In Monday’s edition of The Washington Post: Tomorrow’s newspaper will contain articles headlined “Conservatives Rally for Justices; Leaders Ask for Nominees Who Will End Abortion and Gay Rights” and “The Senator Has the Floor: Does Chuck Schumer Ever Have a Story for You!”
“US conservative Christians slam ‘judicial autocracy'”: Reuters provides this report.
“Court decision could cut education funding”: This article appeared in Thursday’s issue of The Dartmouth.
The perfect age to stop being the “junior” Justice: Tomorrow, Justice Stephen G. Breyer celebrates his 67th birthday.
“Filibuster compromise pins a target on dealmakers”: Monday’s edition of USA Today will contain this article.
“Environmentalists Uncertain on Roberts; Review of Record Sends Mixed Signals For One of Left’s Most Vocal Constituencies”: This article (free access provided) will appear Monday in The Wall Street Journal.
“Teacher, district settle ‘God’ dispute”: The Oakland Tribune on Friday contained an article that begins, “A final settlement was reached Thursday in the case of the Cupertino schoolteacher who sued his district after officials banned him from using religious excerpts from the Declaration of Independence and other historical documents.”
“Miss. on ‘right track’ with race relations, retired judge says”: Thursday’s edition of The Clarion-Ledger of Jackson, Mississippi contained this article.
“Judge reprimanded for ‘snideness'”: This article appeared Friday in The Omaha World-Herald.
The Associated Press is reporting: Now available online are articles headlined “Critics Decry Roberts’ Environment Record“; “Thousands Fill Church for ‘Justice Sunday’“; and “Wis. Rulings Prompt Businesses to Fight.”
“Roberts’ role in ’91 abortion case again under scrutiny”: This article will appear Monday in Newsday.
In news from Mississippi: The Clarion-Ledger of Jackson, Missippi on Saturday contained articles headlined:
And The Biloxi Sun Herald on Saturday contained articles headlined:
Saturday’s issue of The Sun Herald also contained an item headlined “Transcript of Friday proceedings,” while today’s newspaper contains an article entitled “Faith surrounds bribery trial; Minor, Diaz, Whitfield and Teel: A higher power got us through.”
“US hunt goes on for clues to enigmatic court nominee”: Patti Waldmeir will have this article in Monday’s edition of Financial Times.
“In media battle over Roberts, GOP on top; Lack of controversy and opponents’ misstep give the Supreme Court nominee an important leg up”: This article will appear Monday in The Christian Science Monitor.
“Big Tobacco, in Court Again. But the Stock Is Still Up”: The New York Times contains this article today.
“Legal Urban Legends Hold Sway; Tall tales of outrageous jury awards have helped bolster business-led campaigns to overhaul the civil justice system”: This article appears today in The Los Angeles Times.
“Debating the Power of the Presidency; Some say John Roberts’ biggest impact on the high court could come in cases on wartime executive authority — not a right to abortion”: Henry Weinstein has this article today in The Los Angeles Times.
The Dallas Morning News today contains an article headlined “Clerks play backup for the Supremes; Nation’s top legal minds make up an elite but largely unknown group.”
The Week in Review section of The New York Times contains an article headlined “The Briefcase Carries Briefs, Not Necessarily Ideologies.”
In The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Michael McGough reports that “Supreme Court nomination battle spotlights legal societies and their divergent views; Newer American Constitution Society modeled on more conservative Federalist Society.”
The Washington Post contains an article headlined “NARAL Communications Director Resigns” and a news analysis headlined “Roberts Ad Highlights Volatility of Abortion Issue.”
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports that “Churches gird for fight over Roberts.”
And The Los Angeles Daily News reports that “Reagan Library scrambling.”
In commentary, The Washington Post contains an editorial entitled “The Stakes for States,” while columnist George F. Will has an op-ed entitled “Sense From the Hall of Framers.”
The Los Angeles Times contains an editorial entitled “Not worth fighting over.”
The Sacramento Bee contains an editorial entitled “Too much secrecy: Administration’s refusal to release papers does a disservice to Rogers [sic] and public.”
In The Detroit News, columnist Laura Berman has an op-ed entitled “The mudslingers spatter themselves with Roberts ads.”
In The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, Brian Fahling has an op-ed entitled “Arlen Specter’s legislative supremacy doctrine is absurd.”
And in The Mobile Register, James L. Evans has an op-ed entitled “Decrying and embracing hypocrisy.”