In Monday’s edition of The New York Times: An article will report that “Once-Lone Foe of Patriot Act Has Company.”
And reporter Kurt Eichenwald will have a series of articles about the business of online child pornography. The articles are headlined “Through His Webcam, a Boy Joins a Sordid Online World“; “A Shadowy Trade Migrates to the Web“; “Where the Credit Card Trail Leads“; “Documenting a Crime That Thrives on Anonymity“; and “Making a Connection With Justin.”
“DNA Evidence: Convicts find DNA tests to be tough sell to judges.” This article, the first in a three-part series, appears today in The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.
The Detroit News is reporting: Today’s newspaper contains an article headlined “Wine fight may cost state $1M; Mich. wineries’ attorneys seek payment after Cox says alcohol legislation could lead to more legal fees” that begins, “Lawyers for Michigan’s wine lovers and wineries want the state to pay $1.3 million to cover their legal bills after a six-year legal battle. The request, which includes a bill from former U.S. solicitor general Kenneth Starr for $500 an hour, comes on the heels of a warning by the Michigan attorney general that legislation to reform Michigan’s alcohol laws, signed into law Thursday by Gov. Jennifer Granholm, may be unconstitutional — and could expose the state to further legal bills.”
And today’s newspaper also contains an article headlined “Fieger lawyer expects battle over Cox pick; Fieger lawyer says state attorney general should recuse self from naming a special prosecutor.”
“Is recanting witness a victim or a villain?” The San Antonio Express-News today contains this follow-up article about the Ruben Cantu matter, which The Houston Chronicle focused on last month in an article headlined “Did Texas execute an innocent man? Eyewitness says he felt influenced by police to ID the teen as the killer.”
“Blawg Review #37”: Available here at “The Wired GC.”
“Let voters fix a gerrymander”: Monday’s edition of The Christian Science Monitor will contain an editorial that begins, “The Supreme Court grabbed a live wire last week when it agreed to hear a dispute over Texas congressional redistricting.”
“Matching Granddad? He wins hands down.” Today in The San Diego Union-Tribune, columnist Ruben Navarrette Jr. has an op-ed that begins, “Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito Jr. has a top-notch resume that suggests an interesting life. So I was intrigued when I read an article that mentioned how Judge Alito had said that he’s convinced that the life story of his immigrant father – who died in the mid-1980s – is, hands down, much more interesting.”
“Stevens Celebrates 30 Years on High Court”: Gina Holland of The Associated Press provides this report.
“Courts Lift Curbs On Kids Buying Violent Games; Free-Speech Rights Cited As State Laws Are Blocked; Sen. Clinton Offers a Bill”: This front page article (free access) appeared yesterday in The Wall Street Journal.
“Job dream fizzles for disabled lawyer; If he is employed, the state will not pay for someone to assist him with personal needs”: The Orlando Sentinel today contains an article that begins, “Armed with a law degree from Florida State University and an offer to work as an assistant state attorney in Lake County, Aaron Bates was on the road to self-sufficiency despite being severely disabled almost from birth. But in a classic case of Catch-22, the state warned Bates last month that if he accepts the job, it will no longer pay for an attendant, without whom he cannot function.”
eBay auction of Justice Antonin Scalia bobblehead doll concludes this evening: With just under six hours to go as of the time of this post, the current high bid is a mere $300.00. The complete listing is at this link. For reasons that The Green Bag explains here, even many subscribers to that publication cannot easily obtain a Scalia bobblehead doll.
“Navigating an odyssey to Guantanamo Bay”: Marcia Coyle will have this profile of Navy Lieutenant Commander Charles Swift in tomorrow’s issue of The National Law Journal. Swift is runner-up for the publication’s “Lawyer of the Year” designation.
Tony Mauro is reporting: In tomorrow’s issue of Legal Times, Tony will have articles headlined “The Other Side Of Sam Alito: His speeches reveal a warmer, wittier nominee” and “Longtime AO Chief Mecham to Step Down” (subscription required).
Although, as I have noted, a subscription is required to access both articles, the article about Judge Alito contains links to PDF files of the judge’s speeches, and those PDF files are freely accessible. Judge Alito’s recent talk about unpublished opinions is here; Judge Alito’s speech about amicus briefs is here; and Judge Alito’s humorous remarks from 1995 on the occasion of receiving the Thomas More Medal from Seton Hall University School of Law can be accessed here (upside down, no less).
And while I’m on the subject of talks given by U.S. Supreme Court nominee Samuel A. Alito, Jr., the April 2002 issue of the Philadelphia Bar Reporter, at page 6, contained an article headlined “Judge Alito Briefs Committee, Offers Advice” that begins, “Third Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Samuel A. Alito Jr. spoke candidly about the effects of the litigation explosion in the 1960s and 1970s on appellate courts and gave practical suggestions on how to improve appellate briefs at the March 11 meeting of the Appellate Courts Committee.”
“Tortured logic: The ‘ticking-bomb’ scenario, as an argument for torture, is potent; It is also silly, says one philosopher, and corrupt.” Christopher Shea has this essay in the Ideas section of today’s edition of The Boston Globe.
