“Miers Is Asked to Redo Reply to Questions”: This article will appear Thursday in The New York Times.
Thursday in The Chicago Tribune, Jan Crawford Greenburg will report that “Senate Judiciary Committee asks Miers for more details.” In addition, an article will report that “Miers doesn’t report prior business interest on questionnaire.”
And The Dalls Morning News on Thursday will report that “Senators find Miers’ questionnaire lacking; Nominee promises ‘additional materials’ after some take offense.”
Available online from law.com: Marcia Coyle has an article headlined “More Fuel Added to Debate Over Federal Habeas Review; New data, new bill intensify the exchange.”
And an article headlined “9th Circuit Reversal of Murder Conviction Prompts Colorful Dissent” reports on this decision issued yesterday.
On this evening’s broadcast of NPR‘s “All Things Considered“: The broadcast contained segments entitled “Senate Panel Presses Miers on Background” and “Miers Nomination Blurring Party Lines” (RealPlayer required).
“Could it be…Satan!!“ The latest appellate iteration of the Procter & Gamble versus Amway spat today produced a lengthy opinion from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit. Of course, hockey fans know that Satan can now be found on the New York Islanders.
“Promissory Notes: How election-by-questionnaire is threatening independent judges.” Bert Brandenburg has this jurisprudence essay online at Slate.
“Justice Breyer on Supreme Court’s Role”: Friend of “How Appealing” Jan Crawford Greenburg, who covers the U.S. Supreme Court for The Chicago Tribune, had this very interesting interview (transcript with link to audio) on this evening’s broadcast of the PBS program “The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer.”
“As part of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s visit to West Virgnia University and the College of Law, she presents the Edward G. Donley Memorial Lecture”: Details here. And you can watch the lecture live online, beginning at 2 p.m. eastern time tomorrow, via this link.
Gregg Easterbrook guilty of cronyism when it comes to his preferred U.S. Supreme Court nominee: The blog “Underneath Their Robes” offers a post titled “Courthouse Forum: Gregg Easterbrook!” Or is it not cronyism if the preferred nominee is overqualified for the job?
“Sens.: Aides don’t speak for us on Miers.” This article will appear Thursday in The Hill.
“Gonzales: Hispanic High Court Nom Inevitable.” The Associated Press provides this report. You can access the text of the Attorney General’s remarks here.
“Senators call Miers’ answers inadequate, demand more details”: James Kuhnhenn of Knight Ridder Newspapers provides this report.
Reuters reports that “US Supreme Court nominee advocated asbestos fund.”
The Associated Press provides a report headlined “Newsview: Strategy on Miers Backfiring.”
And Ann Coulter’s latest essay is entitled “Who was the 2nd choice?”
It all depends on what you mean by the terms “detail” and “oriented”: The blog “Think Progress” offers a post titled “Miers Also Suspended from Texas Bar.” Background is available here.
“Social Conservatives React to Miers’ Abortion Views”: This segment (RealPlayer required) appeared on today’s broadcast of NPR‘s “Day to Day.”
The Associated Press is reporting: Jesse J. Holland reports that “Senators Say Miers’ Answers Insufficient.” C-SPAN provides this related video clip (RealPlayer required). Via National Review Online, you can access the Senate Judiciary Committee’s follow-up questions at this link.
And in other news, “Senate Bill Would Blunt Property Ruling.”
“Some requests for the Chief”: At “SCOTUSblog,” Lyle Denniston provides this report on a letter that the The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press sent earlier this month to Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr.
“U.S. seeks reinstatement of obscenity charges against porn-seller”: The Associated Press provides a report that begins, “Federal prosecutors trying to salvage one of the government’s biggest obscenity cases this decade asked an appeals court Wednesday to reinstate obscenity charges against a couple who sold pornographic videos depicting simulated rape and murder.”
The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports today that “U.S. Attorney Buchanan takes lead in porn case appeal.”
And The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review reports today that “Appeals case on porn begins today.”
The trial court’s decision that is the subject of the appeal can be accessed at this link.
Hurricane recovery efforts demonstrate the benefits of electronic filing: The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued this notice earlier this week.
In news from Canada An article headlined “Appeal tobacco ruling, officials urge Ottawa; Health coalition wants top court to hear arguments against corporate sponsorships” appears today in The Toronto Globe and Mail.
