Spotlight.” This article appears today in The Washington Post. Thursday in The Christian Science Monitor, Warren Richey will have an article headlined “A conservative with few hard edges.” That newspaper will also contain an article headlined “Bush’s pick meets measured reaction; Democratic statements on Roberts could signal a less-than-contentious confirmation” and an editorial entitled “What to Ask Nominee Roberts; Senators should probe his impartiality.” Tom Curry, national affairs writer for MSNBC, has articles headlined “Why Roberts looks likely to win: Solid conservative vetting, slim paper trail, Mr. Establishment demeanor” and “A history of drama, revenge and vindication: Senate battles over Supreme Court nominations go back to 1795.” U.S. News & World Report offers an article headlined “John G. Roberts: conservative but little known.” And Newsweek offers an article by Debra Rosenberg headlined “Bush’s Choice: His judicial record is limited, his credentials are unquestioned; That makes John G. Roberts a tough target.” Howard Fineman has an essay entitled “Paying ‘The Base’: Ever loyal, President Bush is rewarding conservatives with his choice of John Roberts–a man that liberals will have difficulty blocking.” And Richard Wolffe and Holly Bailey have an essay entitled “Changing the Subject? President Bush’s handling of his Supreme Court nomination has stressed dignity and civility; But its timing has also deflected attention from Karl Rove.” Posted at 3:02 PM by Howard BashmanA joyous occasion for dance: As The Associated Press reports here:
Last night’s broadcast of the ABC News program “Nightline” concluded by showing video of the dancing. You can access photos here, here, here, here, and here. Posted at 2:45 PM by Howard Bashman“Q&A: Post’s Lane on Nomination.” This morning, washingtonpost.com hosted an online chat with Charles Lane, the reporter who covers the U.S. Supreme Court for the newspaper. You can access a transcript of the online chat at this link. Posted at 2:30 PM by Howard BashmanJohn G. Roberts, Jr.‘s wife would likely face a Senate filibuster if she had been nominated to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court: The “Think Progress” blog has a post titled “Roberts’ Wife was Board Member of ‘Feminists for Life.’” Posted at 2:24 PM by Howard BashmanIf the U.S. Senate follows President Bush’s advice, we may see fewer instances of dialogue from Beavis & Butthead at John G. Roberts, Jr.‘s forthcoming confirmation hearing: CNN.com reports that “Bush calls for dignified court confirmation; President nominates D.C. circuit court judge for Supreme Court.” If adhered to, this could reduce the likelihood that one Senator would characterize another Senator’s questions as “dumbass,” as occurred (details here) during one of Judge Roberts’s confirmation hearings for the D.C. Circuit. Posted at 1:35 PM by Howard Bashman“Thank You, Mr. President: Last week, John Roberts wrote Bush a blank check.” Emily Bazelon has this jurisprudence essay online at Slate. Posted at 1:30 PM by Howard BashmanThe Sacramento Bee is reporting: Today’s newspaper contains articles headlined “Bush’s choice for court a clear conservative; Some criticize D.C. judge; allies say he’s in mainstream“; “Boxer critical; Feinstein waits for the hearing“; “Senators cautious about nominee; Judiciary Committee is expected to take its time examining credentials“; and “Nominee has long written for GOP on issue of abortion.” Posted at 11:45 AM by Howard Bashman“Critical Theory: John Roberts would be a problematic justice–but not for the reason Democrats think.” William J. Stuntz has this essay (pass-through link) online today at The New Republic. Posted at 11:40 AM by Howard BashmanIn today’s edition of The Los Angeles Times: An article reports that “Bush Leans Right in Court Pick; Roberts Has Longtime GOP Ties but a Short Resume as Appellate Judge.” David G. Savage has a profile headlined “A Brief on the Nominee: He’s low-key, smart and effective and does not come with much political baggage; As a lawyer, he argued cases across