“Roberts reminds Democrats of 2004 outcome; A legislative legacy at stake”: Tom Curry, national affairs writer for MSNBC, provides this news analysis.
Posted at 8:25 PM by Howard Bashman
Friday, July 22, 2005
“Roberts reminds Democrats of 2004 outcome; A legislative legacy at stake”: Tom Curry, national affairs writer for MSNBC, provides this news analysis. Posted at 8:25 PM by Howard Bashman“Poll: Most Americans Say Roberts Should Be Confirmed; Public Wants Nominee to State Views on Abortion Before Vote.” The Washington Post provides this news update. The Philadelphia Inquirer reports today that “A sparse record hints at strict interpretation.” Newsday yesterday contained an article headlined “A coincidence or a conflict?” that begins, “Last Friday, on the day he met with President George W. Bush at the White House to seek elevation to the Supreme Court, Judge John Roberts also lent Bush some support from the bench – his vote in a key war-on-terror decision.” Today, the newspaper contains an op-ed by Anita F. Hill entitled “Nomination a step back for diversity; If Supreme Court selection process stays narrow and elite, more diverse candidates will never be considered” and an op-ed by columnist James Klurfeld entitled “High court just a mirror of the nation’s politics.” In The Philadelphia Daily News, columnist Jill Porter has an op-ed entitled “For Roberts, ‘so far, so good’; He might revive dying breed: Feminists.” And via Orin Kerr at “The Volokh Conspiracy,” you can access here a transcript of John G. Roberts, Jr.‘s remarks made in July 1997 while participating in a PBS “NewsHour” retrospective on the October 1996 Term of the U.S. Supreme Court. Posted at 5:58 PM by Howard Bashman“Supreme Court: Nomination Process.” Law Professor Viet Dinh, who knows about this subject from the time he spent as Assistant Attorney General in the George W. Bush adminstration, took part in this online chat (link to transcript) today at washingtonpost.com. Posted at 5:44 PM by Howard BashmanThe wire services are reporting: Gina Holland of The Associated Press reports that “Judge Roberts Deferential to Authorities.” The AP also offers an article headlined “Group: Roberts’ Views on Media Unclear” reporting on a study that The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press has prepared. Meanwhile, Reuters reports that “Key Democrat upbeat over US high-court choice.” Posted at 5:20 PM by Howard BashmaneBay auction has begun of “Justice Sandra Day O’Connor Bobblehead Doll Green Bag”: The proprietor of L-Cubed has posted this eBay listing, which also proclaims “Visit my blog!” Posted at 5:15 PM by Howard BashmanJohn G. Roberts, Jr. nominated to fill “Roberts” seat on the U.S. Supreme Court: The seat on the Court that Judge Roberts has been nominated to hold was previously held by Justice Owen J. Roberts. Posted at 3:30 PM by Howard BashmanCharts and graphs: This AP chart shows that Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist served as a judge for thirteen years before joining the Supreme Court of the United States. In actuality, those thirteen years (which in fact should be nearly fifteen) were served as Associate Justice on the Supreme Court, before he became Chief Justice. Posted at 3:25 PM by Howard BashmanAvailable online at Salon.com: Law Professor Dawn Johnsen has an essay entitled “Would Roberts respect privacy? Don’t be fooled: There’s more than one way for Bush’s high court nominee to undermine reproductive rights.” Farhad Manjoo has an essay entitled “Not another white man! Bush’s Roberts pick leaves the high court — which symbolically represents an entire branch of the federal government — with only one woman and one racial minority; That’s absurd and wrong.” And Rebecca Traister has an article headlined “‘We’ve got to Bork Roberts!’; Protesters sweat it out in the sweltering Manhattan heat to take their first stand against Bush’s Supreme Court nominee.” Posted at 2:40 PM by Howard Bashman“It Takes an Establishment: At some point the radicals need assistance, support, and reinforcement from establishment conservatives–like John Roberts.” William Kristol will have this essay in the August 1, 2005 issue of The Weekly