The Toronto Globe and Mail is reporting: Yesterday’s newspaper contained a front page article headlined “How a terror group cloned Ted Rogers’ cellphone; A customer’s dispute over her hefty bill helped uncover the ability of radicals to duplicate the phones of Rogers executives” that begins, “A journey of 1,000 miles begins with a single step — and so it was that law professor Susan Drummond’s long, strange trip into the world of wireless security, where she learned that a terrorist organization had appropriated Ted Rogers’ cellphone number, was launched by the arrival of a phone bill for $12,237.60.”
And yesterday’s newspaper also contained an article headlined “Prison tattoos go straight; Pilot project costing $700,000 will give inmates access to clean, legal needlework.”
“Contours Of Evil: Inside Psychopaths’ Brains; Researchers Study How The Mind Works When There’s No Remorse.” This article appears today in The Hartford Courant.
“Legality of Wiretaps Remains in Question”: Today in The Los Angeles Times, David G. Savage and Bob Drogin have a news analysis that begins, “Is it legal for the president, acting on his own authority and without a court warrant, to order federal officials to eavesdrop on people within the United States?”
“Cocaine cases: Finding justice; Rhode Island is at the center of a dispute over how to sentence people convicted of offenses involving crack versus powder cocaine.” The Providence Journal contains this article today.
“Faith and consequences: What Terri’s Law cost the Republicans in Congress.” This article appears today in The St. Petersburg Times.
“Governor notes Supreme Court nominee Judge Baldwin’s integrity, work ethic; Judge says she is ‘humbled’ by decision”: The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette today contains an article that begins, “Gov. Ed Rendell made it official at a Downtown Pittsburgh news conference yesterday: He intends to nominate Allegheny County Common Pleas Judge Cynthia A. Baldwin to a fill a vacancy on the Pennsylvania Supreme Court.”
And The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review today reports that “Rendell tabs Baldwin for state high court.”
“Flagging Alito’s allegiances”: Stephen R. Dujack has this op-ed today in The Newark (N.J.) Star-Ledger.
“Organizations jockey for, against Alito”: This article appears today in The Portsmouth Herald.
Today in The Pueblo Chieftain, U.S. Representative Bob Beauprez (R-CO) has an op-ed entitled “Samuel Alito worthy of Senate confirmation.”
In The Baltimore Sun, Jack Germond has an essay entitled “Before the litmus tests.”
And in The Washington Post, Bruce Fein has an op-ed entitled “Don’t Run From the Truth: Why Alito Shouldn’t Deny His Real Convictions.”
“Casey’s clear view on abortion could muddy campaign waters”: The Philadelphia Inquirer contains this article today.
“Possible Alito filibuster heats up D.C.” This article appears today in The Deseret Morning News.
“Evolution Trial in Hands of Willing Judge”: Today’s edition of The New York Times contains this profile of U.S. District Judge John E. Jones III of the Middle District of Pennsylvania. Jones lives in Pottsville, Pennsylvania, which is home of Yuengling Brewery and also where my clerkship for Judge William D. Hutchinson of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit was based.
Here’s a Los Angeles Times op-ed in need of fact-checking: A bit earlier, I noted here that Law Professor Marci A. Hamilton has an op-ed entitled “Is the court Catholic? If the Senate confirms Alito, a majority of the justices would share a faith tradition” in Sunday’s issue of The Los Angeles Times.
In the second to last paragraph of the op-ed, Professor Hamilton writes: “If one were looking for a predominant influence on the Supreme Court, it would seem to be Harvard Law School, not Catholicism. In addition to those listed above, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, David H. Souter and Stephen G. Breyer attended Harvard Law, which means that if Alito is confirmed, the school will have seven graduates on the high court.” Unfortunately, the statement that “if Alito is confirmed, [Harvard Law School] will have seven graduates on the high court” is wrong in at least three different ways.
First, earlier in the op-ed, Professor Hamilton incorrectly states that Justice Clarence Thomas attended law school at Harvard. On the contrary, Justice Thomas received his Juris Doctor from Yale Law School.
Second, while Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg began law school at Harvard, she transferred to Columbia Law School and received her LL.B. from Columbia. Thus, she cannot be counted as a graduate of Harvard Law.
And finally, Professor Hamilton’s statement in her op-ed that “if Alito is confirmed, [Harvard Law School] will have seven graduates on the high court” implies that Samuel A. Alito, Jr.‘s confirmation would somehow alter the number of Harvard Law School graduates on the Court. Yet because neither Alito nor the Justice he is slated to replace, Sandra Day O’Connor, graduated from Harvard Law, Alito’s confirmation will do nothing to affect the number of Harvard Law graduates on the Court. And because neither Justice Thomas nor Justice Ginsburg graduated from Harvard Law, whether or not Alito is confirmed the number of Harvard Law graduates on the Court will remain at five. Which, ironically, will be the same as the number of Catholics on the Court if Alito is confirmed according to Professor Hamilton’s op-ed.