Available online from National Public Radio: This evening’s broadcast of “All Things Considered” contained a segment entitled “Alito Advocated Immunity for U.S. Wiretap Use.”
And today’s broadcast of “Talk of the Nation” contained a segment entitled “Penn. Trial Sends Intelligent Design Out of Class.”
RealPlayer is required to launch these audio segments.
“Alito Urged Wiretap Immunity; Memo Offers Look at Nominee on Privacy”: This front page article will appear Monday in The Washington Post.
Available online from The New York Times: Saturday’s newspaper will contain articles headlined “Spy Agency Mined Vast Data Trove, Officials Report” and “China Indicts Times Researcher, Saying He Disclosed State Secrets.”
And Adam Liptak and David E. Rosenbaum have a news update headlined “Alito Defended Wiretap Protections in 1984 Memo.”
“In 1984 memo, Alito defends wiretapping protections for officials”: Jonathan S. Landay of Knight Ridder Newspapers provides this report.
The Associated Press is reporting: Now available online are articles headlined “Alito Defended Ordering Domestic Wiretaps” and “Judge Lets Man Change Name to Jesus Christ.”
Available online from law.com: Tony Mauro reports on “The Tug of War Over O’Connor: She was to retire this year, but she’s still there — even as the battle over her legacy rages.”
And Lauren Gelman has an essay entitled “The Virtue of an Activist Judge in a Time of Terror.”
“Yes, Virginia, there really is a Bob Loblaw Law Blog”: Steve Johnson has this post today at his blog “Internet critic” hosted by The Chicago Tribune. My earlier coverage is here.
Update: The “Bob Loblaw law blog” video clip from “Arrested Development” can be viewed via this link.
University of Chicago Law Professor Albert Alschuler offers criticism of this week’s federal court “intelligent design” ruling: At that law school’s “Faculty Blog,” he has posts titled “The Dover Intelligent Design Decision, Part I: Of Motive, Effect, and History” and “The Dover Intelligent Design Decision, Part II: Of Science and Religion.” You can access the ruling at this link.
“Supreme Court is asked to reconsider Richey case”: The Toledo Blade today contains an article that begins, “Kenneth Richey’s attorneys planned to ask the U.S. Supreme Court last night to reconsider a November decision reinstating his murder conviction and death sentence while sending part of his appeal back to a lower court.”
An even more recent report from The Associated Press is headlined “British death-row inmate seeks Supreme Court review.”
And The Press Association (UK) reports that “Death-row inmate seeks court review.”
“Santorum’s comments a surprise; A Christian law center’s counsel blames politics; The senator’s rival calls him a ‘flip-flopper’ on Dover case”: This article appears today in The Philadelphia Inquirer.
“Little Help From Justices on Spy Program”: Adam Liptak has this article today in The New York Times.
“China Moves to Put Jailed Times Researcher on Trial”: The New York Times provides this news update.
“Wal-Mart Plans to Appeal $172M Judgment”: David Kravets of The Associated Press provides this report. No word yet on whether attorneys for Wal-Mart working on the appeal will be permitted to take lunch breaks.
Article III Groupie, gone but not forgotten: See the attorney listed last at the bottom of page 2 of this order amending opinion that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit issued today.
“Nun freed after serving 3 years for war protest”: The Baltimore Sun today contains an article that begins, “Sister Ardeth Platte, 69, walked out of a federal prison in Danbury, Conn., yesterday morning filled with peace and joy, but not a bit of remorse for her crime.”
The Denver Post reports today that “3rd pacifist nun who defaced Weld missile silo is released.”
The Rocky Mountain News reports that “Peace activist nun gets out of prison.”
And The Danbury News-Times reports that “Pacifist nun out of prison; Dominican sister says time at FCI was ‘sacred.’”
“U.S. attorney hopeful backs out; Cites year-long process”: This article appears today in The Denver Post.
And The Fort Collins Coloradoan reports today that “VanMeveren pulls nomination; Former DA decides not to pursue U.S. attorney post.”
“David Letterman Gets Laughs From Restraining Order”: News Talk Radio 580 CFRA provides this report. According to the report, “A New Mexico state judge granted a termporary restraining order against Letterman to stay way from Colleen Nestler, who believes Letterman was sending her coded messages. In Thursday night’s monologue, Letterman said a joke he had just told wasn’t really a joke, but a ‘coded message.’ However, Letterman didn’t specifically mention the restraining order or Nestler.”