And an article headlined “Committee set to select short list for top court,” published yesterday in The Globe and Mail, suggests that in Canada, at least, not just any crony can be nominated for the Supreme Court.
“Dog Attacks Anti-Dangerous Dog Bill Author”: The Associated Press provides a report from New Mexico that begins, “The author of a new state law that allows felony charges against owners of dangerous dogs was hospitalized over the weekend after his own dog attacked him.”
Because “Washington is one of 17 states that permit bestiality,” “Man charged with trespassing on farm in horse-sex death”: This article appears today in The Seattle Post-Intelligencer.
“Miers Hearings to Begin Nov. 7”: Jesse J. Holland of The Associated Press provides this report.
To boldly go where no litigation has gone before: This past Sunday, The San Francisco Chronicle published an article headlined “Final frontier for lawyers — property rights in space; Land claims, commercial schemes and dreams have legal eagles hovering.” The article begins:
Space buffs are dreaming about vast land developments on the moon, planets and asteroids — and wherever people start making land claims, the lawyers can’t be far behind.
Consider this: This year, in a virtually unnoticed decision, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in San Francisco dismissed a lawsuit by a Nevada man who claims he owns asteroid 433, a mountainous celestial rock also known as Eros.
You can access the Ninth Circuit‘s not-for-publication ruling issued February 10, 2005 at this link.
Available online from Slate: Dahlia Lithwick has a jurisprudence essay entitled “The Many Faces of Harriet: Miers supports, opposes, and is neutral on Roe, all within 24 hours!”
And Bruce Reed’s “The Has-Been” offers a post titled “Entry Blank: In the questionnaire of life, Harriet Miers keeps searching for the answers.”
“New twists for Miers: 1989 statement could win abortion foes’ backing, but there are contradictions too.” This front page article appears today in The Sacramento Bee.
The Los Angeles Times is reporting: Today’s newspaper contains articles headlined “Impact of 3-Strikes Law Still Unclear; More than 10 years after the law was enacted, the latest study finds no direct link between the harsher sentencing and crime reduction” and “O’Connor to Reign Supreme at Rose Parade; The retiring U.S. Supreme Court justice will return to her Western roots to preside over the 117th ride down Colorado Boulevard.”
“Questions about a Questionnaire: Harriet Miers’s thoughts on Roe v. Wade may be clearer than people suspected.” Terry Eastland has this essay online at The Weekly Standard. And Duncan Currie has an essay entitled “The Meritocracy Party: Is it still the GOP? The Miers nomination poses an awkward test.”
In the October 24, 2005 issue of The New Republic, Jonathan Chait will have an essay entitled “How Bush has taken conservatives for a ride: Who’s in the driver’s seat–Bush or social conservatives? The Harriet Miers car wreck answers the question.”
At National Review Online, Kathryn Jean Lopez has an essay entitled “Refusing to be Miered: Elected profiles in courage.”
And at Salon.com, Emily Schmall has an essay entitled “Will Miers help topple Roe v. Wade? Her record in Texas confirms that Harriet Miers resolutely opposes abortion.”
“Is Harriet Miers sending subliminal messages to conservatives?” So asks Don Asmussen’s “Bad Reporter” comic strip, available online today at the web site of The San Francisco Chronicle.
“Miers Hearings Rushed on Capitol Hill; Senate Needs More Time to Assess Supreme Court Candidate”: The organization People For the American Way issued this press release today.
“Senators Inspect Miers Survey on Abortion”: This segment (RealPlayer required) appeared on today’s broadcast of NPR‘s “Morning Edition.”
“The Rose Parade’s great ‘get'”: Today in The Los Angeles Times, columnist Patt Morrison has an op-ed that begins, “The news was so startling that I struggled to imagine what must have gone on in the big white mansion in Pasadena the day that the men and women who run the Tournament of Roses settled on their grand marshal for the 2006 Rose Parade: Sandra Day O’Connor, associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States.”
“Libel suit against Times in anthrax case to proceed; 4th Circuit refuses to rehear appeal, sending matter to lower court”: This article appears today in The Richmond Times-Dispatch.
And The New York Times reports today that “Court Rebuffs The Times Co. Over Lawsuit.”
