The blog “Crescat Sententia” has moved to a new online address: Details here.
Posted at 10:15 PM by Howard Bashman
Sunday, November 5, 2006
The blog “Crescat Sententia” has moved to a new online address: Details here. Posted at 10:15 PM by Howard Bashman“For unions, a Supreme test of fairness”: In Monday’s edition of The Christian Science Monitor, Bob Williams will have an op-ed that begins, “It’s the homestretch of election season, and Americans take it for granted that the airwaves buzz with political ads, campaign consultants dash around districts, and union dollars flow generously into the pockets of liberal politicians. This year, however, unions don’t take it for granted. They have their eye on two Supreme Court cases that could affect how they spend mandatory dues.” Posted at 8:57 PM by Howard Bashman“Inside Bomber Row: How America’s most dangerous criminals mix with a Who’s Who of the global jihad in a Colorado prison.” The November 13, 2006 issue of Time magazine will contain this lengthy article about the federal Supermax prison in Florence, Colorado. Posted at 8:54 PM by Howard Bashman“Attorneys hit law denying child-porn evidence access”: The Associated Press provides a report that begins, “Defense attorneys in a child pornography case contend that a new federal law restricting their access to key evidence is unconstitutional.” Posted at 11:20 AM by Howard Bashman“Unease over abortion ban runs deep; South Dakotans express misgivings about the law, the nation’s strictest; Voters are asked to uphold it”: This article appears today in The Los Angeles Times. Posted at 11:18 AM by Howard Bashman“Prejudging the judges”: The Boston Globe today contains an editorial that begins, “Conservatives have a new cause to rally the faithful at the polls in this week’s national election: those scary activist judges.” Posted at 11:12 AM by Howard Bashman“Frank W. Dunham Jr.; Defended Terrorism Suspects’ Rights”: The Washington Post today contains an obituary that begins, “Frank W. Dunham Jr., 64, who fought for Zacarias Moussaoui and other well-known terrorism suspects as the first federal public defender in Alexandria, died Nov. 3 of brain cancer at his Alexandria home.” Posted at 10:28 AM by Howard Bashman“Tribunal to Debut With Congo Case; Prosecution of Rebel Leader Could Quiet Criticism of International Criminal Court”: This article appears today in The Washington Post. Posted at 10:20 AM by Howard Bashman“Detainees’ Access to Lawyers Is Security Risk, C.I.A. Says”: The New York Times today contains an article that begins, “The Central Intelligence Agency and the Justice Department have told a federal court that permitting lawyers access to high-level Qaeda suspects without tighter secrecy procedures could damage national security by revealing harsh ‘alternative interrogation methods’ used in secret C.I.A. prisons overseas.” Posted at 9:54 AM by Howard Bashman“O’Connor Worries About Courts’ Autonomy”: The Associated Press provides this report. Posted at 9:45 AM by Howard Bashman“State shapes as abortion battleground”: Monday’s edition of The Australian will contain an article that begins, “Its best known for Mount Rushmore and as the birthplace of the great Sioux chiefs Sitting Bull, Red Cloud and Crazy Horse, but a new kind of fame awaits conservative South Dakota at tomorrow’s US mid-term elections.” Posted at 9:40 AM by Howard Bashman“Saddam Hussein Is Sentenced to Death”: The New York Times provides this news update. The Washington Post provides a news update headlined “Hussein Sentenced to Hang for Crimes Against Iraqis; Thousands Take to Street in Tikrit in Defiance of Curfew.” The Los Angeles Times provides a news update headlined “Hussein found guilty of crimes against humanity; Former Iraqi leader and two others are sentenced to hang.” McClatchy Newspapers report that “Saddam sentenced to death by hanging.” BBC News reports that “Saddam Hussein sentenced to death; Saddam Hussein has been convicted of crimes against humanity and sentenced to death by hanging.” And reports that “Saddam Hussein sentenced to death by hanging.” Posted at 9:30 AM by Howard Bashman |