the spectrum.” And in other coverage, “A Fight, Maybe, but Not a Battle; Roberts should appeal to staunch conservatives yet be insulated from fierce opposition“; “Conservatives, Pleased With Pick, Say Bush Kept Promise“; and “Democrats Keep Rhetorical Powder Dry; Party leaders say the record and philosophy of Roberts need to be scrutinized; Unlike in the Bork nomination, senators hold their fire.” An editorial is entitled “A judicious choice.” And Rosa Brooks has an op-ed entitled “A court that nudges more than it leads.” Posted at 10:00 AM by Howard BashmanAccess online the letter of support that D.C. Bar members submitted to U.S. Senate leaders in support of the confirmation of John G. Roberts, Jr. to serve on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit: The letter, which President Bush mentioned when introducing Judge Roberts to the Nation last night, can be viewed by clicking here. Posted at 9:55 AM by Howard BashmanOn today’s broadcast of NPR‘s “Morning Edition“: The broadcast contained segments entitled “Bush Picks Appellate Judge to Fill O’Connor Vacancy” (featuring Nina Totenberg); “How Roberts’ Nomination Came About“; “Bush Supreme Court Nomination Mobilizes Activist Groups“; “Reaction in Senate to Supreme Court Nominee“; and “Leahy on Roberts’ Supreme Court Nomination.” RealPlayer is required to launch these audio segments. Posted at 9:45 AM by Howard Bashman“Alum Tapped for High Court; President Bush nominates John G. Roberts ’76 to post of Associate Justice of the Supreme Court”: The Harvard Crimson offers this report. And The Hill reports today that “GOP confirmation plan awaits nominee Roberts.” Posted at 9:40 AM by Howard Bashman“Roberts and ‘a gang of 3′”: Lyle Denniston has this commentary online at “The Supreme Court Nomination Blog.” Posted at 8:42 AM by Howard BashmanAvailable from National Review Online: Shannen W. Coffin has an essay entitled “Meet John Roberts: The president makes the best choice.” Kathryn Jean Lopez has an essay entitled “Don’t Estrada Roberts: A call for no destruction during the upcoming Supreme Court hearings in the Senate.” And an editorial is entitled “Trading Up.” Posted at 8:32 AM by Howard BashmanThe Associated Press is reporting: Now available online are articles headlined:
Available online from The Weekly Standard: William Kristol has an essay entitled “Bush Rises to the Occasion: The Roberts pick is courageous and important.” And Fred Barnes has an essay entitled “The Safe Pick: Conservatives hoped for a demonstrably conservative nominee with a streak of daring; They didn’t get one.” Posted at 7:35 AM by Howard BashmanThe Spokesman-Review of Spokane, Washington is reporting: Today’s newspaper contains articles headlined “O’Connor picks wade over row” and “O’Connor: Roberts ‘good in every way, except he’s not a woman.’” Posted at 7:18 AM by Howard Bashman“Bush Taps Roberts For Supreme Court; Conservative Nominee, 50, Is Viewed as Pro-Business; Doubts From Some Democrats”: Jess Bravin and Jeanne Cummings have this front page article (free access) today in The Wall Street Journal. In The New York Sun, Josh Gerstein reports that “Battle Begins For Confirmation of Roberts.” The newspaper also contains an editorial entitled “A Bold Choice.” In USA Today, Joan Biskupic and Toni Locy report that “Roberts found ‘deep regard’ for court arguing cases.” The newspaper also contains articles headlined “Praise on one side; questions on the other; Backers happy; many Democrats non-committal“; “Interest groups immediately line up forces in debate“; and “Bush takes media by the horns after days of jabs over Rove,” along with an editorial entitled “Does Roberts represent mainstream law, values?” In The Chicago Tribune, Jan Crawford Greenburg reports that “Bush makes Supreme Court pick.” The newspaper also contains articles headlined “Hoosier roots, a `solid Midwest guy’“; “Bush choice defies expectations“; and “Senate braces for confirmation process.” In The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, an article reports that “Bush nominates solid conservative; U.S. Court