Another Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist bobblehead doll is up for auction at eBay: Now that two of these have sold at eBay auction for more than $2,000, I’m sure many bobble Chief owners will find the lure of a potential extra two grand difficult to resist. The current auction is due to conclude on the second Monday in October.
“Locked Away Forever After Crimes as Teenagers”: Adam Liptak will have this article Monday in The New York Times, along with an article headlined “Years of Regret Follow a Hasty Guilty Plea Made at 16.”
“Era of Roberts Gets Under Way”: provides this report.
“Warren Richey of The Christian Science Monitor discusses the key cases on the U.S. Supreme Court’s docket for this session”: This segment (RealPlayer required) appeared on today’s broadcast of C-SPAN‘s “Washington Journal.”
“Supreme Court future in balance as Chief Justice Roberts starts”: Patti Waldmeir has this article in Monday’s issue of Financial Times.
“Did courts hide violations? Audit had found misuse of purchasing contracts.” The Deseret Morning News contains this article today.
“Supreme Court Term to Begin With No Word on Nominee”: This article will appear Monday in The New York Times.
And in Monday’s edition of The Dallas Morning News, Allen Pusey will report that “Intense times at Supreme Court; New chief, docket full of contentious cases await justices as term begins.”
“Explaining ‘Active Liberty’: Justice Stephen Breyer discusses his new book, in an exclusive interview.” Via this link, you can access video of Justice Stephen G. Breyer’s interview with George Stephanopoulos from today’s broadcast of the ABC News program “This Week.”
“Assessing Oregon’s Assisted-Suicide Law”: This segment (RealPlayer required) appeared on this evening’s broadcast of NPR‘s “All Things Considered.”
“Roberts court will face big choices early; The Supreme Court he now leads begins its term Monday”: Warren Richey will have this article in Monday’s issue of The Christian Science Monitor.
“Friends, others speak out on judge; Orangeburg woman reportedly on Bush’s short list for Supreme Court”: The State of Columbia, South Carolina contains this article today.
“Bush Still Considering High Court Vacancy”: The Associated Press provides this report.
“A Mixed Bag for the New Supreme Court”: This segment (RealPlayer required) appeared on today’s broadcast of NPR‘s “Weekend Edition – Sunday.”
“Roberts will face a diet of legal hot potatoes”: The Sacramento Bee today contains an article that begins, “Chief Justice John Roberts, meet party girl Anna Nicole Smith.”
“In Pennsylvania, It Was Religion vs. Science, Pastor vs. Ph.D., Evolution vs. the Half-Fish”: The New York Times contains this article today.
The Philadelphia Inquirer today contains an article headlined “The divide over Darwin: Intelligent-design trial becomes a test of values.”
The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette contains a news analysis headlined “‘Intelligent design’ case to undergo 2-pronged test.”
And The York Daily Record contains articles headlined “Defense will rely on 2 arguments; Witness cross-examinations offer glimpses of Dover’s likely defense” and “Offering a view from outside; Unbeknownst to Max Pell, his name was frequently mentioned at trial last week.”
“Refusing to budge for ‘Boys; Officials insist eminent domain is final option for stadium land”: This article appears today in The Dallas Morning News.
“State has sued itself over inmate case”: The Rutland Herald today contains an article that begins, “The state of Vermont has sued itself all the way to the Supreme Court.”
“How will the new court swing? Questions about how long Sandra Day O’Connor will be there, and what kind of chief John Roberts will be add up to an intriguing session.” This article appears today in The St. Petersburg Times.
In The Los Angeles Times, David G. Savage reports today that “Roberts May Face Early Tests as Court Convenes; A ‘right-to-die’ case is among the first of a series of divisive issues awaiting the Supreme Court after the new chief justice is sworn in.”
In The San Francisco Chronicle, Bob Egelko reports that “Active, controversial season awaits justices; Supreme Court to hear suicide, abortion cases.”
The Denver Post reports that “First cases to quickly clear air on Roberts; Assisted suicide, abortion on agenda.”
And The Houston Chronicle reports that “Roberts-led high court goes under microscope; As term begins Monday, experts will try to discern the chief justice’s direction and style.”
In commentary, The Austin American-Statesman contains an editorial entitled “Bush should put another woman on the court.”
In The Washington Post, Law Professor Cass R. Sunstein has an essay entitled “Volley of Complaints: A Change in the Confirmation Game.”
In The Hartford Courant, Lincoln Caplan has an op-ed entitled “A Case Of Political Justice?”
In The Oregonian, columnist David Reinhard has an essay entitled “Judicial temperament.”
In The Cincinnati Enquirer, Ray Cooklis has an essay entitled “Courting change – but carefully; With new chief, justices look at issues that affect us all.”
In Newsday, David O. Brink has an essay entitled “He can’t be Chief Umpire: Roberts’ baseball analogy works only if calls are made with 20-20 moral vision.”
And in The Argus Leader of Sioux Falls, columnist David Kranz has an op-ed entitled “Lawyers weigh strategy on next court nominee.”
“Assisted suicide offers early test of Roberts’ court; Justices face the question: Did John Ashcroft overstep by targeting doctors on Oregon law.” The Oregonian contains this article today.
And The Salem Statesman Journal today contains articles headlined “Matters of life and death: Supreme Court set to hear arguments about Oregon’s assisted-suicide law“; “Experiences of life, death shape views in Oregon“; and “A history of Oregon’s landmark ruling.”
And in commentary, The Oregonian today contains an editorial entitled “Supreme Court will show its new colors in Oregon; If the high court sides with Oregon on doctor-assisted suicide, it may also reject other kinds of excessive federal meddling.”
“Full Docket Awaits First Session of Roberts Court”: This segment (RealPlayer required) appeared on yesterday’s broadcast of NPR‘s “All Things Considered.”
“Of Life And Death: The Supreme Court opens its new term with arguments in a case whose implications could not be more profound.” The October 10, 2005 issue of U.S. News & World Report will contain this article.
“From strip-joint to the Supreme Court: Anna Nicole’s last stand; A trash-TV star’s claim to her dead husband’s fortune will be decided by America’s top judges.” This article appears today in The Independent (UK).
The Philadelphia Inquirer on Saturday contained an article headlined “Courting hilarity: Anna Nicole and the Supremes; She’s headed to Washington – and we imagine the Supremes are all in a tizzy.”
And The Arizona Republic today contains an editorial entitled “Supreme showtime: A celebrity case could usher TV cameras into top court.”
“Justice honed skills here”: Joan Biskupic has this essay about Justice Sandra Day O’Connor in today’s issue of The Arizona Republic.
“Abortion Might Outgrow Its Need for Roe v. Wade”: This article appears today in the Week in Review section of The New York Times.