“Hijacker of ‘Sex.com’ Is Arrested”: This article appears today in The Los Angeles Times.
“Next Nominee May Well Spark a Climactic Battle”: Saturday’s edition of The New York Times will contain this article, along with an article headlined “Pool of Female Judges Has Boomed in 24 Years.”
And The Washington Post on Saturday will report that “Appellate Judges Cited as Focus of New Search; Supreme Court Candidates on Short List Were Vetted This Summer, Sources Say.”
“Now, a balancing act; After Harriet Miers, President Bush looks for a nominee who can satisfy an emboldened right and still hopeful left”: This article appears today in The St. Petersburg Times.
The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports today that “Harriet Miers withdraws as Supreme Court nominee; Opposed on right, Miers never able to win wide support.”
The Times & Democrat of Orangeburg, South Carolina reports that “Miers out as high court nominee; Karen Williams once again considered for vacancy.”
The State of Columbia, South Carolina reports that “S.C. judge surfaces again as candidate.”
The Washington Times contains articles headlined “Miers rules herself out“; “Bush among last to learn of Miers’ plan to quit?“; “Conservatives demand nominee in their image“; “Conservatives eager to put battles in past, unite behind Bush agenda and next court pick“; and “‘Centrist’ label tugged two ways.”
The Dallas Morning News contains articles headlined “Starting over: President’s loyal counsel took flak for 24 days, then retreated quietly“; “Conservative base hastened downfall“; and “For Dallas supporters, ‘it’s a sad day’; Disgusted by criticism, friends say Miers, city will emerge unscathed.”
The News & Advance of Lynchburg, Virginia reports that “Falwell quick to offer choices for candidate.”
The Providence (R.I.) Journal reports that “Reed, Chafee surprised at Miers’ exit; Neither senator had decided whether they would have voted to seat her on the high court.”
The Gainesville Sun reports that “UF analysts weigh in on withdrawal.”
The Concord Monitor reports that “Locally, few shocked by move.”
The News-Times of Danbury, Connecticut reports that “Lawyers see tough fight for next pick.”
The Daily Star of Oneonta, New York contains an article headlined “Locals: Miers news not a surprise.”
The York (Pa.) Daily Record reports that “Miers’ withdrawal no surprise, say local attorneys.”
The Parkersburg (W. Va.) News reports that “Some locals surprised at Miers decision.”
The Bucyrus (Ohio) Telegraph-Forum reports that “Local views vary on Miers.”
The Reno Gazette-Journal reports that “Local observers lament politicized court process.”
The Des Mounes Register contains articles headlined “Grassley regrets withdrawal; Harkin says president ‘caved’” and “Pataki: Miers’ decision is for the best; The potential candidate for president makes his comments in the midst of an Iowa visit.”
The Arkansas News Bureau reports that “Arkansas senators disappointed at Miers’ withdrawal.”
The Indianapolis Star reports that “Miers’ fate has silver lining, past ‘losers’ say.”
The Kansas City Star reports that “Brownback’s star rises as nominee falls.”
The Lawrence Journal-World reports that “Kansas senator may have been key in Miers case.”
The Wichita Eagle reports that “Area conservatives praise pullout; Local leaders say their faith in the president has been restored now that Miers is no longer a Supreme Court nominee.”
The SMU Daily Campus reports that “Students speak to senator about Miers withdrawl.”
The Salt Lake Tribune reports that “In Utah, Miers’ exit surprising to some, expected by others; Leaders’ reactions: While Sen. Bennett bemoans the decision, the U. politics director says it ‘had to happen.’”
The Advocate of Baton Rouge, Louisiana reports that “Vitter, Landrieu regret that Senate didn’t quiz Miers.”
The Shreveport Times contains an article headlined “Locals: Miers’ decision not forced by the president.”
In The Philadelphia Inquirer, political analyst Dick Polman reports that “Conservatives doomed high court nomination.”
The Argus Leader of Sioux Falls, South Dakota reports that “Senators split on traits for next nominee.”
The Hartford Courant reports that “Miers, Terrorism On Minds Of Panelists At Forum.”
The Tallahassee Democrat reports that “Choice of Miers for court didn’t go over well locally.”
