“Bush Faces Pressure to Diversify Supreme Court; Hispanic Group Says Votes Are at Stake as Some Conservatives Urge a Nomination on Philosophy Only”: This article will appear Sunday in The Washington Post.
Sunday’s edition of The Telegraph (UK) contains an article headlined “The private thoughts of Chief Justice Roberts.”
And The Arizona Republic on Sunday will contain an editorial entitled “Fit for the bench: John Roberts has shown he is clearly suited to lead our highest court.”
“Justice: Personal History Offers Judicial Insight; Sandra Day O’Connor Delivers Address Saturday Night.” The Associated Press provides this report from Chicago.
“Academic blogs offer political insight; Law professor started what has become a hot spot on the web”: The UCLA Daily Bruin offers this profile of “The Volokh Conspiracy.”
“Bill Would Permit DNA Collection From All Those Arrested”: This article appears today in The Washington Post.
“Teen hit by baseball won’t get $340,000”: Bob Egelko had this article in yesterday’s edition of The San Francisco Chronicle. You can access Wednesday’s not-for-publication ruling of the California Court of Appeal for the First Appellate District at this link.
“Stabenow to vote against Roberts”: This article appears today in The Macomb (Mich.) Daily.
And The Amarillo Globe-News today contains an editorial entitled “Democrats Biden their time, while attacking Roberts.”
“Next Court Nominee May Face Challenges From G.O.P.”: Sunday’s edition of The New York Times will contain this article.
“Bayh says he’ll vote against Roberts; Exploration of presidential bid has ‘zero’ to do with decision, senator says”: This article appears today in The Indianapolis Star.
The Rocky Mountain News reports today that “Salazar close to decision on Roberts; Senator to make announcement Sunday in Denver.”
The Denver Post reports that “Salazar meets with Roberts, mulls vote.”
The Minneapolis Star Tribune reports that “Dayton says he’ll vote not to confirm Roberts.”
And The Providence Journal reports that “Chafee’s support for Roberts ‘disturbs’ women’s advocates.”
In commentary, The Washington Post contains an editorial entitled “The Right Vote.”
The Journal and Courier of Lafayette, Indiana contains an editorial entitled “Who would Bayh confirm to high court?”
The News Journal of Wilmington, Delaware contains an editorial entitled “Vote on Judge Roberts had a distinct political leaning toward 2008.”
The Huntsville Times contains an editorial entitled “Headed for the court: Roberts to be OK’d, but the next nominee will face closer scrutiny.”
And The Roanoke Times contains an editorial entitled “With confirmation of his nominee for chief justice of the Supreme Court virtually assured, President Bush has the opportunity to make good on at least one bit of soothing rhetoric: his pledge to be a uniter, not a divider.”
“‘Intelligent design’ faces first big court test; Parents sue after alternate to evolution added to science curriculum”: MSNBC provides this report.
In earlier coverage, The Harrisburg Patriot-News reported two Wednesdays ago that “Request to dismiss intelligent design challenge rejected.”
“W&M looks at O’Connor’s court role; The college’s Supreme Court preview reflects on the retiring justice’s judicial legacy”: This article appears today in The Hampton Roads Daily Press.
The article also reports on a moot court hearing conducted at the event: “In this First Amendment case concerning a federal law requiring federally financed colleges and universities to allow military recruiters on campus, all ‘justices’ ruled in the government’s favor Friday night – though in a disclaimer, some said the ruling didn’t necessarily reflect their personal beliefs.” The agenda for the event, which wraps-up today, can be viewed at this link.