“Blot on Miers’ image; Court nominee was slow to respond to several liens placed on properties she controls in Dallas, records show had to reimburse Texas city for failing to clear weeds, debris from vacant lots”: This article will appear in Sunday’s edition of Newsday.
“Split on Right a Chance, Choice for Democrats; Fate of Miers Vote Held in the Balance”: Sunday’s edition of The Washington Post will contain this article.
The Sunday Times of London contains an article headlined “Now right gets suspicious about Harriet’s loyalties.”
And Sunday’s edition of The Telegraph (UK) reports that “First Lady dragged into turmoil over judge’s nomination.”
“The Woman’s Seat: Harriet Miers’s nomination to the Supreme Court begs the question, does a woman make a different sort of judge?” Law Professor Jeffrey Rosen will have this essay Sunday in The New York Times Magazine.
“The Miller Case: A Notebook, a Cause, a Jail Cell and a Deal.” This lengthy article will appear Sunday in The New York Times. And Judith Miller herself has a related article headlined “My Four Hours Testifying in the Federal Grand Jury Room.”
“That was a bad call. Did you see that last night? The White Sox and the Angels game. Even Harriet Miers said, ‘Is this the most qualified umpire we could find?'” From Jay Leno’s monologue on this past Thursday’s broadcast of “The Tonight Show,” as noted here by NewsMax.com.
“Miers Known As Tough, Ambitious Lawyer”: The Associated Press provides this report.
“Hearing on Sentencing in Sex-Assault Case to Be Closed”: Today in The Los Angeles Times, Claire Luna has an article that begins, “Rejecting newspaper requests for a public proceeding, an Orange County judge said Friday that he would close next week’s hearing in which he would decide whether to sentence as juveniles three men convicted as adults in a videotaped sexual assault case.”
“Developer loses wetlands ruling — for now”: Today in The San Francisco Chronicle, Bob Egelko has an article that begins, “A Fremont company that wants to fill wetlands on its property to clear the way for commercial development must comply with a federal agency’s restrictions, a federal appeals court ruled Friday, addressing an issue now before the U.S. Supreme Court.”
You can access yesterday’s ruling of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit at this link.
“Plenty of Praise for a Nominee, but Few Details”: This article will appear Sunday in The New York Times.
Second Circuit criminal juries are an infelicitous place for Mr. Short-Term Memory: Yesterday, a divided three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit overturned a defendant’s federal criminal conviction after concluding that the federal district court had acted inappropriately in allowing argumentative summations by counsel at the conclusion of each witness’s testimony, thereby depriving the defendant of a fair trial. You can access yesterday’s ruling at this link. Via the web site “Saturday Night Live Transcripts,” you can access transcripts of “Mr. Short-Term Memory” skits here and here.
“Bush’s Miers Predicament Forces GOP Split or Retreat”: Bloomberg News provides this report.
“Teacher fired for work at clinic”: The Sacramento Bee today contains an article that begins, “A drama teacher at a Catholic high school in Sacramento was fired Thursday after church officials learned she had previously volunteered at an abortion clinic, school officials said Friday. Marie Bain, 50, of Sacramento, who had taught at Loretto High School since August, was dismissed after a student’s parent obtained pictures showing Bain escorting people into a Planned Parenthood clinic last spring.”
“Tax Profs, Practitioners, & Sen. Grassley Assess Impact of Tax Shelter Opinions on Harriet Miers’ Nomination”: This post appears today at “TaxProf Blog.”
“Time to Ban Judicial Junkets”: The New York Times today contains an editorial that begins, “In an encouraging exchange with Senator Russell Feingold of Wisconsin during confirmation hearings, John Roberts, now the chief justice, pledged to study the ethics problem posed by seminars for judges held at resorts, events where expenses are underwritten by private interests intent on influencing judicial decisions.”
“Miers Hit on Letters and the Law; Writings Both Personal and Official Have Critics Poking Fun”: This article appears today in The Washington Post, along with an article headlined “White House Shifts Its Lobbying Strategy.”
The Los Angeles Times reports today that “White House Plays Up Miers’ Experience; A spokesman says the high court nominee deals with constitutional issues on the job” and “Miers Started Out in Sexist Times.”
The Houston Chronicle reports that “Ex-Texas judges to ‘stand up’ for Miers; Weeks of harsh criticism of Bush nominee lead to Washington visit.”
The Austin American-Statesman contains articles headlined “Former Texas jurists speak out in support of Miers; Possible confrontation looms over document release” and “Supporting Miers may put Cornyn in a bind; Doubts among GOP senators could put Texan in opposition to members of his party.”
The Dallas Morning News contains articles headlined “Preparation called key to confirmation; White House efforts vital, but Miers must do well at hearings“; “24 years after O’Connor, it takes more than a woman; Miers’ sex holds less sway than résumé, ideology, lawyers say“; and “Gonzales shows interest in seeking office in Texas; Attorney general says being out of state since 2001 may be a hurdle.”
The Philadelphia Inquirer reports that “Santorum criticizes Bush on court pick; While still undecided on Harriet Miers, he said Americans ‘deserve better’ than the President’s ‘trust me’ stand.”
The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports that “Santorum frowns on presidential Supreme Court nomination of Harriet Miers; Says Bush’s nominee for nation’s highest court lacks distinguished legal track record.”
The Boston Globe reports that “Many Democrats reserving judgment on Miers; Await outcome of right-wing furor.”
And The Wichita Eagle reports that “Wichita clergy differ on role of religion in Miers’ selection.”
“License to Torture”: Today in The New York Times, Anthony Lewis has an op-ed that begins, “The most profound issue that will face the Supreme Court in the coming years is not the one animating many of the conservatives angry at Harriet Miers’s nomination to the court, abortion. It is presidential power.”
“Missouri gets stay of abortion ruling; Judge had ordered prison to transport inmate”: The Kansas City Star today contains an article that begins, “A U.S. Supreme Court justice late Friday night blocked a federal court order that said state corrections officers must transport a woman to a medical facility for an abortion. Justice Clarence Thomas, acting alone, granted a temporary stay pending a further decision by himself or by the full court.”
The Associated Press reports that “High Court Blocks Prison Abortion Order.”
Earlier, The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported that “2 appeals fail in inmate abortion case.”
Available online from law.com: T.R. Goldman has an article headlined “What Would a ‘Life Strictly Construed’ Mean for the High Court?”
In news from New York, “Same-Sex Partner Loses Wrongful Death Action; Panel majority finds right available only to married couples.”
And in other news, “Intelligent Design Case Puts Spotlight on Pepper Hamilton Lawyers; Firm deals with media attention in hot-button, historical case.”