“Blawg Review #78”: Available online here, at “Human Law.”
Posted at 8:40 PM by Howard Bashman
Sunday, October 8, 2006
“Blawg Review #78”: Available online here, at “Human Law.” Posted at 8:40 PM by Howard Bashman“South Dakota Nears Vote on Abortion Ban”: The Associated Press provides this report. Posted at 6:04 PM by Howard Bashman“Richard Posner is probably the greatest living American jurist”: So says “Project Posner,” which via this link allows you to search freely through the opinions of Seventh Circuit Judge Richard A. Posner. Back in December 2003, I published this blog’s “20 questions for the appellate judge” interview with Judge Posner. Posted at 5:45 PM by Howard Bashman“Fielder’s Choice”: In today’s Sunday Book Review section of The New York Times, David Margolick has this review of Brad Snyder’s new book, “A Well-Paid Slave: Curt Flood’s Fight for Free Agency in Professional Sports.” I received an advance copy of the book last month, and I have greatly enjoyed reading it thus far. Posted at 11:54 AM by Howard Bashman“Hazarding Personal Opinions in Public Can Be Hazardous for Journalists”: Today in The New York Times, Public Editor Byron Calame has an essay that begins, “A four-month-old speech by Linda Greenhouse, The New York Times’s much-honored Supreme Court reporter for 28 years, has suddenly raised anew two thorny questions related to the paper’s ethics guideline covering the public expression of personal opinions by news staffers.” Posted at 11:50 AM by Howard BashmanThe New York Times is reporting: Today’s newspaper contains articles headlined “Castro Foe With C.I.A. Ties Puts U.S. in an Awkward Spot“; “Rosa Parks Won a Fight, but Left a Licensing Rift“; and “One-Eyed Referee Flags the Big Ten Over Firing.” Posted at 11:45 AM by Howard Bashman“How the Democrats Would Rule the Hill”: Today in The New York Times, Robin Toner has an article reporting that “A Democratic majority in the Senate could also stymie, or at least slow, the conservative reconstruction of the Supreme Court, assuming another vacancy occurs in the next two years, and force President Bush to seek more bipartisanship on all judicial nominees.” Posted at 11:44 AM by Howard Bashman“Anger Drives Property Rights Measures”: The New York Times contains this article today. According to the article, “More than a year after Suzette Kelo and several of her neighbors in New London, Conn., lost their battle against eminent domain in the United States Supreme Court, the backlash against the ruling has made property rights one of the most closely watched ballot issues nationwide.” Posted at 11:35 AM by Howard Bashman“Does George Mitchell have the juice? ‘All conflicts are created and sustained by human beings,’ says former Senate majority leader George Mitchell, who learned that while brokering peace in Northern Ireland. He’s using those lessons to try to uncover baseball’s secrets about steroids. Plenty of people say he’s the wrong man for the job. But history says don’t count him out so easily.” This lengthy article is the cover story of the Magazine section of today’s issue of The Boston Globe. Posted at 9:44 AM by Howard Bashman“Same-sex ceremony stalls judicial nominee”: Yesterday’s edition of The Grand Rapids Press contained an article that begins, “The nomination of Michigan Court of Appeals Judge Janet Neff to the federal bench is on hold because she helped lead a commitment ceremony for a lesbian couple four years ago.” Posted at 9:37 AM by Howard BashmanIn Monday’s issue of The National Law Journal: The publication will contain an article headlined “Law blogs raising prickly ethical issues; States debate if it’s free speech or ad” (free access). Of course, those two categories are not mutually exclusive. And Brad Risinger will have an essay entitled “Federal judicial selection: Make process bipartisan” (free access). Posted at 9:32 AM by Howard Bashman“Breyer’s Near Miss and a Well-Attended Mass”: Tony Mauro will have this article (free access) in Monday’s issue of Legal Times. Posted at 9:28 AM by Howard Bashman“Court backs newspaper on computer seizure”: Yesterday’s issue of The Lancaster (Pa.) Intelligencer Journal contained an article that begins, “The state Supreme Court Friday reversed a judge’s order that Lancaster Newspapers Inc. turn over two reporters’ computers to the state attorney general. In a 20-page opinion, the justices called the government’s attempt to seize the newsroom computers ‘unduly intrusive.'” And The Associated Press reports that “Court Rules in Favor of Newspaper.” Friday’s ruling of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania consisted of a majority opinion and an opinion concurring in part and dissenting in part. Posted at 9:25 AM by Howard Bashman“O’Connor defends division of church, state; The system has served the U.S. well, the retired justice tells a W&M audience”: This article appears today in The Richmond Times-Dispatch. Posted at 9:20 AM by Howard Bashman |