Standard. Posted at 2:33 PM by Howard Bashman“As Bad as We Want Him to Be? John Roberts’ detractors make him seem like a good choice for the Supreme Court.” Jacob Sullum has this essay today online at Reason. Posted at 2:30 PM by Howard BashmanThe Associated Press is reporting: Jesse J. Holland has an updated report headlined “Roberts Wins Another Endorsement From GOP.” And in somewhat related news, “Roberts Dissents From Gun Search Ruling.” Posted at 2:10 PM by Howard Bashman“Judge Roberts and the 1982 Voting Rights Act Memos: Why I Now Expect They Will Be Produced.” Law Professor Rick Hasen has this post today at his “Election Law” blog. Posted at 2:08 PM by Howard Bashman“Convicted Spy Pollard Loses Appeal”: The Associated Press provides this report. And Reuters reports that “US court rejects Israeli spy Pollard’s appeal.” Posted at 12:14 PM by Howard BashmanView online Justice Sandra Day O’Connor’s speaking appearance yesterday at the Ninth Circuit Judicial Conference: Thanks to C-SPAN, you can view the speech online by clicking here (RealPlayer required). Justice O’Connor’s appearance starts out hilariously thanks to the moderator’s introduction, which includes reference to the John Riggins episode. Posted at 11:00 AM by Howard Bashman“Looking at Roberts’ Record Before the Court”: Nina Totenberg had this report (RealPlayer required) on today’s broadcast of NPR‘s “Morning Edition.” Posted at 10:45 AM by Howard BashmanThe Associated Press is reporting: Jesse J. Holland reports that “Roberts to Meet With More Senators.” And in other news, “Justice O’Connor Speaks About Legacies.” Posted at 10:40 AM by Howard Bashman“I wholeheartedly subscribe to the sentiments expressed in the concurring opinion about the Fourth Amendment’s place among our most prized freedoms.” So writes U.S. Supreme Court nominee John G. Roberts, Jr. in an opinion dissenting from the D.C. Circuit‘s decision issued today in a criminal case. Posted at 10:33 AM by Howard BashmanD.C. Circuit rejects Jonathan J. Pollard’s second federal habeas corpus motion collaterally attacking his 1987 life sentence on ineffective-assistance-of-counsel grounds: You can access today’s ruling at this link. Today’s decision also rejects Pollard’s appeal from the district court’s denial of his petition for access to classified documents in his sentencing file for the purpose of filing a clemency petition with the President of the United States. Posted at 10:30 AM by Howard Bashman“Roberts’ Mom: Faith Was Part of Family.” The Associated Press provides this report. And yesterday, The South Bend Tribune contained an article headlined “Roberts ‘was destined for great things’; Media descend on Supreme Court nominee’s LaPorte school, old home.” Posted at 10:25 AM by Howard BashmanThe Sacramento Bee is reporting: Claire Cooper, legal affairs writer for the newspaper, reports today that “High court’s O’Connor recalls hurdles she faced.” And in other news, “U.S. can’t keep Unabomber property, court says; Government ordered to draft ‘reasonable plan’ that would help victims.” Posted at 10:15 AM by Howard Bashman“Judges back Jefferson desegregation plan; School dispute likely headed to high court”: The Louisville Courier-Journal today contains an article that begins, “Jefferson County Public Schools’ racial desegregation plan has survived another legal challenge — and appears headed to the U.S. Supreme Court.” You can access yesterday’s per curiam opinion of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit at this link. Posted at 9:55 AM by Howard BashmanAvailable today at National Review Online: Edward Whelan has an essay entitled “Abortion & Justice: Let’s hope John Roberts is a genuine moderate.” Rich Lowry has an essay entitled “Flailing & Flummoxed: It’s cooperation or desperation for the Left on Roberts.” And Anthony Paletta has an essay entitled “The Wisdom of Solomon? The right to bear armies.” Posted at 9:15 AM by Howard Bashman“Retiring justice worries about loss of states’ rights”: This article appears today in The Seattle Times. Posted at 8:45 AM by Howard BashmanAvailable online from The New Republic: The magazine’s August 1, 2005 issue will contain an essay by Law Professor Jeffrey