of Appeals Judge John G. Roberts Jr. a noted advocate.” Michael McGough has a news analysis headlined “Appealing to both sides.” And an article asks “Has battle been avoided? Senate Democrats’ concerns muted.” The Washington Times contains articles headlined “Bush names Roberts to Supreme Court” and “Easy time seen for judicial nominee.” The Boston Globe reports that “Bush picks jurist for top court, calls for a ‘dignified’ process; Lauds Roberts for ‘wisdom.’” Charlie Savage has an article headlined “A scant paper record of personal views.” And in related coverage, “‘Lawyer’s lawyer’ is termed an ‘ultimate diplomat’“; “Academic prowess built on hard work“; “Cautious selection could still face confirmation battle“; and “Showing reserve, Democrats vow detailed look.” The San Francisco Chronicle reports that “Bush nominates Roberts for the Supreme Court.” Bob Egelko has an article headlined “Roberts’ limited time on the bench makes him a bit of an unknown — but he may alter the balance of a split court.” An article reports that “Nominee seen as brilliant, conservative, well respected.” And an editorial is entitled “Bush goes right to the fight.” The Baltimore Sun reports that “Roberts chosen for court; A respected GOP lawyer on U.S. bench just 2 years; ‘Experience, wisdom, fairness’; In 1990, he asked justices to overturn Roe v. Wade.” Gail Gibson has an article headlined “No stranger to the high court, Roberts clerked, argued there; Views on issues such as abortion, death penalty are question mark.” And in related coverage, “Groups vie to be first to shape opinion on Roberts; Conservatives, liberals staking their claims on airwaves and Internet” and “Nomination sets the stage for a key political battle; Uncertainties: The president, seeking to shore up his sagging credibility, now must wait and see whether anything unforeseen undermines his nominee.” In The Dallas Morning News, Allen Pusey reports that “Appeals judge gets nod for high court; Conservative Roberts won’t legislate from bench, Bush says.” The Houston Chronicle reports that “Bush picks D.C. Judge for ‘wisdom, fairness’; John G. Roberts, a man highly regarded by conservatives, calls his nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court ‘humbling’“; “Hispanics and women let down, still waiting for representation; Bush selecting a white male doesn’t shock, but Latinos hope to get chosen for next open seat“; “Conservative jurist very ‘collegial’; Roberts’ friends say his social skills will make toughest questions bearable“; and “Interest groups gear up for fight; Organizations on both sides of the political fence are ready to spend millions on battle.” Newsday contains articles headlined “Bush picks Roberts for Supreme Court; Selection of appeals judge is expected to shift panel rightward, with confirmation seen as tough but assured” and “Who is John G. Roberts Jr.?” The St. Petersburg Times contains articles headlined “For top court, Bush picks conservative; Republicans are laudatory, and Democrats dubious, about the nomination of appellate Judge John G. Roberts Jr., 50” and “Democrats cautious on pick.” In The Philadelphia Inquirer, political analyst Dick Polman has an article headlined “Roberts may be the needed consensus pick.” The Philadelphia Daily News contains articles headlined “13 things to know about Judge Roberts; Bush’s nominee opposes abortion” and “Political pundits missed this pick.” The Seattle Times contains articles headlined “Internet bloggers log on to weigh in on Roberts” and “O’Connor was out of reach.” The Newark Star-Ledger reports that “Low-key jurist tapped for top court; Selection of Roberts by Bush wins conservatives’ praise.” The Mobile Register reports that “Alabama senators endorse nominee.” The Richmond Times-Dispatch reports that “Allen cheers nominee; Warner more deliberate; Virginia senators react differently to Bush’s Supreme Court nominee.” And The Clarion-Ledger reports that “Miss. leaders mixed on nominee.” Posted at 6:33 AM by Howard Bashman |
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