How Appealing

Saturday, September 17, 2005

“Oliver Wendell Roberts: In a less nasty age, he’d be confirmed 100-0.” This editorial appears today in the inaugural Saturday edition of The Wall Street Journal.

The Oregonian today contains an editorial entitled “Cameras in the high court: If John Roberts becomes chief justice, he should lead an effort to allow television cameras in the Supreme Court.”

And today in The Los Angeles Times, Rosa Brooks has an op-ed entitled “Liberals, pick another battle.”

Posted at 10:35 PM by Howard Bashman

Now that Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist bobblehead dolls are selling for more than $1,000 each (see here and here), we await the emergence of hard-working, profit-motivated George Mason University Law School students willing to redeem certificates for Justice Antonin Scalia bobblehead dolls and ship them to far-flung Green Bag subscribers: One can only hope that enterprising law school students at George Mason will see the potential for profit in helping Green Bag subscribers from across the country redeem their certificates for Justice Scalia bobblehead dolls. Even a $50.00 service fee per doll — a price that would include packing and shipping by a safe and reliable method — would be sure to net a substantial profit to some student or group of students willing to offer this valuable service.

Posted at 7:38 PM by Howard Bashman

“Next Debate: Must Future Court Nominees Match Qualifications of Roberts?” Sunday’s edition of The New York Times will contain This article.

Posted at 7:20 PM by Howard Bashman

“The Supreme Court’s Biggest Question”: This article will appear in the Week in Review section of Sunday’s edition of The New York Times.

Posted at 3:10 PM by Howard Bashman

In news from Connecticut: The Hartford Courant today contains an article headlined “Rell Forces Withdrawal Of Eviction Notices” that begins, “Gov. M. Jodi Rell forced the New London Development Corp. on Friday to rescind eviction notices served on residents whose homes were taken by eminent domain.”

And The Day of New London contains articles headlined “NLDC Rescinds Fort Trumbull Eviction Notices; Board says it has faith in leadership of Joplin, Goebel” and “Passions Still Running Deep, Divided On Issue Of Eminent Domain; Fort Trumbull case discussed at Hartford forum.”

Posted at 3:00 PM by Howard Bashman

In news from Canada: The Toronto Star late last night posted online a news update headlined “Ruling protects free speech on Net, lawyers say” that begins, “In a decision hailed as a victory for freedom of expression, an appeal court has thrown out a lawsuit brought by a former United Nations official trying to sue the Washington Post in Ontario over stories published three years before he moved to the province – and where the newspaper had just seven subscribers.” You can access yesterday’s ruling of the Court of Appeal for Ontario at this link.

And from the “We’re not in Alabama any more” file, The Toronto Globe and Mail reports today that “Sex toys coming soon to drugstore near you.” The following appears at the end of the article, “‘Canadians are progressive, but we have our limits,’ Mr. Silverburg said. ‘I don’t know if people will want to see dildos on the shelves beside the shampoo.'”

Posted at 12:30 PM by Howard Bashman

“Conservative leaders who gave Specter a hard time change their tune after his handling of Roberts hearings”: This article appears today in The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.

Posted at 11:42 AM by Howard Bashman

“U.S. Supreme Court Justice Souter visits his former court”: The Associated Press provides this report from Concord, New Hampshire. Today Justice David H. Souter celebrates his 66th birthday (second to last item).

Posted at 11:40 AM by Howard Bashman

“Bush to Meet With Senators Over Second Vacancy on Court”: The New York Times today contains an article that begins, “President Bush plans to meet Wednesday with Republican and Democratic Senate leaders about filling the Supreme Court vacancy created by the retirement of Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, Senate aides from both parties said.”

Posted at 8:42 AM by Howard Bashman