You can listen to last night’s Late Show monologue by clicking here (RealPlayer required).
Today, The Santa Fe New Mexican contains an article headlined “Advocate: Letterman order a ‘mistake.’” The article contains links to various court filings in the case, including “PDF of Letterman’s Motion to Quash TRO.”
“Wiretaps said to sift all overseas contacts; Vast US effort seen on eavesdropping”: Today in The Boston Globe, Charlie Savage has an article that begins, “The National Security Agency, in carrying out President Bush’s order to intercept the international phone calls and e-mails of Americans suspected of links to Al Qaeda, has probably been using computers to monitor all other Americans’ international communications as well, according to specialists familiar with the workings of the NSA.”
“Alito Defended Officials From Wiretap Suits”: The Associated Press provides this report. The documents that the National Archives released today are available via this link.
“An intelligent decision: A Republican judge does the nation a favor by revealing intelligent design as creationism renamed and an attempt to put religion in the science classroom.” The St. Petersburg Times contains this editorial today.
And online at Reason, Ronald Bailey has an essay entitled “Christian Science: Trial exposes intelligent design as the religion it is.”
“Mr. Padilla in Captivity”: This interesting editorial appears today in The Washington Post.
“Judge blocks video game limits”: Claire Cooper, legal affairs writer for The Sacramento Bee, has this article today.
The San Francisco Chronicle today contains articles headlined “Judge blocks ban on sale of violent video games to minors” and “Shoppers call judge’s video ruling irrelevant; Minors say they’ll get the games they want, legal or not.”
And The Los Angeles Times contains an article headlined “Judge Halts Limits on Game Sales to Kids; Once civil liberties advocate observes that the ruling follows a pattern of ‘…law passes, gets challenged, gets struck down; Rinse, lather, repeat.’”
“Courthouse Epithet: No excuse for this outburst.” The Philadelphia Inquirer contains this editorial today. My earlier coverage is here.
“Alito Examined Rehnquist Ethics Questions”: The Associated Press provides this report about a document that the National Archives released today.
D.C. Circuit rejects lawsuit brought by Judicial Watch, Inc. arguing that U.S. Senate rule allowing the filibuster of judicial nominations is unconstitutional: You can access today’s ruling at this link. Senior Circuit Judge Stephen F. Williams is the author of the court’s opinion, and he also has an interesting separate concurrence.
My earlier coverage of the district court’s ruling, which reached the same result via somewhat different reasoning, is here.
“Alito Argued to Overturn Roe in 1985 Memo”: The AP provides this report. Am I wrong in remembering that this memo was already produced in one of the earlier National Archives document releases? Apparently I’m not wrong (see also here).
“Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito said in a 1985 document that the landmark Roe v. Wade ruling legalizing abortion should be overturned.” The Associated Press has issued this news alert.
And in other news from The AP, “Bush May Find Allies in Court Nominees.”
“Kennedy calls for release of CAP archives; Says documents may shed more light on Alito’s views”: The Daily Princetonian provides this news update.
“National Archives Opens Additional Samuel Alito Records”: At 9 a.m. eastern time, just moments from now, the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (as detailed in this press release) is scheduled to make available via this link a new set of documents.
“Judges reverse lawsuit awards for LR officers; Panel: Release of files doesn’t reach ‘deliberate indifference'”: The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette contains this article today. My earlier coverage is here.
“Verdict tags Wal-Mart for $172 million; Alameda County jury decides retailer broke 2001 law guaranteeing workers’ lunch breaks”: This article appears today in The Oakland Tribune.
The San Francisco Chronicle today contains an article headlined “Gigantic verdict against Wal-Mart; Oakland jury orders $172 million paid for lack of lunch breaks.”
The Los Angeles Times reports today that “Wal-Mart Workers Win Suit; A jury orders the world’s largest retailer to pay $172 million for violations of a California law that requires meal breaks for employees.”
The New York Times reports that “Jury Rules Wal-Mart Must Pay $172 Million Over Meal Breaks.”
And The Washington Post reports that “Calif. Jury Backs Wal-Mart Workers; Thousands Claimed They Were Denied Lunchtime Breaks.”
“Unable to End ‘Unlawful’ Detention, Judge Says”: The Washington Post today contains an article that begins, “A federal judge in Washington ruled yesterday that the continued detention of two ethnic Uighurs at the U.S. prison facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, is “unlawful,” but he decided he had no authority to order their release.”
The memorandum and order that District Judge Judge James Robertson of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia issued yesterday are available online.