Rosen entitled “Bottoms Up: John Roberts is a conservative, not an ideologue.” The August 1st issue will also contain an essay by Law Professor Cass R. Sunstein entitled “Minimal Appeal: John Roberts is a respected intellectual who eschews fundamental questions of law.” And the July 25, 2005 issue of the magazine contains an essay by Michael Crowley entitled “Miranda Rights: How the once-disgraced conservative judicial activist Manuel Miranda is getting back on his feet.” Posted at 8:30 AM by Howard Bashman“U.S. court wants Unabomber’s journals to be sold; Proceeds from sale would be used to pay his victims”: Bob Egelko has this article today in The San Francisco Chronicle. Posted at 7:38 AM by Howard Bashman“Product is judge; market is America; White House script for John Roberts Jr. handled judiciously”: This article appears today in The Chicago Tribune. Posted at 7:35 AM by Howard BashmanIn today’s issue of The Washington Times: An article reports that “Democrats demand legal papers.” In related coverage, “Big push for judge surprises liberals” and “Sen. Byrd praises Bush on nominee.” And an editorial is entitled “Schumer’s chutzpah.” Posted at 7:30 AM by Howard Bashman“Memo at Reagan Library Sheds Light on Roberts’s Civil Rights Views”: Josh Gerstein has this article today in The New York Sun. Posted at 7:28 AM by Howard BashmanIn today’s edition of The Boston Globe: Charlie Savage reports that “Civil rights groups cite concerns over Roberts; Question record on voting, busing.” In related coverage, “Wife’s role in women’s group now in focus” and “Nominee stresses ‘modesty,’ ‘stability’; Remarks ease conservatives’ ‘activist’ fears.” And columnist Scot Lehigh has an op-ed entitled “A principled conservative.” Posted at 7:25 AM by Howard BashmanThe Los Angeles Times is reporting: Today’s newspaper reports that “Roberts Unlikely to Trigger Break of Filibuster Pact; Centrist senators say the nominee does not seem ‘extraordinary’ enough for Democrats to block.” In related coverage, “A Resume Strong on Business; John G. Roberts Jr., who had a lucrative private practice, was the ‘go-to lawyer’ for the corporate world, a supporter says“; “Hot-Button Issues Will Be on Court’s Front Burner; The new justice will have to take stands on the death penalty, abortion and more from the start“; and “Activists Lack Allies in Battling Court Pick.” And Jonathan Chait has an op-ed entitled “The (over)exercise of power” that begins, “A week ago, when President Bush met with Judge J. Harvie Wilkinson III to interview him for a potential Supreme Court nomination, the conversation turned to exercise.” Posted at 7:15 AM by Howard BashmanIn today’s issue of The Washington Post: In addition to the article noted two posts below this one, today’s newspaper reports that “Hearings’ Topic A May Be a Surprise; Democrats Raise Commerce Issue.” In related coverage, “Nominee’s Wife Is A Feminist After Her Own Heart” and “An Image A Little Too Carefully Coordinated.” An article reports that “O’Connor Bemoans Hill Rancor at Judges.” Columnist Charles Krauthammer has an op-ed entitled “Roberts’s Blank Slate.” And Law Professor William P. LaPiana has an op-ed entitled “A Narrow Path To the Court.” Posted at 7:05 AM by Howard BashmanIn today’s edition of The New York Times: Adam Liptak reports that “In His Opinions, Nominee Favors Judicial Caution.” In related coverage, “Making His Rounds, Nominee Is Pressed to Become More Forthcoming This Time” and “A Year of Work to Sell Roberts to Conservatives.” An article reports that “O’Connor Sees Strains Between the Judiciary and Some in Congress.” And in other news, “Court Orders Plan for Papers of Unabomber.” Posted at 7:00 AM by Howard BashmanTo access some of U.S. Supreme Court nominee John G. Roberts, Jr.‘s “confidential” government memos, apparently all one needs to do is visit the Ronald W. Reagan Presidential Library: The Washington Post today contains a fascinating front page article headlined “The Nominee As a Young Pragmatist; Under Reagan, Roberts Tackled Tough Issues.” Update: The Washington Post has made available examples of such one-time “confidential” memos here, here, and here. Posted at 12:10 AM by Howard Bashman |