Available online from law.com: An article reports that “Calif. Supreme Court Slams Former Prosecutor’s Credibility.”
In other news, “Fired From Case, Milberg Weiss Feels First Aftershock From Indictment.”
An article reports that “Sidley Could Face $100M Liability in Opt-Outs; With many tax case plaintiffs refusing to settle, firm’s share of liability costs could hit nine-figure mark, says attorney.”
Eric Wesenberg and Peter O’Rourke have an essay entitled “The Toll on the Troll: The Implications of ‘eBay v. MercExchange.’”
And the brand new installment of my “On Appeal” column is headlined “Scalia-Alito Is the New O’Connor-Ginsburg.”
“Employers wiping out Net surfing on the job”: The Chicago Tribune contains this article today.
“Sniper Slayings Tied to Rifle Found in Muhammad’s Car”: This article appears today in The Washington Post.
And The Baltimore Sun reports today that “Rifle linked to sniper suspect; Ballistics expert tell jury recovered Bushmaster was involved in 8 killings.”
“Same-sex adoption law struck; Oklahoma told to honor other states’ decisions”: The Oklahoman today contains an article that begins, “A federal judge Friday swept away a Norman mother’s fears that the state of Oklahoma could deny her parental rights because she is gay. U.S. District Judge Robin Cauthron ruled unconstitutional a state law banning recognition of out-of-state adoptions by same-sex parents.”
And The Associated Press reports that “Judge Strikes Down Okla. Gay Adoption Law.”
Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund yesterday issued a press release entitled “Federal Court Strikes Down Oklahoma’s Extreme Antigay Adoption Law in Lawsuit Brought by Lambda Legal.”
I have uploaded a copy of yesterday’s ruling of the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Oklahoma at this link.
“Prison-Based Gerrymandering”: This editorial appears today in The New York Times.
“Big Fish: It’s time to put the al-Qaida ringleaders on trial.” Dahlia Lithwick has this jurisprudence essay online at Slate.
“Edward R. Becker, 73, Judge on Federal Court of Appeals, Dies”: This obituary appears today in The New York Times.
The Philadelphia Inquirer today contains an obituary headlined “U.S. Judge Edward R. Becker dies; The Phila.-based jurist was one of the most influential appellate judges, renowned for his learning and modesty.”
And The Philadelphia Daily News contains an obituary headlined “City loses one of its ‘greatest’; Judge Edward Becker, named to federal bench at age 37, dies.”