“Senate Democrats Emphasizing Ethics, Not Alito; Unable to Keep Conservatives Off Court, Leaders Turn to Issues That Have More Traction With Voters”: This article will appear Monday in The Washington Post. In addition, Dana Milbank will have an article headlined “I, I, Sir: The Alito Hearings, Annotated.”
Monday’s edition of The Richmond Times-Dispatch will contain an article headlined “M. Warner: Would not have nominated Alito.”
Monday in The New York Times, columnist Bob Herbert will have an op-ed entitled “Judicial Gag Rule” (TimesSelect subscription required).
And Monday in USA Today, Fred Graham will have an op-ed entitled “In need of review: life tenure on the U.S. Supreme Court.”
“Getting Over Alito”: The January 23, 2006 issue of Time magazine will contain this “Notebook” item.
“Legal Experts Question Translator’s Conviction; Trial Transcripts Show Lack of Evidence”: This front page article will appear Monday in The Washington Post.
“Not All Law Is Politics in Robes”: Law Professor Jonathan H. Adler had this “Rule of Law” essay (pass-through link) yesterday in The Wall Street Journal.
“Justice Resnick to retire from Ohio Supreme Court”: This article appears today in The Cleveland Plain Dealer.
The Toledo Blade reports today that “Resnick confirms she plans to retire; Democrat cites family concerns.”
And The Columbus Dispatch reports that “Resnick won’t seek 4th term on high court.”
In the January 23, 2006 issue of Newsweek: The magazine will contain articles headlined “Read ‘Em and Weep — Lower expectations, let the Senate self-destruct: a Supreme success formula” and “Joe Biden: It’s Time to Change the Conversation.” In addition, columnist Jonathan Alter will have an essay entitled “A Power Outage on Capitol Hill: We are in danger of scrapping our checks and balances–not just for a few years (as was done during the Civil War), but for good.”
“Feinstein Warns Against Alito Filibuster”: Hope Yen of The Associated Press provides this report.
On this week’s broadcast of NPR‘s “On the Media“: The broadcast contained a segment entitled “Civics Lesson” featuring law.com’s Tony Mauro and a segment entitled “Camera Shy” (about cameras in the U.S. Supreme Court) featuring C-SPAN’s Brian Lamb. Both audio clips are in mp3 format.
“Figment of imagination: There is no constitutional right to privacy; Call a national referendum to settle the issue.” Circuit Judge Harold R. DeMoss, Jr. of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit has this op-ed today in The Houston Chronicle.
“All about Alito (or not)”: The Los Angeles Times contains this editorial today.
The Philadelphia Inquirer today contains an editorial entitled “Confirm Judge Alito.”
The Baltimore Sun contains an editorial entitled “Not good enough.”
In The Washington Post, columnist David S. Broder has an op-ed entitled “The Company Man.”
In The New York Times, columnist David Brooks has an op-ed entitled “In Praise of Joe Biden” (TimesSelect subscription required).
The Republican of Springfield, Massachusetts contains an editorial entitled “It can be confirmed: Alito hearings no help.”
The Hartford Courant contains an editorial entitled “Forget About The Hearings?” And Law Professor Sanford Levinson has an op-ed entitled “Power Ploy — For Republicans, the furor over Roe vs. Wade is a useful distraction from the real prize Samuel Alito can help deliver on the Supreme Court: vastly expanded presidential authority.”
The Sacramento Bee contains an editorial entitled “Constitutional powers hanging in the balance; Alito nomination gives senators a chance to re-assert the rightful role of Congress.” And Paul Greenberg has an op-ed entitled “Camera doesn’t lie: Sam Alito is no Robert Bork.”
The Oregonian contains an editorial entitled “The judge of Bush’s dreams: Senators lulled by Alito’s mild demeanor and legal skills can’t ignore the likely consequences of confirmation.”
The Grand Rapids Press contains an editorial entitled “An able addition to the high court.”
The Day of New London, Connecticut contains an editorial entitled “Confirm Judge Samuel Alito; Judge’s intellect, integrity commend him to nation’s highest court.”
The Morning Sentinel of Maine contains an editorial entitled “Alito ready to take his place on Supreme Court” that begins, “Samuel A. Alito Jr. should be confirmed as an associate justice on the U.S. Supreme Court.”
The Los Angeles Daily News contains an editorial entitled “Confirm Alito: Supreme Court nominee puts professionalism over ideology.” And Jonathan Dobrer has an op-ed entitled “Hearings all pomp, no circumstance.”
The News Leader of Staunton, Virginia contains an editorial entitled “Hearings served no one.”
The St. Petersburg Times contains an op-ed by George K. Rahdert entitled “The Sam Alito I know.”
In The Boston Globe, columnist Joan Vennochi has an op-ed entitled “Pro-Roe and pro-Alito.”
In Newsday, columnist Les Payne has an op-ed entitled “King would get a kick out of Alito show.” And sports columnist Chuck Culpepper has an op-ed entitled “Batting practice experience could make him swing vote.”
In The Chicago Sun-Times, columnist Mark Steyn has an op-ed entitled “Ham-handed Dems didn’t lay a glove on Alito.”
In The Dallas Morning News, Mark Davis has an op-ed entitled “What planet are Democrats from? As if attacking Alito weren’t enough, they also lied about Roe vs. Wade.”
In The Naples Daily News, Phil Lewis has an op-ed entitled “Samuel Alito weighs in on the First Amendment.”
In The Seattle Times, Julia K. Stronks has an op-ed entitled “Breyer v. Scalia: Will Alito be an activist or a textualist?”
In The San Jose Mercury News, Jim Puzzanghera has an op-ed entitled “The art of saying nothing.”
In The Richmond Times-Dispatch, Marsha Mercer has an op-ed entitled “Live From D.C., It’s…?: Alito Leaves Open Notion of Cameras in High Court.”
In The Washington Times, Dan K. Thomasson has an op-ed entitled “Confirmation barometer.”
And in The Ventura County Star, Stanislaus Pulle has an op-ed entitled “Alito demonstrates judicial restraint,” while Gary M. Galles has an op-ed entitled “No nominee could unite the country.”
“Can Congress matter? Congress, more than the court, scholars say, is the branch that’s supposed to keep executive power in check; If it has failed, it has no one but itself to blame.” This article appears today in the Ideas section of The Boston Globe.
“Abortion gets wide protection in Md. law; Procedure likely to remain available if Roe is overturned”: The Baltimore Sun contains this article today.
“Immigrant’s son emerges as rising legal star; Texas solicitor general driven by beliefs, guided by law”: This profile of Texas Solicitor General Ted Cruz appears today in The Austin American-Statesman.
“Alito May Quickly Affect Laws; His confirmation to the high court would make him a decisive vote in several upcoming cases”: David G. Savage has this article today in The Los Angeles Times.
The San Francisco Chronicle today contains an article headlined “Shuffling nominees, Bush may hit jackpot.”
The Denver Post reports that “Salazar silent on how he’ll vote on Alito.”
And The Kennebec (Me.) Journal reports that “Anti-abortion activists see hope in realigned court.”