“Court to hear a new death penalty case”: Lyle Denniston has this post at “SCOTUSblog” reporting on the Order List that the U.S. Supreme Court issued yesterday.
And today in The Houston Chronicle, Patty Reinert reports that “High court to hear 2 more Texas capital cases; Panel will decide whether judges are complying with its rulings on faulty jury instructions.”
“Toe-to-Tow: John Grisham v. Piedmont Virginia Parking.” Jonathan Coleman will have this “Letter From Charlottesville” Sunday in The Washington Post.
“Expecting U.S. Help, Sent to Guantanamo”: This article will appear Sunday in The New York Times.
“Is It Treason? Getting American Adam Gadahn convicted for conspiring with Al Qaeda may be too tough a task for the feds.” Law Professor Eugene Volokh has this op-ed today in The Los Angeles Times.
“159-Year Sentence Upheld but Called Absurd; In the case of a mentally disturbed robber, a justice says courts are hamstrung by Congress”: The Los Angeles Times today contains this article, in which the Ninth Circuit judge who issued the majority opinion has her last name misspelled. My earlier coverage appears at this link.
“Wiccans Want Their Star on Vets’ Graves; The VA allows use of 38 other emblems of faith, but not the pentacle; After nearly 10 years of efforts, lawsuit takes the issue to federal court”: This article appears today in The Los Angeles Times.
“Opposition to Abortion Won’t Affect Job, Steele Says”: The Washington Post today contains an article that begins, “Maryland Senate candidate Michael S. Steele said yesterday that his strong personal opposition to legalizing abortion would not factor into his work in Washington, or his evaluation of a nominee for U.S. Supreme Court justice, should he be elected next month.”
“Ads on marriage amendment to air; Supporters, opponents starting commercials on radio, television”: The Richmond Times-Dispatch contains this article today.
And The Washington Post reports today that “Ban’s Foes To Run Ad Across Va.”
“Coerced Confession Traps Detainee, Lawyers Say; Former Prisoner of Taliban Held at Guantanamo”: This article appears today in The Washington Post.
And The Los Angeles Times reports today that “Alleged Beatings to Be Investigated; The military will look into claims that guards bragged of hurting Guantanamo prisoners.”
“U.S. govt appeals court’s NSA wiretapping decision”: Reuters provides this report.
“Court orders review to see if killer is mentally retarded”: Today in The San Francisco Chronicle, Bob Egelko has an article that begins, “The state Supreme Court has ordered new legal proceedings to determine whether an Oakland man convicted of three drug-related murders in 1989 should be exempted from the death penalty because he is mentally retarded.”