The Courier-Post of Cherry Hill, New Jersey reports that “South Jerseyans back Miers’ withdrawal.”
The Rocky Mountain News reports that “Allard, Salazar describe wish list; Dobson: New info halted his support.”
Florida Today reports that “Brevard not surprised by Miers’ decision.”
The Newark (N.J.) Star-Ledger reports that “Miers is out as nominee for top court; White House counsel’s withdrawal signals a new political hit for Bush.”
The Houston Chronicle reports that “In Texas, some are dismayed; But one social conservative is happy with Miers’ move to withdraw.”
The Free-Lance Star of Fredericksburg, Virginia reports that “GOP divide displayed over pick; Virginia senators Warner and Allen divided on Miers’ withdrawal from Supreme Court consideration.”
The Virginian-Pilot reports that “Strategist’s bid for Miers drowned out by critics.”
The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that “Miers bows out of Supreme Court bid.”
The Athens (Ga.) Banner-Herald reports that “UGA experts look ahead.”
The Knoxville News Sentinel reports that “Tenn. politicians, pundits weigh in on withdrawal.”
And The Dayton Daily News reports that “DeWine laments lack of hearings; Senator says Miers’ reasons for quitting are valid.”
“May Race Ever Be Used as A ‘Tie-Breaker’ in High School Admissions? The Ninth Circuit Says ‘Yes’ in a Case That Might Test the New Supreme Court’s Affirmative Action Instincts.” FindLaw commentator Vikram David Amar has this essay today.
“The Miers Impact: Put the brakes on a bill that speeds up executions.” This editorial appears today in The Philadelphia Inquirer.
Slate posts next week’s cancelled Doonesbury comic strips on the Harriet Miers nomination: You can view them here.
“Eight convictions on thin ice; Court reporter failed to give complete transcripts to panel”: This article appears today in The Rocky Mountain News.
And The Denver Post reports today that “Guilty verdicts could be tossed; 8 cases affected.” The article explains that the transcripts were recorded using an “unusual form of shorthand, which other court reporters could not read.”
“Bush Heads to Camp David to Ponder Nominee”: The Associated Press provides this report.
“Miers withdrawal puts Bush in a difficult corner; Conservatives will want one of their kind; Democrats urge consensus nominee”: The Denver Post contains this article today, along with an article headlined “Church support rapidly fell away; Nominee’s 1993 statement cited; Bush may have erred in thinking that Miers’ faith would carry more weight with conservatives.”
The Boston Globe contains articles headlined “Withdrawal of Miers turns up heat on Bush; Conservatives want jurist with known record“; “Familiar names, fresh faces among options“; “Executive privilege at heart of dispute over Miers memos“; “Democrats warn on next pick“; and “Withdrawal delays the retirement of Justice O’Connor.”
And Newsday contains articles headlined “Can Bush find the right stuff? With Miers gone after conservative revolt, president searches for new nominee to replace retiring Supreme Court Justice O’Connor“; “Miers had too many gaffes and missteps; Weak spots showed up early in sit-downs with senators who were to grill her later“; “Presidential scrape might be tough to heal“; and “Legal experts weigh in on Miers’ withdrawal.”
“Alaska High Court Backs Partner Benefits”: The Associated Press provides a report that begins, “The Alaska Supreme Court ruled Friday it was unconstitutional to bar benefits to the same-sex partners of public employees.” You can access today’s ruling of the Supreme Court of Alaska at this link.
“Canadian debate intensifies on method of picking top court”: The Toronto Globe and Mail today contains an article that begins, “Harriet Miers’s decision to withdraw her nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court has provided new fuel to a heated Canadian debate about our own system of appointing judges to the top court.”
The “female John Roberts” just so happens also to be a Hoosier: The Gary (Ind.) Post-Tribune reports today that “Region native on short list.”
“Public More Pleased Than Disappointed by Miers’ Withdrawal; More concern about her qualifications and closeness to Bush than her ideology”: Gallup News Service provides this report.
“Abortion, Suicide Cases Add Urgency to Court Search”: Bloomberg News provides this report.