“Miers Disclosures Could Boost Conservative Support; In 1989, Supreme Court Pick Backed Ban on Abortions; Generous Tithing to Church”: Deborah Solomon, Jeanne Cummings and Jess Bravin have this front page article (free access) today in The Wall Street Journal. The newspaper also contains an op-ed by Robert H. Bork entitled “Slouching Towards Miers: Bush shows himself to be indifferent, if not hostile, to conservative values” (free access).
The Washington Post today contains a front page article headlined “Miers Once Vowed to Support Ban on Abortion; But Conservatives Still Question Nominee’s Views.” And an editorial is entitled “Getting to Know Her.”
In USA Today, Joan Biskupic and Andrea Stone have a front page article headlined “Miers backed ban on most abortions; 1989 questionnaire sheds light on Supreme Court nominee’s views.” In addition, Joan Biskupic and Toni Locy have an article headlined “Miers was vetted by few in administration; Bush was already familiar with her, White House says.”
The Los Angeles Times contains articles headlined “Miers Backed Abortion Ban in 1989 Survey; The Supreme Court nominee’s pledge, made while running for the Dallas City Council, pleases conservatives and troubles Democrats“; “Republicans Warming Up to Miers; More Democrats find cause for concern; The turning point for both parties seems to be her answers about abortion in a 1989 survey“; and “GOP Is Caught Between Alliances; The party could push independents further away in efforts to steady its conservative base.”
In The Chicago Tribune, Jan Crawford Greenburg reports that “Miers took a ‘pro-life’ vow in ’89; Document may unite opponents on left and right.”
The New York Times today contains an op-ed by Maureen Dowd entitled “Naughty Harry: Lawyering Without a License” and an op-ed by Thomas L. Friedman entitled “Leading by (Bad) Example” (both TimesSelect).
The Austin American-Statesman reports that “Miers opposed abortion as City Council candidate; White House says Supreme Court nominee’s beliefs on abortion are unrelated to how she might rule on overturning Roe v. Wade.”
The New York Sun reports that “Miers Invites Questions on Abortion.”
The San Francisco Chronicle reports that “Miers opposed abortion rights in ’89 Dallas race; Her written answers to survey then could alienate Democrats and pro-choice GOP lawmakers.”
In The Boston Globe, Rick Klein and Charlie Savage report that “Miers papers reflect antiabortion view.” And Thomas M. Boyd has an op-ed entitled “Unfair to conservatives.”
Newsday contains articles headlined “Miers opposed abortion in ’89; Court nominee expressed her views in political questionnaire; it remains unclear how she’d rule as justice” and “Miers’ slip-ups raise new questions.”
The Denver Post reports that “Allard quizzes nominee; Colo. GOP senator has yet to decide on endorsement; The would-be justice is meeting with legislators to discuss her qualifications and judicial philosophy.” And an editorial is entitled “Reading tea leaves on Miers.”
The Rocky Mountain News reports that “Allard meets with Miers, but not ready to endorse.”
The Houston Chronicle reports that “In ’89 poll, Miers said she’d push ‘life’ agenda; Document on abortion stance likely to inflame Senate hearing.”
The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports that “An ’89 pledge haunts Supreme Court nominee Miers; Vowed to back anti-abortion efforts if elected.”
The St. Petersburg Times reports that “Miers backed abortion ban as candidate; The high court nominee told an antiabortion group in 1989 that she supported a constitutional change.”
And The Washington Times reports that “Miers backed ban on abortion in ’89.” And Bruce Bartlett has an op-ed entitled “An illusion ripped wide open.”
In commentary, Law Professor Ann Lousin has an op-ed entitled “Law school choice shouldn’t rule nominee out” in The Chicago Sun-Times.
In The Dallas Morning News, Beth Thornburg has an op-ed entitled “A woman’s place: Harriet Miers learned to play a supporting role as a legal trailblazer; Could she learn to take the lead on the Supreme Court?” And Mark Davis has an op-ed entitled “Get it out on the table, Miers.”
In The Providence (R.I.) Journal, Froma Harrop has an op-ed entitled “Miers understands states’ rights.”
And The New York Daily News contains an editorial entitled “Harriet Miers’ uphill climb.” Finally, columnist Michael Goodwin has an op-ed entitled “She’s already failed.”