“Robert Bork on Fallout from Miers Withdrawal”: You can access here the transcript of an online chat held earlier today at washingtonpost.com.
“Star-studded lineup hopes to improve lives; Shriver doesn’t reveal views on vote, is joined by O’Connor, Walters, Fonda, governor”: This article appears today in The Long Beach (Cal.) Press-Telegram. Among other things, the article reports Justice Sandra Day O’Connor’s answer to the question, “What do you wear under those robes?”
“Senate Lawmakers Look for Edge; With Departure of Miers, Bush Walks on Eggshells; High Court in the Balance”: Jeanne Cummings and Jess Bravin have this article (free access) today in The Wall Street Journal.
Today in The Chicago Tribune, Jan Crawford Greenburg reports that “Bush pulls plug on Miers; New court choice imminent.” And in related coverage, “The more they met her, the less they liked.”
The Los Angeles Times contains articles headlined “Bush Withdraws Miers as Nominee; Growing Conservative Revolt Topples President’s High Court Choice“; “As Momentum Grew Against Her, a ‘Good Soldier’ Acted; Sources say two factors sealed Miers’ fate: lackluster meetings with senators and a reluctance to release White House records“; “Roberts Seen as a Template to Follow; Bush is urged to seek a conservative with strong credentials, but could go his own way again“; “Move Is a Reflection of a Weakened President; With his approval rating down, Bush did not have the clout to save his court pick, experts say. His priority now is to reassure conservatives“; and “Right Stares Down White House, and Wins; Activists may feel emboldened in this early battle for control of the party’s future.”
USA Today contains articles headlined “Miers out; Bush goes back to list; Next candidate could be named within days“; “Lessons emerge from pick’s failure; How an uphill battle for confirmation went downhill fast“; “Miers withdrawal affords Bush a rare do-over; President has second chance to please conservative base“; “Justice O’Connor remains seated in the swing seat; Decision to stay could extend into next year“; and “Miers’ new priority: Helping find someone else.”
Ron Hutcheson and James Kuhnhenn of Knight Ridder Newspapers report that “Miers withdraws nomination to Supreme Court.”
The Houston Chronicle contains an article headlined “Miers out: Who will replace replacement? John Roberts is seen as the model to follow for the next court nominee.”
The Fort Worth Star-Telegram reports that “Miers’ colleagues surprised by her sudden withdrawal.”
The Austin American-Statesman contains articles headlined “What went wrong with Miers? Philosophy, style and looming examinations into Bush policies doomed her Supreme Court nomination” and “Bush, again, looks for O’Connor replacement; Miers’ withdrawal is blamed on Senate requests for White House documents and information Bush believes must remain confidential.”
The Sacramento Bee reports that “Bush starts over on court pick; Miers bows out as nominee; conservative may get nod.”
The San Francisco Chronicle contains articles headlined “Miers withdraws as court nominee; President promises quick replacement” and “Miers withdraws as court nominee; Conservative base, feeling betrayed by selection of Miers, lashed out at Bush.”
The New York Sun reports that “Miers Out, Right Awaits New Nominee.”
The New York Daily News reports that “Miers is gone; Swift end to a bumpy road for W’s ‘pit bull.’”
The Indianapolis Star contains articles headlined “Coats says Miers was denied due process” and “Hoosiers differed on Miers; But most conservatives agree the next nominee should have a proven track record.”
The Mobile Register reports that “Sessions says Miers might not have been best nominee.”
The Toronto Globe and Mail reports that “Bush left scrambling as Miers bows out” and “Right’s victory in Miers case backs Bush into a corner.”
Saturday’s edition of The Sydney Morning Herald reports that “Miers a victim of radical right, say Democrats.”
Indian Country Today reports today that “Tigua query masked by Miers exit.”
Finally, as for how it’s all playing in Peoria, The Peoria Journal Star reports that “Local reaction mixed; Prosecutors and judge say lack of experience, history may have hurt nominee.”
“Justice Alito?” Shannon P. Duffy of The Legal Intelligencer provides this news update.
Greetings from beautiful Monterey, California: Now that I’m on the west coast, I have three extra hours in which to celebrate my birthday. Of course, it took a bit longer than that to get here.